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Post#1 » Mon Oct 07, 2019 3:57 pm

Greetings fellow players!

This morning (and not only in one occasion if I could add), we had a castle defense in T3 the winning side (Destruction) bolstered their forces with people from Order which they logged out and logged in as destro to win the RR points.This is gamebraking because we could have a proper defense but suddenly from a full warband and maybe more,we left with half of our forces!
I want to suggest a restriction on faction change.For example If you change to Destruction to Order or vice versa you could not change back for a week or something similar because it's just plain cheating.


Posts: 7229


Post#2 » Mon Oct 07, 2019 4:12 pm

elminister84 wrote: Mon Oct 07, 2019 3:57 pm Greetings fellow players!

This morning (and not only in one occasion if I could add), we had a castle defense in T3 the winning side (Destruction) bolstered their forces with people from Order which they logged out and logged in as destro to win the RR points.This is gamebraking because we could have a proper defense but suddenly from a full warband and maybe more,we left with half of our forces!
I want to suggest a restriction on faction change.For example If you change to Destruction to Order or vice versa you could not change back for a week or something similar because it's just plain cheating.

What a refreshing idea, I am sure nobody else ever suggested this. :D /jk

Maybe half of your warband was annoyed by feeding the enemy, so they logged off or did something else in this content-rich game, like growing goldweed or chasing unicorns in avelorn?
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Post#3 » Mon Oct 07, 2019 4:40 pm

There is no way to stop x-realming since there is nothing preventing people from making another account to play as the other faction.

Ik its annoying and a crappy thing to do but not much can be done.
Brynnoth Goldenbeard (40/80) (IB) -- Rundin Fireheart (40/50) (RP) -- Ungrinn (40/40) (Engi)-- Bramm Bloodaxe (40/83) (Slayer) and a few Empire characters here or there, maybe even an elf.

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Post#4 » Mon Oct 14, 2019 2:49 pm

So.. this is xrealm topic #Ninethousendeighthundredandninetysix.

Shall we elaborate this again? Yeah, why not.

The arguments against a lockout timer are now:

#1. "You can't limit the player freedom!"
So, player freedom in this case consists of "winteam joining"

#2. "You have to prove the xrealm in the first place!" (lol)
Yeah right, short daily example:
Player count in zone: 70 Order - 40 Destro.
Destro WB wipes Order WB "X" and WB "Y" twice or more.
New player count in zone: 40 Order - 90 Destro.
New Destro PUG overflow warband out of nowhere.

3. "They will make a 2nd account anyway!".
Will they? One account policy maybe? There is no need for two accounts anyway.

A one hour lockout timer would be annoying enough and maybe do the trick. Deleting the contribution on character change does not help.
The worse thing about xrealming is that the overall realm combat capability, performance and motivation in the zone drops for both realms.
Bad geared xrealming players, sudden RR Malus and warcamp/keep hugging/camping.
Basically the first stage of Zerging.
Last edited by madrocks on Mon Oct 14, 2019 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post#5 » Mon Oct 14, 2019 4:22 pm

RvR is inherently unfair and at the whim of the players. Isnt that the point?

So the factions being totally out of balance is ok as long as everyone logs on to the large faction right away? But once you log into to a faction, that faction has some type of claim on you and you are forced to play with them? Where is the logic in that?

If you want RvR to be balanced a lot of things need to be done like putting in a population cap. I think most people dont want things like that in RvR. So if you arent putting in effort to making RvR fair and balanced, people playing whatever side they want whenever they want shouldnt be a big deal.

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Post#6 » Mon Oct 14, 2019 5:27 pm

madrocks wrote: Mon Oct 14, 2019 2:49 pm So.. this is xrealm topic #Ninethousendeighthundredandninetysix.

Shall we elaborate this again? Yeah, why not.

The arguments against a lockout timer are now:

#1. "You can't limit the player freedom!"
So, player freedom in this case consists of "winteam joining"

#2. "You have to prove the xrealm in the first place!" (lol)
Yeah right, short daily example:
Player count in zone: 70 Order - 40 Destro.
Destro WB wipes Order WB "X" and WB "Y" twice or more.
New player count in zone: 40 Order - 90 Destro.
New Destro PUG overflow warband out of nowhere.

3. "They will make a 2nd account anyway!".
Will they? One account policy maybe? There is no need for two accounts anyway.

A one hour lockout timer would be annoying enough. Deleting the contribution on character change does not help.
The worse thing about xrealming is that the overall realm combat capability, performance and motivation in the zone drops for both realms.
Bad geared xrealming players, sudden RR Malus and warcamp/keep hugging/camping.
Basically the first stage of Zerging.
1. that no counterargument, basically a claim that most player allegedly switch sides after some wipes.
2. could also be very well that the order players simply log out after some futile attempts. People from all over the world play at this server, so you could be never sure, thats not simply new players that log in while others log out.
3. you can´t play all classes with one account and I assume some ppl already have more accounts and well developed toons on all of them. Would be quite harsh, when they have to get rid of them.

In my opinion the one thing which encourages zerging and staying/joining winning side is that the rvr endgear is locked behind fort access. So ppl that would otherwise switch to the underpopulated realm (to profit from AAO), don´t do this if they still need invader gear.

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Post#7 » Mon Oct 14, 2019 7:03 pm

Logged in when Praag was active. Played destro. Fight moved to CW, I went to my engi. Only need jewel for full set on a 2nd order toon. Not like there wont be other fights, with less at stake. Not going to care about anything as stupid as realm pride.
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Posts: 7229


Post#8 » Mon Oct 14, 2019 10:44 pm

Who cares about bad players re-logging to the "winning side"? More easy kills for all remaining players. It's not like strong groups or organized warbands xrealm to the bigger realm.
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Post#9 » Tue Oct 15, 2019 1:58 am

Against all odds can provide great rewards and should in itself be motivating enough to stay/play underdog side. If you dont already play a ”solo” class, you do not need more than 2-3 people to benefit from said mechanic. Also, faction pushing zone doesnt mean they will take fort too. You’d be better off with loads of renown rather than 2 extra inv meds for succesful fort attack. Altough that would not be true for every case.

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