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Was enjoying myself until T2

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Posts: 13

Was enjoying myself until T2

Post#1 » Fri Sep 18, 2020 11:50 pm

Basically the title. I had a great time in T1, probably because I'm new, the zones are smaller and the mechanics are simpler. I managed to grind out all the RvR influence gear I needed to supplement the token/vendor gear and after adding talismans I felt pretty strong for a lvl 15. Since hitting lvl 16+ my enjoyment has really diminished.

When I started out I wanted to level slowly, work on my RR and collect gear as I go so that I can actually have fun while levelling instead of just powerlevelling through PvE which I don't find that interesting but the way the ORvR works isn't really letting me do that. Because Destro zones remain locked for such a long time I can't reasonably grind up influence in the T2 zones before outlevelling them and I can't access the keeps right now to get the level 24 gear either because Destro have all of them and the zones are locked and I don't know how long for.

Because of this I've been forced to enter the T4 zones and attempt to do RvR there and while I was looking forward to this at endgame it's really sucky at the moment for a new player. The first issue I'm having is finding a WB with open slots, and when I've done that the next one is getting to them. I've wasted hours at this point just getting ganked repeatedly in the middle of RvR lakes trying to get to the WB I just joined but being completely unable to, and most of the time when I do get there I'm already feeling pretty frustrated with the game and it's not that enjoyable. This has happened so many times now it's gone from being funny to just completely tiring.

For example, I joined a warband in Reikland and followed them to Praag, once we hit Praag the leader and some others AFK'd so I was helping some dude run supplies. When they returned everyone disappeared off to Black Crag to raid the southern keep and I must've spent 30 minutes running through that zone trying to follow people and figure out the way. I followed a random WL but it turned out we were both lost and died a bunch of times to mobs. Eventually I asked my WB, they told me the way and as soon as I got to Badmoon Tunnels I saw an IB fighting a black ork, so I helped him out. After about 30 seconds of fighting some other players including a couple of Order healers joined in, but then a WE nuked me out of nowhere (surprise bitch you're dead) and they ignored my request for a rez. That's apparently what you get for helping strangers. Yeah so I spawn at the warcamp at the northern edge of the zone and at that point I just gave up because I'm not running for 10 more minutes through that **** zone just to get ganked in a tunnel again and not be able to even participate in the siege.

A similar situation occurred in Caledon where Destro were just roaming around ganking any stragglers like myself trying to get to Fell Landing. After spending **** ages trying to slip through to Fell Landing it turned out the zone was full and I never got to enter. More time wasted just being ganked in the road. Btw I don't have a problem with ganking/roaming whatever it is called here itself, it's part of the game and I encourage it despite the frustration. It's also a pretty clever tactic imo to split WBs up a bit and stop reinforcements getting to keeps, not sure how effective it actually is but it's good to see this type of thing.

The few times I've actually managed to meet up with my WB I've also gotten very little out of it too. I haven't completed a single "kill 25 players" quest in all the sieges I've been in and it's probably just due to the sheer volume of WBs and the fact people aren't really fighting that much they're just kinda sat on the keep walls harassing each other.

It's really getting frustrating just being that one lost noob all the time who doesn't really know what's going on and trying to keep up with pugs, and if you do ever reunite with them you'll just be useless anyway. What's worse is I don't even seem to be making much progress at all. I'm getting negligible amounts of renown, exp and inf for all this time invested and I'm just not having that much fun either. I wanted my levelling experience to be slow and enjoyable not slow and **** basically.

I need some advice really because I really don't know what to do. In all honesty I've just been frustrated all day. I was struggling in T4 and T2 zones were locked so I tried some scs. I was doing pretty badly and losing them also I logged a T1 alt. T1 had 67% Destro online at that particular time and the largest WB I could gather was 11 people with 0 healers so you can imagine how that went lol. Because of this I went back onto my main, gave T4 RvR stuff another go and it was again horrible, I couldn't reach the rest of my WB and I basically got nothing out of it but frustration and most likely now feeding the egos of the players in the gank squads who are no doubt lurking the forums looking for noobs tears lol.

Yeah so really what do I do about this. I went from having tonnes of fun and starting to understand **** to basically becoming a noob again, not understanding anything and having no fun.

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Re: Was enjoying myself until T2

Post#2 » Sat Sep 19, 2020 12:07 am

After t1 you join in a wb and let the learning curve to be natural...

Posts: 37

Re: Was enjoying myself until T2

Post#3 » Sat Sep 19, 2020 1:35 am

Just find a WB and follow them around. You will learn. If you are melee, it’s a bit tougher learning curve since you will be front line and get focused pretty often.

The whole getting ganked while trying to get to a keep it fort is common, though. That’s part of the game. Sucks sometimes, but that will be something you will experience even at highest level.

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Re: Was enjoying myself until T2

Post#4 » Sat Sep 19, 2020 1:47 am

Keep grinding. It will get better. Have you looked into joining a guild? A good, active guild will be a big help.

