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You Wot!? + Reactionary proc don't stack

Black Orc, Squig Herder, Choppa, Shaman
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Posts: 32

You Wot!? + Reactionary proc don't stack

Post#1 » Mon Nov 11, 2019 8:30 pm

You Wot!? overrides Reactionary proc from Boon (sentinel weapon) or 7 pieces Bloodlord.

Instead of getting +15% defense for You Wot!? + 10% defense for Reactionary proc (total 25% defense), you get one or the other but they don't stack.

This seems like it's a bug since other defensive skills like Suppression for the Chosen do stack with Reactionary proc.

(They get +25% parry for Suppression and +10% defenses for the proc total +35% parry)

Posts: 350

Re: You Wot!? + Reactionary proc don't stack

Post#2 » Mon Nov 11, 2019 8:50 pm

No, they don't. Supp will override the parry portion of a defense increasing proc.

Procs count as abilities, and abilities generally don't stack with each other.

Just to be more clear, while the buffs may look like they stack on the character sheet or on stat doll, if you were to do a .getstats when both of them are up, you would see that they don't.

Tactics generally stack with abilities (which also tend to stack with morales), so supp WOULD stack with mixed defenses.

Posts: 32

Re: You Wot!? + Reactionary proc don't stack

Post#3 » Mon Nov 11, 2019 9:17 pm

Thanks for clarifying!

Me and my chosen friend had a misunderstanding, I thought he was talking about Suppression but he was talking about Mixed Defenses.

Posts: 32

Re: You Wot!? + Reactionary proc don't stack

Post#4 » Thu Dec 05, 2019 3:52 am

Why is 4 vanquisher active defense proc stacking with you wot then?

Posts: 350

Re: You Wot!? + Reactionary proc don't stack

Post#5 » Thu Dec 05, 2019 4:06 am

If it actually does, then my assumption would be that it's a bug (since you wot is a dev created ability, and not originally created my Mythic).

Take a base SS of your .getstats, then one with the vanq proc up, then one with both vanq and you wot up, and compare them.

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