[Role-Play] Character Sheet - Zekvryl Do'Vicvayas

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[Role-Play] Character Sheet - Zekvryl Do'Vicvayas

Post#1 » Sat May 09, 2015 5:45 pm

Name: Zekvryl Do’Vicvayas

Race: Dark Elf

Age: 1,394

Residence: The Warship Sihn’reth; formerly Naggarond

Profession: Black Guard and Archon of the Blood Legion; formerly a Dreadlord of Naggarond

Religion: Khaela Mensha Khaine

Allies: House Felryth; Blood Legion

Enemies: House Hlareth; The Oathsworn

Rivals: Velxunyrr De'lyl

Personality: As with any Black Guard, Zekvryl is staunchly loyal to the Witch King. Though he seethes with quiet anger, his outward demeanor matches that of a dutiful knight. He stoically carries the burdens of the past while serving those above him and protecting those below. He dislikes the Greenskins and Chaos-touched humans, but understands their tactical value against even more hated foes.

Brief History:
Zekvryl was born in 1127 in the Dark Elf capital Naggarond. Raised from a young age to be a fierce warrior, the second son of House Do’Vicvayas underwent the harsh training required of all Black Guard recruits. In the hopes of one day serving the Witch King Malekith and gaining favor for his House, Zekvryl harnessed his hatred against his rivals and stood victorious in the proving grounds, winning the renowned rank of Black Guard.

Years passed as Zekvryl resolutely carried out the Witch King’s will. House Do’Vicvayas grew in political and military strength, even going so far as to covertly obtain a Black Dragon egg from an expedition in Naggaroth. Once hatched, Zekvryl was rewarded for his service by being given charge of the wyrm. The Black Dragon, named Sarvethyn, was raised to become a powerful weapon against the High Elves. Zekvryl’s prowess in battle, coupled with his unshakable loyalty and new, impressive flying mount, led to his promotion to Dreadlord. Centuries of victories followed.

In 2473, Zekvryl made a tactical error against an Asur force that decimated his regiments and left him surrounded. Dragonprince Imrik led a surprise attack that resulted in Sarvethyn’s death. Imrik’s mount sustained heavy damage in the encounter, however, causing the Dragonprince to withdraw while his High Elf forces finished off the remains of Zekvryl’s battalion. Before the Dreadlord was slain, unexpected reinforcements joined the fray; a Warband of Sorceresses, led by Valrythia Hlareth, tore through the Asur soldiers with catastrophic magic. The abrupt reversal in military firepower forced the enemy to abandon Zekvryl’s position, saving his life.

The loss of his Black Dragon marked the beginning of Zekvryl’s decline. His failure in Ulthuan left the Dreadlord politically disgraced and physically injured. Upon his return to Naggarond, Zekvryl found that his House was fairing no better; Zarech Do’Vicvayas had been assassinated, leaving Zekvryl’s brother, Xaerith, as head of the Household. Due to several badly handled financial transactions, House Do’Vicvayas was on the brink of economic ruin. House Hlareth, the chief political rival of House Do’Vicvayas, took advantage of Valrythia’s current victory and further slandered Zekvryl and his House. Without any soldiers to command, and with none to spare from House Do’Vicvayas, Zekvryl was stripped of his Dreadlord title and reassigned to the House Uthorin campaign in Ulthuan.

When Zekvryl arrived at the Uthorin Warcamp, he was immediately deployed to Nordland to assist in the war effort spearheaded by the military group called the Blood Legion. There, he met Sarrien Felryth, a Dark Elf noble and head of the once-great House Felryth. After fighting alongside one another on several occasions, Sarrien offered a position of power within the Legion. Zekvryl accepted the young lord’s offer, becoming Sarrien’s Archon, leader of the Legion's Druchii forces.

In 2521, Zekvryl was called back to Naggarond to find that his House had been destroyed. House Hlareth had finally moved against the destitute House Do’Vicvayas and eliminated all of its members. The message that had prompted Zekvryl to return to the capital had been forged; an assassin waited for him in the ruins of his House. Fueled by pain and rage, Zekvryl smote his would-be killer in an extremely violent manner.

With only hate and vengeance sustaining him, Zekvryl returned to the front lines on his Warship, Sihn'reth, vowing to gain the power required to annihilate the despised House Hlareth.
Last edited by Velxunyrr on Sat May 16, 2015 1:22 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: [Role-Play] Character Sheet - Zekvryl Do'Vicvayas

Post#2 » Sat May 09, 2015 9:17 pm

That's awesome! Gah, now I have to do mine!

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Re: [Role-Play] Character Sheet - Zekvryl Do'Vicvayas

Post#3 » Wed May 13, 2015 3:48 pm

I love the struggle between the houses, Zekvryl will be a worthy opponent upon the battlefield.

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Re: [Role-Play] Character Sheet - Zekvryl Do'Vicvayas

Post#4 » Wed May 13, 2015 6:06 pm

this is a nice sheet to love to read them but i hope here are some human role players to :-)

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Re: [Role-Play] Character Sheet - Zekvryl Do'Vicvayas

Post#5 » Wed May 13, 2015 8:15 pm

SigmarPriest wrote:this is a nice sheet to love to read them but i hope here are some human role players to :-)
Then you will be quite happy! My next story will be of my Warrior Priest, Derias Redsmith! Sigmar be praised!

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Re: [Role-Play] Character Sheet - Zekvryl Do'Vicvayas

Post#6 » Sat May 16, 2015 1:24 am

Avenhold wrote:I love the struggle between the houses, Zekvryl will be a worthy opponent upon the battlefield.
I look forward to facing a fierce adversary!

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