Posts: 394

Re: Was enjoying myself until T2

Post#5 » Sat Sep 19, 2020 1:55 am

for your information T1 is on dumb mode most of the time
Last edited by zak68 on Sat Sep 19, 2020 5:10 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Was enjoying myself until T2

Post#6 » Sat Sep 19, 2020 3:06 am

It gets better, but I LOVE T1 as well. I really, really wish I could lock some alts at level 15 and just play T1 over and over.

But yea, things get better. Like others say, join an open WB and follow them and kill.
Magus 40/78

Posts: 28

Re: Was enjoying myself until T2

Post#7 » Sat Sep 19, 2020 3:23 am

grimmers wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 11:50 pm Since hitting lvl 16+ my enjoyment has really diminished.
We've all been there. The shift from 15 to 16 is tough. So is the shift from 39-40.

Because Destro zones remain locked for such a long time I can't reasonably grind up influence in the T2 zones before outlevelling them and I can't access the keeps right now to get the level 24 gear either because Destro have all of them and the zones are locked and I don't know how long for.
If you're talking about RvR medallion and emblem gear, you can get both of them in the city.
I've wasted hours at this point just getting ganked repeatedly in the middle of RvR lakes trying to get to the WB I just joined . . .
This can be an issue, especially if you're joining a keep defense or assault. Plenty of gankers out in those situations. Sometimes you can wait at your warcamp to join other people who are trying to get to the keep. Sometimes you can get to the keep via PvE. It's difficult when you're new, but as you play you learn this stuff.
When they returned everyone disappeared off to Black Crag to raid the southern keep and I must've spent 30 minutes running through that zone trying to follow people and figure out the way.

Black Crag is everyone's least-favorite zone, so you're in good company there. That said, if you're with your warband it shouldn't be too hard to follow them. How did you get lost?

Most healers will give you a rez if you help them out. Not sure why these ones didn't.
A similar situation occurred in Caledon where Destro were just roaming around ganking any stragglers like myself trying to get to Fell Landing.
Caledor is one of those situations where there is a PvE route that gets you pretty close to Fell Landing. You need a bit of practice jumping down the waterfall but it at least gets you close. Running to forts by yourself is a difficult task, though. If you can't find a group to run with you are probably going to get attacked.

The few times I've actually managed to meet up with my WB I've also gotten very little out of it too. I haven't completed a single "kill 25 players" quest in all the sieges I've been in and it's probably just due to the sheer volume of WBs and the fact people aren't really fighting that much they're just kinda sat on the keep walls harassing each other.
What's worse is I don't even seem to be making much progress at all. I'm getting negligible amounts of renown, exp and inf for all this time invested and I'm just not having that much fun either. I wanted my levelling experience to be slow and enjoyable not slow and **** basically.
You should get good renown and slow exp for ORvR. You might want to think about volunteering when you see the relatively common "organized warband looking for [X]," posts in /5, if you qualify as [X]. Organized warbands are generally a TON more fun (and productive) than pugs.
I was struggling in T4 and T2 zones were locked so I tried some scs. I was doing pretty badly
Try starting a premade scen group in /5. Get 2 DPS, 2 Tanks, 2 healers and queue. Have a main assist. Generally works out pretty well.

Sorry you're having such a tough time in the mid-tiers. Again, we've all been there. Other people suggested joining an active guild. That's good advice. Hope things go better for you!

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Re: Was enjoying myself until T2

Post#8 » Sat Sep 19, 2020 4:06 am

Stick around, its well worth it for RvR. Need some gold for better gear ?

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Posts: 158

Re: Was enjoying myself until T2

Post#9 » Sat Sep 19, 2020 5:24 am

Join a wb and stay close at sll times. Time of day is big factor early morning destro can dominate even if you are lvl 40 it is hard. Mid afternoon especially after destro tend to log off and you can make big gains when destro are quiet. Scenarios order have a good win rate avoid warfront as it tend to dominated by premade the rest are far better chance of a win all the best players are in the warfront.

Get a decent guild Fog of War are newbie and very busy and run guild only wbs so will get help from some of higher ranks.

Posts: 66

Re: Was enjoying myself until T2

Post#10 » Sat Sep 19, 2020 5:59 am

As others have said, there's safety in numbers so be sure to find a war band and stay close to them. If you join late and the warband is on the other side of the map, it can be very difficult to get to them without getting ganked somewhere along the way. So it might be better to wait until they get closer, follow others, or look to see if you can take a route through the PvE areas (easier in the lower tiers).

You can join an open warband but it's pretty hit or miss whether they will be organized or not. So the best way is to join a good guild (ideally within an alliance). That way you can always ask to join guild or alliance warbands which a better chance of having voice coms and decent leadership.

Making the jump from Tier 1 to higher tiers is pretty rough from 16 to the mid twenties. But it does get better if you can find a good warband/guild and gain more or your skills and better armor. I've heard that if you are decently geared around level 29-30 with the bolstering you are actually pretty strong compared to a vanilla level 40 character.

If you are on Order, check out guilds such as Fog of War, The Holy Kings, Rescue Team, Reforged, etc. They are all part of a good alliance, generally use voice chat, have discords where you can ask questions, and you can join guild groups or alliance groups.

Another option if you liked Tier 1 zones like Nordland is to play Scenarios and gear up through Emblems.

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