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City Bags

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City Bags

Post#1 » Fri Aug 07, 2020 4:41 pm

Dont know what happened to the calculation of bags but u must get less for losses which sucks because that is the majority of your gameplay in citys, plz undo it citys is already depressing experience 50% of the time in its current boreing state, unless u add more crests from gold/purple bags.

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Re: City Bags

Post#2 » Fri Aug 07, 2020 5:10 pm

Agree, I don't enjoy city (losing or winning) and anything that allow me to grind it for shorter time is welcome.

Posts: 103

Re: City Bags

Post#3 » Fri Aug 07, 2020 6:18 pm

Find a group to run with, practice strats and view as an opportunity to get better at organised wb play.

Cities can be a lot of fun but only if you approach it right. Why should you be able to cut corners when the people out there who have done what it takes to make it work for them have succeeded just fine due to the effort? And no you dont have to play 24/7 or quit your job or any of the other nonsense people usually reeee out when told to change their mode of play.

Honestly, all of you guys looking at city as purely a gear grind are missing a good opportunity to be involved some intense and exciting game play when you get a good match and a chance to improve your wb play. Sure pug stomps are pug stomps but there are good teams running in there and when you win, or lose, a good match up it can be highly rewarding.

The recent fix to prevent people cheating the system in their little 12 mans is long overdue. If it wasnt for the fact that a seemingly large % of the player base would just rage quit cities altogether, they should prevent losers getting bag rolls at all and force you to get better or at least die trying.
Carthage 91 Chosen
Macedonia 83 Kotbs

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Posts: 96

Re: City Bags

Post#4 » Fri Aug 07, 2020 6:26 pm

Did i say i was cutting corners and not running with premades you just assumed and made a quick rash judgment as people keep freakin doin lately. I run in premades in good ones and sometimes with not so good ones when not enough are on in alliance, dont assume what you dont know about a person. The changes are not fair plain and simple. No citys are not fun even if u win they are simplified and boreing.

Posts: 103

Re: City Bags

Post#5 » Fri Aug 07, 2020 6:37 pm

and you and others like you need to look outside your alliance and make it work, such as we and others have done. cant get a regular 24? recruit more or befriend more to fill your gaps. But no, you wanna go in as a 12 and up your chances of bags and now you have, rightfully, had your system messed with.

All parts of the game cant be for all people, If i made some whiney post about bastion stair taking too long and being boring and demanding that it take less runs to get the gear id be rightfully shot down. Your post is the same if not worse. were talking about the end game content and some of the best gear in the game. You get it by winning and now finally you are rewarded for running it as its intended. As a WB.
Carthage 91 Chosen
Macedonia 83 Kotbs

Posts: 20

Re: City Bags

Post#6 » Fri Aug 07, 2020 6:40 pm

That's just your opinion... to me City is the most fun content in the game (when you get a good matchup). Anyways, just fill your WB up to 24 players and there's no issue, it's not that hard.

Posts: 9

Re: City Bags

Post#7 » Fri Aug 07, 2020 6:49 pm

This change will only make the population problem worse not better. Consider that Order has less win rate (use what ever excuse you want). This win rate in my opinion has more to do with population imbalance than "duuuurrr git gud and orkanize". The number of players organized are getting into the cities and that wont change, but for those that aren't organizing and pugging they will be left with less bags. While this will happen on both Order and Destro, the loss rate of Order will mean less royal crests overall.

The gear imbalance is being felt by all. Make gear harder to get and you will have less players on the server.

Posts: 64

Re: City Bags

Post#8 » Fri Aug 07, 2020 6:50 pm

I just want to que as 12 because when Destro don't have their top end WB leaders, their "premades" are not very coordinated and have been beaten by a few pug groups of mine haha. Even without comms and chat leading we were able to win against 6 doks, 2 chosen, 2 maras, 1 choppa, 1 zealot, and 2 borcs lol, while being down 1 person on my team.
Literally a **** pugs nightmare (and a very very easy comp to win with as destro 99% of the time) and although these guys were "good destro players, that are in a premade and this is gg", they looked lost haha. After hopping over to destroy to find out their "leader" wasn't there. Destro suffers just like us when they have introverted people all rounded up without a strong leader or actual play caller. We just don't see this as often because most of the time their extremely strong and easy to put together comps can beat most organized 24 man.
But at the end of the day, mindless sheep still need something to follow, and won't pull wins without a strong leader. I urge order to look for more 12 13 man groups to force destro to split their leaders, because their "off leaders" are just as bad as me leading an order pug haha, I just get the advantage of having to try most of the time so when it comes down to an actual fight, most destro fold without someone to guide them and tell them where the mtrain is going next.


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