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Whats going on with Destro?

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Posts: 47

Re: Whats going on with Destro?

Post#11 » Sun Nov 01, 2020 2:15 pm

desizt wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 8:33 am "Fr0M thE FirST fiGHT wE KnEw ItS ovER!"
I mean that usually is the case in single BO scenarios, lets be real.

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Re: Whats going on with Destro?

Post#12 » Sun Nov 01, 2020 2:26 pm

Freakzilla wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 2:09 pm
Impmon wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 1:57 pm As with any faction based pvp game the imbalance will just get worse as everyone will jump to the winning side.
No, I will just quit. No guild. Guilds want geared lvl 40's. Cant afford decent armor, surely cannot afford 98g for a fkn +11 talisman. Cannot compete as a lower level against lvl 39's with good armor, money, and guilds. Combining T2, 3 and 4 is just dumb. Its no fun to get farmed every single SC.
Oh! ... oh ... so you haven't even gotten to experience being a fresh 40 yet.

Posts: 14

Re: Whats going on with Destro?

Post#13 » Sun Nov 01, 2020 2:54 pm

Yea I’m in same boat. This was interesting to start but seems more catered to people who’ve devoted way more time then I care to. I’ve played both sides actually made a BW and Sorc at same time. Once you’re out of T1 your options are get farmed feeling absolutely useless in scenarios or leeching off zergs until you’re 40 and decently geared.

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Re: Whats going on with Destro?

Post#14 » Sun Nov 01, 2020 2:59 pm

And these are new players to the game expressing their wonder the population is as low as it is lately lol

Posts: 109

Re: Whats going on with Destro?

Post#15 » Sun Nov 01, 2020 3:52 pm

Make a group with tanks and healers, make friends, learn what teamplay requires as a dps (heal debuffs, assisting, calling the right targets, etc).

There is a learning curve and it can be frustrating because you are getting farmed by players but honestly it's pretty much all in yours hands to determine whether you will suffer through or really enjoy the leveling and gearing process.
Rekoom - 80+ BO

Posts: 66

Re: Whats going on with Destro?

Post#16 » Sun Nov 01, 2020 4:07 pm

It seems like you've already made up your mind about the game, but I just wanted to comment on each of these items:

Freakzilla wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 2:09 pm
No guild. Guilds want geared lvl 40's.

I think you said you play destro in another thread. I have noticed that when I play on my destro character, there are fewer guilds advertising in chat than on the order side. Still, I'm sure there is some guild that will take a lower level player. The challenge is just to find them. Remember you don't have to stay with a guild forever.

Freakzilla wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 2:09 pm Cant afford decent armor

I'm not sure what you mean. Armor is mostly bought with Medallions (RvR) or Emblems (Scenarios) that you earn just by playing. Most people earn enough of the appropriate currency by the time they can equip each tier of gear.

The only thing I really used gold for was the mounts and for lower level trinkets, but it is not hard to farm up some gold by just killing some mobs in PvE. You can also get items drops that help with armor. Also if you have a gathering skill like scavenging, salvaging, or butchering you can extra mats that you can either vendor, sell at the auction house, or use to craft.

Freakzilla wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 2:09 pm surely cannot afford 98g for a fkn +11 talisman.

While it is a good idea to slot talismans to take advantage of the bolster, it isn't mandatory. If you're active, you'll move onto the next set of gear pretty quickly so don't waste a lot of money on talismans. Your main goal for gold is to save up for the faster mounts and filling out any missing gear or trinkets.

Another way to get talismans is to craft them yourself. It's easy and even the low level talismans you craft can be slotted to help up your gear. My advise would be to pick up Scavenging and Talisman making, and go farm some level approprate mobs for 30 minutes. You'll get plenty of mats to craft low level talismans of all sorts (strengh, balistic, willpower, armor, etc.)

Freakzilla wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 2:09 pm Cannot compete as a lower level against lvl 39's with good armor, money, and guilds. Combining T2, 3 and 4 is just dumb.

