Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

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Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#1 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 1:24 pm

Hello, I post this to share ideas/solutions/suggestions to help solve the problem we as a community are facing right now in what a City Siege requires for us to do and experience. I've sensed a discomfort feeling from the players the past days since the last Patch was implemented into the game.

We need motivation to defend/win oRvR Zones and play Scenarios. Specially for the High level RR players.

I will share Suggestions first and after that i'll show you why the current system we are playing on is a problem that needs to be worked on as soon as possible.

Please, i ask for you to share your own ideas replying to this post. You can use this very same simple scheme i'll be writing on.

How to farm Royal Crest and get your so desired Sovereign / Warlord gear? I give you this suggestions to improve Warhammer gameplay experience and to give high level renown players a reason to keep playing oRvR/Scenarios on this game and have fun on a daily basis.


-City Siege won't require 2 Forts to be locked by one side. It will be open 24/7 with a 72 hour personal cooldown or only at Weekends. This way everyone at any time (EU/NA) will be able to form an organized Warband and Queue every 3 days for it. Allowing Guild VS Guild and possible incorporating Ranked City Sieges.

-Winning a Fort will reward you with 1 Royal Crest only if you are RR +60.

-Winning an oRvR Zone (T3 and T4 or only T4 zones) will reward you with 1 Royal Crest if you are RR +70.
(keep in mind that the prices of Sov/War may require to get more expensive if needed)

-Defending and Winning Order side: Eataine/Reikland/Kadrin Valley will reward you with 1 Royal Crest if you are RR +55. Same for Destruction it would be defending and winning Caledor/Chaos Wastes/Black Crag.

-Royal Crest would be able to be purchased: 1x100 Oppressor Emblem (Scenario Token).

-oRvR Zones/Fortress Gold Bags will reward you with 1 Royal Crest if you are RR +70.

-If the Royal Crest rewarding is too much, the prices for Sov/War gear may get more expensive.

-Players need to have a sense of progression that is fun and free of stress.

-Contribution should be gained by Healers and Tanks the same as DPS to get bags, it's only fair.

Why is this a problem?

-The past City Sieges were able to happen because one side gave up defending zones.

-xRealming is a real thing, personally i've literally seen players play on Destruction side helping push zones and once City Siege occurs they log on their Order main character.

-City Sieges aren't supossed to happen every day (this is what a Dev told me). Right now there have been at least 3 City Sieges in the past 3 days.

-The eager to farm Royal Crest and Sov/War Gear is too strong that is throwing away the fun and gameplay of this game to the garbage can. Everybody is zergin hard to push zones the fastest way possible. Noone is caring about staying in a zone to play with your friends like it usually was. It has become a boring race to push towards City.

-It's stressfull not knowing if you will be able to enter a City Scenario after playing for hours to push zones and finally play a City, to realize you were left outside waiting for an eternal queue. Hours wasted for nothing.

-Having to join a random warband just for the sake to enter a City Scenario quickly and having to stuck playing on an unorganized unmotivated warband for 1 hour straight is not fun, specially when you are facing a strong organized warband, most likely one side is getting farmed hard nonstop for one hour straight.

-Not everyone enjoys playing on Fortress, why force people to do something they don't like. There should be alternatives to get Royal Crest besides beeing forced to push zones to come to the realization that it may not give you the rewards one was looking for, this makes players log off with a sense of dissapointment.

-For High Renown Level Players there's no motivation to attack/defend zones or play scenarios. We need to give players a goal to chase everyday.

-We need a way for casual players to farm Royal Crest, not everyone is willing to stay up +3 hours pushing zones. Not everyone loves the City Scenario. We need alternatives to farm the new gear.

-Throwing away zones to let one side push and get to play City Scenario is not what we want. It's bad quality gaming, we don't need to have a system that want players to give up zones. We need a system that motivates players to defend a zone and win it!

-Also the issue of contribution inside a City Siege, im talking about that only DPS roles are getting bags. Why are Tanks and Healers left out of gaining bags? what is going on with that? That is unfair.

I'm asking, if the suggestions i mentioned are implemented, the price for Sov/War gear could get more expensive, thus, not speeding up the proccess at all. It will still be slow + allowing everyone to be able to farm slowly the gear playing every single aspect of the game (oRvR, Scenarios, Fortress, City Siege)

I strongly believe that by applying some of this solutions into the server, it will improve the gaming quality of everyone and the WAR experience will be once again a WAR!

I invite everyone to share your ideas to hopefully solve this issue we are facing.

