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Defendhammer Online

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Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#11 » Wed Sep 30, 2020 9:41 pm

People have said it over and over again, make reaching 2 stars harder, make holding BOs more important so it promotes more roaming and staying on the map itself and not just running full supply warbands and getting a zone siege ready in 15min.
You can still run your supply warbands but give us the opportunity to catch and wipe them more than once before the hit 2stars.
Couple of days ago in Black Crag my 12 managed to catch two separate warbands, wipe them and get their supp and still the keep just raced up to 2stars as if there was no delay.

Posts: 423

Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#12 » Wed Sep 30, 2020 9:48 pm

It was a response to all the Order gloating about how this is so good, they are much more suited to this playstyle, I get it. But don't ask me to chase your 4 tanks to the wall so your range can bomb me. It gets old real fast.
Order: 70 AM / 76 RP/ 72 Knight/ 58 WH
Destro: 82 Sham / 79 Zealot/ 70 DoK /70 Magus /68 Mara
Many alts on both sides now ruined by new currency change

Posts: 50

Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#13 » Wed Sep 30, 2020 10:01 pm

havartii wrote: Wed Sep 30, 2020 9:48 pm It was a response to all the Order gloating about how this is so good, they are much more suited to this playstyle, I get it. But don't ask me to chase your 4 tanks to the wall so your range can bomb me. It gets old real fast.
Fair enough mate you are entitled to your opinion.
Both sides can pull off their own styles of cheesy tactics.
I just don't get the in game hatred spilling over into these sort of discussions.
By all means hate the annoying kiting shaman in game or the pouncing WL or the current enemy superblob but as players we are all in this together and need each other to get the most fun out of the game. having level headed discussions about game mechanics that may be good/bad/why -> make better for all.

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Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#14 » Wed Sep 30, 2020 11:48 pm

TreefAM wrote: Wed Sep 30, 2020 9:41 pm People have said it over and over again, make reaching 2 stars harder, make holding BOs more important so it promotes more roaming and staying on the map itself and not just running full supply warbands and getting a zone siege ready in 15min.
You can still run your supply warbands but give us the opportunity to catch and wipe them more than once before the hit 2stars.
Couple of days ago in Black Crag my 12 managed to catch two separate warbands, wipe them and get their supp and still the keep just raced up to 2stars as if there was no delay.
I really only like the orvr fights pre-2 stars, when everyone is out running around nabbing supplies. Id be all for this change.
Detangler and alts - 84 Chosen, other 40s - DoK, Zealot, SH, WE, BG, BO
Destro - Mostly Harmless
Tangler and alts - 8X IB, other 40s - RP, SM
Order - Most dishonorable

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Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#15 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 12:31 am

lifeson wrote: Tue Sep 29, 2020 7:23 pm I get maybe what the intention was with the defence changes to maybe slow progress to city a bit. prime EU time its so slow, literally Zzzzzzz sometimes.
Huge bands sitting in keeps waiting for ticks, tactics leaning towards starring keeps ASAP to set up defense - its got much more cautious overall.
Maybe I'm in the minority but this feels too static.
Game got less fun.
Idk, I think this is way better then everyone afking for city or all zerging on one side and switching for city.

Defending is part of the game, and its rewarded as such. Before there was no reason to ever defend.
Khrylashe - Zealot
Devarien - Blackguard
Bigdisc- Magus
Aendael - Warrior Priest
Nusku- Bright Wizard

Posts: 15

Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#16 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 4:42 am

For me, personally, the meat of the game is in keep sieges/defending. I found it incredibly boring when no one bothered to show up to defend keeps. Zones were getting pushed so fast and regularly cities were often on cooldown still so it just reset the campaign. To me, that's lame.

It's nice seeing actual keep defenses again.
Iskrul 80x Zealot

Kaarnyx 68 DoK

too many other alts worth mentioning!

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Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#17 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 6:28 am

I like forts and keeps about as much as I like turtles. You could say the same thing about SCs or open lake rvr; it's an opinion.
Chasing the golden carrot that is my alts.

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Posts: 898

Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#18 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 7:36 am

It's good people are defending keeps instead of abandoning zones and waiting for forts and cities. The only problem is, sieges happen too fast and make BOs and rest of the map kinda irrevelant.

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Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#19 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 7:38 am

Detangler wrote: Wed Sep 30, 2020 11:48 pm
TreefAM wrote: Wed Sep 30, 2020 9:41 pm People have said it over and over again, make reaching 2 stars harder, make holding BOs more important so it promotes more roaming and staying on the map itself and not just running full supply warbands and getting a zone siege ready in 15min.
You can still run your supply warbands but give us the opportunity to catch and wipe them more than once before the hit 2stars.
Couple of days ago in Black Crag my 12 managed to catch two separate warbands, wipe them and get their supp and still the keep just raced up to 2stars as if there was no delay.
I really only like the orvr fights pre-2 stars, when everyone is out running around nabbing supplies. Id be all for this change.
Yes, one problem (or might be a bug) is that if you capture all the Bo's after the zone has just flipped while the timer is still running before the zone is even open - then as soon as it opens you can get your keep to 2* in a matter of minutes in some zones.

The other day in CW Destro got 2* in under 5 mins when they had north keep , we barely had a chance to zone in and mount up. Not sure exactly how it's possible but maybe the Bo's are generating sups too early or quickly after a zone flips , or even when zone hasn't opened up yet.

Posts: 124

Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#20 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 9:28 am

Problem with those "defences" is that they just wasting everybody time: you spent 5 minutes at ramming the door/killing the oil, then brave order premades killing ram after suiciding on it for 10 times in a row. Whats gonna happen after? Nothing. You wait 10 mins for another ram to do it again, cause "defenders" are sitting on the walls, expecting another ram to die on just to waste everyones time once more (cause they not gonna leave keep untill you get bored). And the main reason it's happening is 3k pure dmg per tick from oil in huge area. You can't really fight those jumpers with oil support which makes it close to impossible to defend the ram if there is 3 rdps on walls who is smart enough to cast aoe near ram to make sure that anyone who wants to remove it gonna get dismounted. Oil damage needs to be nerfed just to allow attackers to actually push defenders away from ram, with 12k pure undefendable dmg per oil thats close to impossible. Or there should be other ways to destroy keep doors other than ram which right now is as cancerous as it can ever be: not only it gets killed by oil jumpers, ST cannons and stealthers, there is also this disgusting decay mechanic that can kill ram even faster just because ram owner went 100ft away from it (someone moved ram from oil just to save it while ram owner was standing with main force near gates for example). Maybe ST cannons should do reliable dmg to gates aswell, or players should be able to hit the damn door too, or maybe both? Because with as it is rn dead ram means that in next 10 mins absolutely nothing gonna happen.

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