Remember there is safety in numbers which is why you want to be in a warband and ideally an organized one. If you are in a good warband, you'll have a tank guard as DPS and a healer there to heal and rez you. So while it's probably isn't a good idea to dive head first into the enemy as a low level bolstered character, you can still get kills and contribute. And remember, you won't always be low level.

If you are struggling, it might also be that the class you are playing doesn't suit you. Try a different class. If haven't tried a healer or tank, maybe try one of those since they are always in demand.

Combining the tiers makes the game more active. Remember that both sides have low level players, pugs, and solo players so it's not as if one side has an advantage aside for sheer numbers at any given time.

Freakzilla wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 2:09 pm Its no fun to get farmed every single SC.

I hear you. That's why I rarely do Scenarios, even with a max level character. It can be a very one-sided affair, especially if you are up against a solid pre-made. My advice for scenarios would be just to focus on earning emblems, learning your class, and taking advantage of the xp bonuses during the weekend events and focus less on wins and losses. Or just do RvR and/or dungeons since you can get gear in there too.

There are still new players joining the game (I've only played since August) and the gearing and leveling is much easier than in other games I've played. The game doesn't hold your hand, but there are plenty of good resources here on the forums for how to progress. Guilds will often help members with stuff like talismans, potions, and gold for mounts.

Posts: 14

Re: Whats going on with Destro?

Post#17 » Sun Nov 01, 2020 4:52 pm

I understand the concept of premades and see people advertising for them. I’ll go do some quests and scenarios for an hour and return to the city to hand in & see the same guys advertising for premade.

The thing is if I make a premade with a bunch of random people whose skill I don’t know how is it any different from a pug ? I was pugging for about 2 hours and won every match. Joined a premade and first match got stomped and some quit mid match lol.

Premade supremacy is a myth 😉

Posts: 226

Re: Whats going on with Destro?

Post#18 » Mon Nov 02, 2020 9:26 am

Well picking up 5 other people in /5 and getting into SCs together doesn't make you a premade, that's literally a "pug".

Get a guild or find yourself some friends, get together, create a little Disco channel where you can chat, etc. Those social mechanics will get you through being poor, will get you through not having the best gear, experience or setup. I know destro now absolutely stinks for new and mid-level players, but there has to be SOMEONE who can support you.

Alternatively, reroll Order, get in and join one of the many guilds who have absolutely no problem getting in newbies, ranking and gearing them up and educating them. Hell, if you can't find home even there, hit me up, I'm leading my own guild and we're a helpful bunch - free talis, free SC/oRvR BoE armour pieces, free potions, guild PvE gearing/farming sessions, roaming and organised groups that pass vanqs and conqs to people who need them, class guides, all of that jazz.
Raid boss Salv WP Guernios - rr83, full Sov
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Re: Whats going on with Destro?

Post#19 » Mon Nov 02, 2020 9:35 am

Freakzilla wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 2:09 pm
Impmon wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 1:57 pm As with any faction based pvp game the imbalance will just get worse as everyone will jump to the winning side.
No, I will just quit. No guild. Guilds want geared lvl 40's. Cant afford decent armor, surely cannot afford 98g for a fkn +11 talisman. Cannot compete as a lower level against lvl 39's with good armor, money, and guilds. Combining T2, 3 and 4 is just dumb. Its no fun to get farmed every single SC.
there is a thing called learn a profession and its quite fast to level and make your own talisman.Plus i would not even bother with socketin low level gear considering nowadays gettin to 40 is a walk in the park and rvr rewards plenty of medals to just buy a full set in no time.And to solve the talisman issue you can just get to 40 and join some ch22 farm.

Posts: 37

Re: Whats going on with Destro?

Post#20 » Mon Nov 02, 2020 9:37 am

This ebbs and flows. There was a long period where Destro whooped ass constantly. Yall need should check out this post on city tracker from a while back


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