-Kabuchop, subleader of Da Freebootaz, Greenskin Clan, roleplayer at heart.
Last edited by adapter on Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:33 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Kabuchop / Kabusquig / Kabuterimon / Tentomon

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#2 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 2:20 pm

adapter wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 1:24 pm
-Having to join a random warband just for the sake to enter a City Scenario quickly and having to stuck playing on an unorganized unmotivated warband for 1 hour straight is not fun, specially when you are facing a strong organized warband, most likely one side is getting farmed hard nonstop for one hour straight
This I feel will be the most problematic part of city sieges. Theres a reason people asked for and devs granted a surrender option in scenarios. Being stuck in that fight for 4x the duration would be even worse.

I've personally only joined 1 city siege, and I was on the steamrolling organized WB w discord v. a disorganized WB. They didn't stand a chance. Was it great fun for me? Sure, but I doubt the same for the Order WB. I'd hate for people to give up this game out of frustration because they were locked into a one sided

Doubtful it's possible due to limited population of the server, but maybe there should be a higher tier coty siege scenario to join with double the rewards for the winning side. Give organized WBs a reason to duke it out with each other. Increased rewards for winning side only as otherwise everyone would join it and guarantee they walk out with better rewards then the lower tier city siege scenario.
Detangler and alts - 84 Chosen, other 40s - DoK, Zealot, SH, WE, BG, BO
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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#3 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 2:30 pm

adapter wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 1:24 pm Hello, I post this to share ideas/solutions/suggestions to help solve the problem we as a community are facing right now in what a City Siege requires for us to do and experience. I've sensed a discomfort feeling from the players the past days since the last Patch was implemented into the game.

We need motivation to defend/win oRvR Zones and play Scenarios. Specially for the High level RR players.

I will share Suggestions first and after that i'll show you why the current system we are playing on is a problem that needs to be worked on as soon as possible.

Please, i ask for you to share your own ideas replying to this post. You can use this very same simple scheme i'll be writing on.

How to farm Royal Crest and get your so desired Sovereign / Warlord gear? I give you this suggestions to improve Warhammer gameplay experience and to give high level renown players a reason to keep playing oRvR/Scenarios on this game and have fun on a daily basis.


-City Siege won't require 2 Forts to be locked by one side. It will be open 24/7 with a 72 hour personal cooldown or only at Weekends. This way everyone at any time (EU/NA) will be able to form an organized Warband and Queue every 3 days for it. Allowing Guild VS Guild and possible incorporating Ranked City Sieges.

-Winning a Fort will reward you with 1 Royal Crest only if you are RR +60.

-Winning an oRvR Zone will reward you with 1 Royal Crest if you are RR +70.
(keep in mind that the prices of Sov/War may require to get more expensive if needed)

-Defending and Winning Order side: Eataine/Reikland/Kadrin Valley will reward you with 1 Royal Crest if you are RR +55. Same for Destruction it would be defending and winning Caledor/Chaos Wastes/Black Crag.

-Royal Crest would be able to be purchased: 1x100 Oppressor Emblem (Scenario Token).

-oRvR Zones/Fortress Gold Bags will reward you with 1 Royal Crest if you are RR +70.

-If the Royal Crest rewarding is too much, the prices for Sov/War gear may get more expensive.

-Players need to have a sense of progression that is fun and free of stress.

Why is this a problem?

-The past City Sieges were able to happen because one side gave up defending zones.

-xRealming is a real thing, personally i've literally seen players play on Destruction side helping push zones and once City Siege occurs they log on their Order main character.

-City Sieges aren't supossed to happen every day (this is what a Dev told me). Right now there have been at least 3 City Sieges in the past 3 days.

-The eager to farm Royal Crest and Sov/War Gear is too strong that is throwing away the fun and gameplay of this game to the garbage can. Everybody is zergin hard to push zones the fastest way possible. Noone is caring about staying in a zone to play with your friends like it usually was. It has become a boring race to push towards City.

-It's stressfull not knowing if you will be able to enter a City Scenario after playing for hours to push zones and finally play a City, to realize you were left outside waiting for an eternal queue. Hours wasted for nothing.

-Having to join a random warband just for the sake to enter a City Scenario quickly and having to stuck playing on an unorganized unmotivated warband for 1 hour straight is not fun, specially when you are facing a strong organized warband, most likely one side is getting farmed hard nonstop for one hour straight.

-Not everyone enjoys playing on Fortress, why force people to do something they don't like. There should be alternatives to get Royal Crest besides beeing forced to push zones to come to the realization that it may not give you the rewards one was looking for, this makes players log off with a sense of dissapointment.

-For High Renown Level Players there's no motivation to attack/defend zones or play scenarios. We need to give players a goal to chase everyday.

-We need a way for casual players to farm Royal Crest, not everyone is willing to stay up +3 hours pushing zones. Not everyone loves the City Scenario. We need alternatives to farm the new gear.

-Throwing away zones to let one side push and get to play City Scenario is not what we want. It's bad quality gaming, we don't need to have a system that want players to give up zones. We need a system that motivates players to defend a zone and win it!


