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Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

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Re: Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

Post#41 » Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:15 am

ReturnOfReckoning wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2020 6:05 pm [Abilities]

- Rune of Nullification and Changer's Touch will now only trigger off of single target abilities.

weird changes, it kills dps zeal / rp. :?
RIP to all characters which were geared up to fill that role in wb and
my condolences to the players who put the effort in this classes.

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Re: Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

Post#42 » Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:19 am

notre wrote: Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:29 am Is it's only purpose,
knock back the enemies so you can "be safe" WHILE you heal or doing something else.
Not only puts inmunnities now you can interrupt now it's trash.
You even played Zeal?
Since when u could cast winds and heal at same time? :D
Since when it gave immunities???
Show me ANY other skill that is chanelling, no immunity giving/uninterruptable cc.
SM 82 / IB 82 / KOTBS 82 / WL 82 / WP 72 / SW 75
CH 77 / BG 6X / BO 6X / WE 6X / MAG 6X ...and others.

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Re: Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

Post#43 » Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:30 am

zgolec wrote: Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:19 am You even played Zeal?
Since when u could cast winds and heal at same time? :D
Since when it gave immunities???
Show me ANY other skill that is chanelling, no immunity giving/uninterruptable cc.
1- No, it's just my main.
2- Last time i used, some time ago, after the patch where the punt sends the enemy to the clouds, you remember that? After that i switched to full ST with seems to work, but "HAS STAGGER!!" (joke).
3- "was" a toggle, so no "channeling" or "casting" "was" required, you just run out of ap faster.
4- anyway another reson to not use that skill.
8x -> Zealot
7x -> Magus, rSH, Sorcerer, Shammy Heal, mSH
6x -> Shammy dps
5x -> DoK , Wich Elf, Choppa, Chosen, BWizard
4x -> Mara
3x -> BG, Zealot dps
2x -> BO, 3rd Shammy

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Re: Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

Post#44 » Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:36 am

When it is so easy to taunt the zealot to stop WOL, why no tank manages to stop a pulling choppa?
Dying is no option.

Posts: 102

Re: Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

Post#45 » Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:43 am

Jeliel80 wrote: Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:14 am So you don't even know how the spell worked, but like to complain? Are you just trolling I guess?
It gave no immunities, couldn't be interrupted by absolutely any means (apart killing the zealot), it allowed you to cast whatever else you wanted during the duration, only thing rooted you in place.
Organized wb chaining zealot punts completely ovvrruled any order mdps composition or mixed composition.
It was absolutely broken, and even in this form is pretty powerful if timed correctly, but at least it's counterable.

and AP consumption means nothing, when you have double AP pots on 1 min cd.
I alredy wrote not just rooted in place its drained ur ap too, even whit ap ritual and high ap regen gear u come out WoI + other spells casted completly dry, u have to pop ap pots almost on CD. AND it could be interupted by that PUNT / AP drian, also just like Wam said, when u played agianst organised order wb-s u got the extra attention, punting away at begining of fights or pull in + kd + nuke. (or silnce, or root in a bad postion)

again in this form of the ability completly useless, u have to waste lot of mastery for it. u cant use it for deff purpose, and offensive purpose already got f. up, because aoe healdebuff nerf. so how is it powerfull still? if noone gone use it? like i said u can have it as a second punt, too bad for that the punt range is small, and if healers using it they cant heal under its effect so if they need to decide which to use, the will cast healing abilites.

Posts: 102

Re: Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

Post#46 » Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:46 am

Sulorie wrote: Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:36 am When it is so easy to taunt the zealot to stop WOL, why no tank manages to stop a pulling choppa?
Its easy, not much dps zeal was running around, u have marker addons. Chaotic agitation is channelable spell i got taunt interrupted a lot by good order players.

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Re: Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

Post#47 » Sun Feb 09, 2020 3:04 pm

ok, this system need more work, but no much.

