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City siege queue suggestion

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Posts: 75

Re: City siege queue suggestion

Post#21 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 11:42 am

Jabba wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 10:47 am
kuj0jotar0 wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 10:38 am no, enough with this PUG mentality, we are talking about endgame gear that is supposed to be hard to get.

I would suggest to give 0 crests and 0 bags to the losing side.

If you don't want to put effort to get the best gear in the game you should not get it.
This isn't just about gear, it's about not wasting an hour basically afking to get free gear.

Put a surrender option for each stage, problem solved.

if you dont want to put effort to build or join a proper wb you shouldnt be rewarded in any way.

And also there is a lot of ways to arrange 24vs24 if you are looking for good fights.

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Re: City siege queue suggestion

Post#22 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 11:45 am

Jabba wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 11:01 am Let's go through some of the list.
On order I imagine warbands like the TUP/Phalanx warbands, THUNDERCATS, VII, Arthem/Sybella's warband, Zunig's warband. (Possibly some others I haven't mentioned)

On destro I imagine PnP, the main FMJ warband, the LoB alliance warband, some of the other stronger alliance warbands too would make use of it.

I feel pretty confident in saying that most, if not all of these groups would far rather take a loss but have a fight, than stomp their respective instances against pugs. So give them some way to match themselves against one another, while still keeping an element of rng in who you face. This would then mean the pug warbands who might have been facing them would be more likely to face another pug warband. This game should be about the fights, so it needs systems in place to try and promote the fights.
when you have a decent setup you will get to fight pugs

when you have a wonky setup you will get to fight organised

I don't think all the people you mentioned would prefer tough fight over gear, they don't have same mentality as you... i know from fighting them alot and the salt after they lose

I always que up instantly and hope for the best... people who want me to wait and game the system i say dont be a p * * * * ... no fear, you get what you get a tough fight or someone not as organised as you are... its just how it is

Personally i would like to get the people who get salty instead of pugs... but funny thing is ive seen organised pugs try harder than some "premades", so its very grey area because some organised pugs can be better than a premade if their setup is wonky.

For me i have a different tier rating for everyone fought so far... only one group so far i would consider to be top tier... a few would be second tier... maybe with some adjustments they can be top tier too. The better organised pugs would be borderline this tier also, and lesser organised ones tier below or broken setups when they bring only 6 healers not even rate...

Cities give people a incentive to improve

before this you didnt see much people "LF ORGANISED WARBAND" it was more join pug overflow mentality... I think the issue is some people have to play the catch up game in getting organised, where some groups have been a bit more optimal and organised for longer period and thus have a head start and so if they come across a group early in its journey it is a bit of a stomp because experience and setup differences show...

I am okay with current system, and look forward to fighting all the order side when I do it as destro too... even if they have a huge headstart with sov gear over...

If it was a MMR system it would be TUP/Phalanx vs LOB Alliance most the time (if we brought proper setups)... and that is punishing players for being good? while people who slack get to ez farm pugs and gear up... instead of encouraging people to improve. Right now its balanced but you sometimes get **** luck like when you join Scenarios, sometimes its a 500-0 stomp if you bring the better premade. You load in and check who you against, that is the best part no? like the tension recognise names... be like ohhhh yessss a challenge... or ohhhh noooo i feel bad for them.
Wamizzle Guild Leader [TUP]
Wamizzle Guild Leader [The Unlikely Plan]

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Re: City siege queue suggestion

Post#23 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 12:08 pm

Jabba wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 11:11 am
Omegus wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 11:03 am Something similar was suggested when cities first launched. My proposal was for the queue period to "rank" warbands on each side by some metric (previous wins of WB members, total or average RR of the warband, gear level, etc) and then match-make based on that criteria. Having a box that says "premade or pug" is just going to be abused.

edit: having now got a spot in a premade that smashes pugs regularly, the crests are nice but it's getting a bit boring.
Sure it might be abused by some, but the end result would be no different to what occurs now, a premade warband fighting against pugs.
At the very least, this would remove most of the premade warbands that just want to have a decent fight from the pool and pair them against each other.
I can hear the conversation on discord now because it already happens when deciding whether to queue instantly or wait a bit: "Do we fancy a fight or just easy crests for this siege?"