I strongly believe that by applying some of this solutions into the server, it will improve the gaming quality of everyone and the WAR experience will be once again a WAR!

I invite everyone to share your ideas to hopefully solve this issue we are facing.

-Kabuchop, subleader of Da Freebootaz, Greenskin Clan, roleplayer at heart.
Those are very good ideas. I totally agree.

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#4 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:37 pm

As a new player I have noticed a huge change in the game before and after the city siege were implemented. It seems that everyone are just playing to get the new toys forgetting to actually play the game. The suggestions you mention are really good and I think devs should implement it.

It amazes me that devs did'nt quiet spected the city siege would mess up the game as we know it.
I am worried that many players will quit the game because of this, I am a low level right now but I can feel the pain and the stress of players who wants to farm the royal crest.
This new high level content messed up the low level one.

I hope your suggestions get noticed and applied to the game.

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#5 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:40 pm

This happens literally every single time we release new content or gear. It is not a surprise, not remotely.

People immediately brigade the forums to demand easier/faster ways to get the gear without having to do the content. We have consistently responded the same way we've responded in the past. If you want the gear, you do the content. We will continue fine tuning how accessible the content itself is. But if you think for a minute we're going to turn end-game BIS gear into a kill-farmable set, you're craaaazy.
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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#6 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:54 pm

wargrimnir wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:40 pm This happens literally every single time we release new content or gear. It is not a surprise, not remotely.

People immediately brigade the forums to demand easier/faster ways to get the gear without having to do the content. We have consistently responded the same way we've responded in the past. If you want the gear, you do the content. We will continue fine tuning how accessible the content itself is. But if you think for a minute we're going to turn end-game BIS gear into a kill-farmable set, you're craaaazy.
I'm not asking for easy gear, actually i said the prices could go up.

I wanna do the content as many other player do, the new content City Siege is playable and should be kept as the main focus to get Royal Crests. Actually i'm suggesting a harder and safer way to get the gear.

Do you want City Sieges to happen every day? Because right now players are getting the new gear quite fast and easily, throwing zones away to play the City every day. Is that what you Wargrimmir want?

We want the gear and also want to do the content. But not only the last content, we want to keep playing ALL the content avaiable, we still wanna do regularly oRvR / Scenarios, feeling like we are acomplishing something.

Please Wargrimmir, you the Head Master of the game, you have the power to make things better. It has been trusted you the power to change things for good, we as communitty trust in you to do so.
Kabuchop / Kabusquig / Kabuterimon / Tentomon

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#7 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:11 pm

The game sentenced with the forts, and now they are still the worst of the game, it makes the funniest part of the game (the cities) slow and boring, in the original game they removed the forts because they were crap, 2 zones rvr, city siege and ready, the problem for those of us from Europe when we go to the city, today I could have gone to the siege of the city, but because of the CD I could not, what did I do, I disconnected, my end of the game is the forts, wow good ¬ ¬, I would have preferred land of the dead coof coof

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#8 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:28 pm

I dont think the grind should be sped up at all. However there is some truth to the fact that with the current reward system anything other than a city siege feels underwhelming now.

I'm not really a fan of any of these ideas except maybe looking at the way lockouts on cities work. It seems to favor the time zone with the most unbalanced population, which I am a part of. I have done the city every day since it's been out.

I think there should be no top currency given away for zone locks before the city. But I do think they should consider letting high renown rank players drop them, even if it's a low chance. And you could reduce the amount of rewards given from the actual city to compensate.

I understand the reasons for not wanting to do that. But I think people actually enjoying every part of the game is more important than those reasons.

Having said all of that I dont think it's that crucial, things are ok as they are. I do enjoy the city siege quite a bit right now, just not as much anything else. I have no problem skipping forts to push a city faster, enjoy the city and then log off when its done.

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#9 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:37 pm

adamthelc wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:28 pm I dont think the grind should be sped up at all. However there is some truth to the fact that with the current reward system anything other than a city siege feels underwhelming now.
City Sieges are happening every day since the patch day. Some people are getting geared out fast. Gotta know the time of the day the City will pop and boom, you get in there and get your gear every 12 hours or so.

I'm asking, if the suggestions i mentioned are implemented, the price for Sov/War gear could get more expensive, thus, not speeding up the proccess at all. It will still be slow + allowing everyone to be able to farm slowly the gear playing every single aspect of the game (oRvR, Scenarios, Fortress, City Siege)
Kabuchop / Kabusquig / Kabuterimon / Tentomon

Posts: 631

Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#10 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:41 pm

Personally, entering city sieges needs to be based on contribution in previous zone locks (whether you can get rewarded tokens from zone locks which can be cashed in to enter, etc). That would stop like 90% of the problems the OP has stated. If I am honest, I am not sure why they were implemented without some form of contribution metric determining who can participate.
Last edited by BeautfulToad on Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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