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The quaint adventures of a bored but curious Zealot - Shining Way

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The quaint adventures of a bored but curious Zealot - Shining Way

Post#1 » Sat Jan 18, 2020 1:39 pm

Unexplored corners of Warhammer. Never before seen spikey hills and mountains. If you believe hard enough, walls don't exist.
This is a series where I basically go to places not intended to be reached.
No cheats or punts were used.

This week's zone: The Shining Way

  • The islands and beaches all around are easily accessible by swimming there, or by taking your favourite mount right through the water to be faster.
  • Sadly, there's not a whole lot to discover. If you are bored, you can go there yourself and check out the borders of the map. This here looks much more interesting though.
  • Well, it would be if we didn't have fort sieges already, and for some reason the High Elves forgot to close their doors. While we're already there, let's take a quick look from the top.
  • Since this was seen by many adventurers, let's set a goal: I want to get behind the door of the High Elf city.
  • At a closer look, it seems like we won't get behind there so easily. Time for a break, as the next climb will be very tedious and frustrating.
  • There is always a way, even if it is tough and spikey. (I dare you to try get up there, even Mario would have his difficulties.)
  • Once I finally did it, the reward is a beautiful view of some wondrous grassy hills.
  • A short walk later, we are getting closer to the city. The distinctive towers of the High Elves are already in sight.
  • It seems like their city is actually underground. I can't find the entrance, it's likely hidden with some kind of magic.
  • Thankfully, the goal was "only" to get behind the door, and I did it!

So, my first mission was a success. I chose this one as the first zone to post my adventures because I knew that I can get up there (did it once before after almost half an hour of trying), but that it's also really difficult and most people aren't curious enough to try this.
If my screenshots looked interesting to you, stay tuned for the next adventure!

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Re: The quaint adventures of a bored but curious Zealot - Shining Way

Post#2 » Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:15 pm

Refreshing. Enterprising. Off the beaten path. I approve of this.

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Re: The quaint adventures of a bored but curious Zealot - Shining Way

Post#3 » Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:15 pm

Refreshing. Enterprising. Off the beaten path. I approve of this.

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Re: The quaint adventures of a bored but curious Zealot - Shining Way

Post#4 » Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:16 pm

Sorry double post

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Re: The quaint adventures of a bored but curious Zealot - Shining Way

Post#5 » Sat Jan 18, 2020 4:53 pm

Thank you, like said several times (because it's true ;)), it's refreshing.
There are beautiful places in this game. Would be curious to see more !
Kanzen, Knight of the blasing sun / Demonthyr, chosen of the dark gods

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Re: The quaint adventures of a bored but curious Zealot - Shining Way

Post#6 » Sat Jan 18, 2020 6:36 pm

This made me smile and in a weird way appreciate the game more. eternal hailz!
"To clarify, me asking to developers to go test their own changes is not sign of toxicity or anger, but a sign of hope that the people punching in the numbers remain aware of potential consequences and test their own changes"-Teefz

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Re: The quaint adventures of a bored but curious Zealot - Shining Way

Post#7 » Sat Jan 18, 2020 7:08 pm

Thanks for the replies. Next adventure will feature another fort and city entrance!

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Re: The quaint adventures of a bored but curious Zealot - Shining Way

Post#8 » Sat Jan 18, 2020 7:32 pm

Nice screenshots. I might be in the minority but I love the pve aspect of the game.

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Re: The quaint adventures of a bored but curious Zealot - Shining Way

Post#9 » Sat Jan 18, 2020 10:01 pm

It is a beautiful world
Morrdread Ladydread Kickyerbutt Tamorrah Whisperrss SutSut Amniell
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(and eight more to keep you guessing)

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Re: The quaint adventures of a bored but curious Zealot - Shining Way

Post#10 » Mon Mar 23, 2020 5:03 pm

Found something interesting regarding this zone. I was in fort siege and logged out in the lord room. Logging back in after campaing reset, the lord killed me and I respawned in a very strange spot, not in one of the destro fort siege camps like you would expect.

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