Posts: 277

Re: Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

Post#48 » Sun Feb 09, 2020 3:13 pm

@woi changes
omg interuptable, guess couldnt interupt a choppa cant interupt a zealot :D

@changers touch/rune of nullification
considering game mechanics for magic attacks and the possiblilties in game its to much in my op, sure you can boost the abilities proc rate by a good amount, but so you could reduce the chance by far easier/ just on the way.
explanation for counters:
you got htl stacks up 3x 15%, can be countered by interaptions but not shutdown constantly.
you could get disrupt via renown points ~18%
you could use negative crit modifiers like kneecapper/crush the weak on ib/bg -20% or try an' hurt me/enervating blow on choppa/slayer, just -100% chance to crit for target :)

to add, yee harbinger of doom/rp shiny hands is nice you can swap your main stat, but you cant swap your tactics in fight and it should not change your rr points according to tooltip.
just to add what was already said in the other thread.

@devs did the dmg rune/ritual also proced the healdebuff tactic?

yee cool cities sieges on the one hand and on the other the game lost some more deepness today, atleast for a week...

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Re: Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

Post#49 » Sun Feb 09, 2020 3:36 pm

mubbl wrote: Sun Feb 09, 2020 3:13 pm@devs did the dmg rune/ritual also proced the healdebuff tactic?
Yes the tactic that added damage to rituals could crit and used to proc the heal debuff. I've tested it with the new patch and it no longer procs the tactic. The ritual damage tactic was worthless to take on its own before, and now between the bugs and no debuff proc it's worthless to take full stop.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

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Re: Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

Post#50 » Sun Feb 09, 2020 4:13 pm

I have a questions to the dev team.

Destruction don't have any heal debuff and no good abilities do displace order in close quarter fights anymore. Is there any nerf or rework planned to order increased healing and damage output?
I can elaborate my thoughts.
Since these changes came right with city sieges and Altdorf is 24vs24 secnarion which find place in its long, narrow streets; I see it very difficult for destruction to play against order 6+ bws composition. Every destruction premade warband had one dps zealot. His name was known and he was always marked. So he was constantly focused or staggered/silenced. In the current situation dps zealot wouldn't be able to use WOI more than 1 tick anytime because the ammount of players who can interrupt him >=8+. So this ability is not useful anymore in 24vs24 which is the end game now.
Another topic is the order raw healing and damage. DPS-Zealot was the way to even the odds against strong damage and healing output, that was brought by kotbs,wp and rp. The heal debuff is a magic attack on crit. Since in 24vs24 situation order tanks are mainly stacked and use HTL the ammount of discupts is quite high. This can't be corrected with positioning since abilities can be disrupted from all sides in opposite to the dok.
So what I see now is that order has an upper hand in all close quarter fights and destruction meta is narrowed to 4 sorcs, 4 maras/8 sorcs.
In my opinion it is time to remove self pump tactic from the bright wizard and sorc and grant the WL a tactic for morale drain on crit.

In the light of new sets I have yet another balance question.
Since new sets will bring increase in the critical hit chance, damage and flat % damage increase will we see a change to rampage? For example why don't make it reduce the chance to parry/block and not ignore it?
As it is right now this ability in combination with % armor penetration from the Invader is doing true damage to the enemy. It can't be removed in the most of the cases because it's burrowed under other enchantments and is clearly over performing.

Since you introduced that severe nerf to all aoe heal debuffs I wonder why don't you nerf all set bonuses that allows usage of AOE armor and heal debuffs as well? For example a bright wizzard's Blood Lord set.

Last but not least.
I find very good that developers taking part in enteral testing and look how premades work on field.
I think it's very healthy and should be practiced more on both sides.
Even tho I don't believe that this is the case of a bias, I find it very upsetting that a develpoer that is involved in a game balancing discussion plays in a premade on order side. And these premade even states on streams that the developer is taking part in internal testing.

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