If a features is advertised as "premade or pug" then people will excpect it to be enforced, otherwise the "pug" group is just a big pool of easy crests for premades to dip into when they feel like it. Match-making is supposed to be enforced so everyone (in theory) knows the system will try to find them the fairest opponent possible.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

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Re: City siege queue suggestion

Post#24 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 12:48 pm

Lorsten wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 10:41 am This is end game pvp content, why it should be PUG-friendly? If you queue city, be prepared to get stomped by organized WBs, or make your own and stomp another PUGs. BTW if you queue with 6 man group, you will likely find opponents with same party-oriented setup. Its not that hard to make atleast a proper group (2-2-2) before going city.
This game already has enough pug friendly pvp mechanics, like pug scenarios, solo-ranked scenes. City sieges is not one of them.
Not everyone can play 24 hours per day.
Not everyone have the lucky to play in a premade wb.
60% of ror players are casual/ not try hard.
decimo marauder
larsulu zealot
norsemanherra wp
stormurfru dok

Posts: 57

Re: City siege queue suggestion

Post#25 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 2:10 pm

larsulu wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 12:48 pm
Lorsten wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 10:41 am This is end game pvp content, why it should be PUG-friendly? If you queue city, be prepared to get stomped by organized WBs, or make your own and stomp another PUGs. BTW if you queue with 6 man group, you will likely find opponents with same party-oriented setup. Its not that hard to make atleast a proper group (2-2-2) before going city.
This game already has enough pug friendly pvp mechanics, like pug scenarios, solo-ranked scenes. City sieges is not one of them.
Not everyone can play 24 hours per day.
Not everyone have the lucky to play in a premade wb.
60% of ror players are casual/ not try hard.
So, this 60% will get their sov gear, but not as fast, as 40% who actually play more and put effort into obtaining this gear, cant see any problems here. Everyone has access to city sieges, its not requed to queue as WB. You even gain crests if you lose a round, which is very questionable. The more complicated system is, the more exploits ppl will find, to avoid the rules.

Posts: 898

Re: City siege queue suggestion

Post#26 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 2:15 pm

larsulu wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 12:48 pm
Not everyone have the lucky to play in a premade wb.
Not sure if serious...

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Re: City siege queue suggestion

Post#27 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 2:27 pm

My suggestion would also be to have 2 queues.
One for premade groups and one for PUGs. The difference would be that in the 'premade' Instance has more loot for you if you won, but less loot if you lost.
I think that would create an incentive for groups that consider themselves strong.

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Re: City siege queue suggestion

Post#28 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 2:33 pm

M0rw47h wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 2:15 pm
larsulu wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 12:48 pm
Not everyone have the lucky to play in a premade wb.
Not sure if serious...
Yes I’m
decimo marauder
larsulu zealot
norsemanherra wp
stormurfru dok

Posts: 898

Re: City siege queue suggestion

Post#29 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 2:42 pm

larsulu wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 2:33 pm
M0rw47h wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 2:15 pm
larsulu wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 12:48 pm
Not everyone have the lucky to play in a premade wb.
Not sure if serious...
Yes I’m
How being in premade WB has anything with luck?
It's matter of YOUR personal choices, dedication and not so hard work.
You just have to want to be part of premade. Search for similar people and form/join such guild. It doesn't have to be large and hardcore guild, it can be smaller guild, which is part of bigger alliance.

Not to mention, organized guilds constantly search for people willing to learn and play with discord.

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Re: City siege queue suggestion

Post#30 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 2:47 pm

or maybe everyone up their game and bring more challenge for the end of game loot? which once done there is nothing more...

It is grindable even via losing and pugging... once its done what are people going to do? go back to how it was before hand where there was little incentive to improve and just join overflows? no desire to lead? to team? to improve and just zerg?

Dev's already catered alot to pug in this game since the beginning... some organised pugs are really good and almost guild like, while some pug groups are pretty terrible... comes down to a few factors like leadership, bad personalities, or people not knowing their class roles. That is player issue...

People have to think long term, this is new content, some people already blaze through it, rest are to follow... Dev's cant make it any easier then their work will not be appreciated... because people will get tired and demand next tier of gear/progression when there is none. In a couple months majority of people will be fully geared at current rate.
Wamizzle Guild Leader [TUP]
Wamizzle Guild Leader [The Unlikely Plan]

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