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WP Melee Dps

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WP Melee Dps

Post#1 » Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:07 am

These are Just Ideas and improvements that would go a long way in WP Melee filling a spot in any Premade.

1. Soulfire - Needs to be instant cast main reason for this is set backs from being hit with cast time in melee significantly reduces dps and pressure damage that soulfire could be doing, or like the treatment castigation got on live give it instant damage and dot and leave the 1 sec cast time as is, currently soulfire can be a burden especially in city premades trying to get the thing off in mid fight.

2. Unstoppable Wrath - Freakin thank you devs for giving Melee WP this BUT we still suffer in large fights especially in tight spots with collision the way it is, the ability needs 10 - 20% speed buff to justify the 1 minute cd so we can atleast time the ability at the right moments to keep on the target for those 10 sec and move about the hectic fights in City's, no i don't want a charge because that would not only be OP but wouldn't fit the fantasy but cmon the WP doesn't get cc that's ok aslong as we don't have overwhelming amount of weaknesses to stay on targets.

3. Morales - Very lame morales apart from rampaging siphon and penance we need a good M4 in wrath tree the one that is there is laughable, i remember the one they removed when cc got the big overhaul Divine Amazement silence and disarm in 40feet cone, don't have to have that back since its prob OP but we need something that defines the melee WP role as wrath atm i cant think of anything but if i come up with a great idea ill let ya know.

4. Divine Shock - Please make this useful either make it aoe or larger cone but tbh we dont need a knockback we are melee healers even in dps spec we need a target, i would like to see this get an overhaul into having atleast one cc the class can use effectively over a puny punt, i was thinking a very short range KD or Disarm to act more of an interupt should only last a few seconds but then that would make specs like grace/salv to strong again i would have to think some more on what would be balanced to turn this ability into to make it useful. This ability in particular would need allot of testing in different situations to get right.

These ideas are not so Melee WP can replace pure dps class or be unbalanced just trying to fix some problems that make the specs to weak to fit into mainly premade spots like City's/SC and even PvE. Would like to see Melee WP come out and speak put ideas out there that are realistic and balanced, so us who love the spec can finally fully fit a unique roll in endgame.

Please be productive and don't flame this post.

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Re: WP Melee Dps

Post#2 » Tue Apr 07, 2020 1:39 pm

Wrath Warrior Priest feedback and proposing changes.
The core and most important aspect of the game is RvR, large scale fights, in which Wrath lacks and underperforms.

1. Lack of AoE.
As it is now, Soulfire is sluggish and doesn't fit in a melee dps kit because of the cast time.
Proposing one of the following changes to Soulfire:

A. Add a direct damage value to it, make it instant cast and add a short cooldown of 5 or 10 seconds.
B. Add a direct damage value to it.
C. Make it undefendable.

Option A would make it more fluid/less sluggish and easier to add it into rotation.
Option B just boosts the aoe dmg it does, while keeping the cast time.

2. Lack of mobility and cc
To be faithful to the philosophy of the class not having a hard cc ability, I propose one of the following changes:

A. Add a 20% movement speed increase during Sigmar's Wrath buff duration. This will make us choose between using it to reach our target or using the armor pen.
B. Add a 20% movement speed increase buff to Prayer of Righteousness. (opposite mirror to DoK Covenant of Celerity). Also acts as party buff / utility.
C. Add a 20% movement speed increase during Unstopable Wrath.

These changes are in line with WPs class fantasy of buffing, opposed to DoKs debuffing nature.

3. No tactics options.
Dps WP is forced to use the following tactics in order to maximize damage: Divine Fury, Hastened Divinity, Fanaticism and Guilty Soul. There is no other option.
From my point of view and as my personal opinion, I believe Hastened Dvinity was originally added to balance the auto attack speed between WP and DoK. Which is a nuisance because WP is forced to slot one tactic just to be on par with DoKs.

Proposed changes:

A. Merge Hastened Divinity into one of the other 3 mandatory tactics. Self explanatory.
B. Remove the tactic and lower the speed of WP weapons by 50%.

Making change #1 will improve Wrath WP in large scale fights with minimal impact in 1v1, while #2 and #3 will increase the class viability in all aspects of PvP.

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Re: WP Melee Dps

Post#3 » Tue Apr 07, 2020 1:46 pm

Thanks for the Post that's exactly what i had in mind you are just better at getting it across, they are not huge changes but go a long way in making the Melee WP fantasy wich is what the damn thing is viable option.

Posts: 69

Re: WP Melee Dps

Post#4 » Tue Apr 07, 2020 2:07 pm

victorm94 wrote: Tue Apr 07, 2020 1:39 pm Wrath Warrior Priest feedback and proposing changes.
The core and most important aspect of the game is RvR, large scale fights, in which Wrath lacks and underperforms.

1. Lack of AoE.
As it is now, Soulfire is sluggish and doesn't fit in a melee dps kit because of the cast time.
Proposing one of the following changes to Soulfire:

A. Add a direct damage value to it, make it instant cast and add a short cooldown of 5 or 10 seconds.
B. Add a direct damage value to it.
C. Make it undefendable.

Option A would make it more fluid/less sluggish and easier to add it into rotation.
Option B just boosts the aoe dmg it does, while keeping the cast time.

2. Lack of mobility and cc
To be faithful to the philosophy of the class not having a hard cc ability, I propose one of the following changes:

A. Add a 20% movement speed increase during Sigmar's Wrath buff duration. This will make us choose between using it to reach our target or using the armor pen.
B. Add a 20% movement speed increase buff to Prayer of Righteousness. (opposite mirror to DoK Covenant of Celerity). Also acts as party buff / utility.
C. Add a 20% movement speed increase during Unstopable Wrath.

These changes are in line with WPs class fantasy of buffing, opposed to DoKs debuffing nature.

3. No tactics options.
Dps WP is forced to use the following tactics in order to maximize damage: Divine Fury, Hastened Divinity, Fanaticism and Guilty Soul. There is no other option.
From my point of view and as my personal opinion, I believe Hastened Dvinity was originally added to balance the auto attack speed between WP and DoK. Which is a nuisance because WP is forced to slot one tactic just to be on par with DoKs.

Proposed changes:

A. Merge Hastened Divinity into one of the other 3 mandatory tactics. Self explanatory.
B. Remove the tactic and lower the speed of WP weapons by 50%.

Making change #1 will improve Wrath WP in large scale fights with minimal impact in 1v1, while #2 and #3 will increase the class viability in all aspects of PvP.
very nice! maybe you could post this into the "Gameplay and Balance" forum.

maybe adding rightous fury cost instead of AP to soulfire so you would have to smite aswell in between?

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Re: WP Melee Dps

Post#5 » Tue Apr 07, 2020 5:19 pm

I agree with pretty much all of this. Needs a cc, gap closer, and aoe.

I was talking to someone about flagellants and got this idea of a gap closer mixed with aoe. An ability that increase your movement speed and causes you to deal damage in front of you as you flail around. Maybe not the most appropriate description for a warrior priest, but the idea is there.
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Re: WP Melee Dps

Post#6 » Wed Apr 08, 2020 4:54 am

What about equipping 2hander reduces Smite from 5sec cd to 2.5sec cd and having soulfire 5sec cd instant+dot damage, would give a nice aoe rotation.

Also please tune how much we can heal off lords atm its over nerfed i agree we shouldn't be allowed to melee heal for tons on lords keep/fort but as it is is lame almost not worth melee healing off them.

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