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(AM) DUO with 2h IB build?

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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(AM) DUO with 2h IB build?

Post#1 » Fri Nov 06, 2020 5:58 pm

Hey me and my friend was looking for a build to DUO with my 2h IB We just got rank 40 was wandering what would be a good option for an AM build.

Should he go full dps or hybrid? What kind of build ?

AND what gear should he aim Vanquisher seem to be easier to get(healing gear) then (sc oppresor dps gear) Soo was thinking doin hybrid build while getting higher gear (endgame invader royal etc)

Our goal more for duo roaming i gona go 2h IB dps route (knockdown)(maybe heal debuff tactic too) ... ,3752,3740

AM Builds seem to have alot of options

Posts: 381

Re: (AM) DUO with 2h IB build?

Post#2 » Fri Nov 06, 2020 6:06 pm

So then the best option is for you to duo with my wp -tyberia. jk mate! Sounds like u guys have it figured out with the hybrid. i would reccommend your AM get the healdebuff instead of you tho as his is incoming and makes for more kills.

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Re: (AM) DUO with 2h IB build?

Post#3 » Fri Nov 06, 2020 6:23 pm

Ok! Haha just add my IB Superluigi i'l guard you ib+Wp pretty OP lol
But i think AM gona prob need that Divine fury 25% more dps for 20% less heals right?(prob worth it)

Posts: 381

Re: (AM) DUO with 2h IB build?

Post#4 » Fri Nov 06, 2020 6:41 pm

Yes have him check out the right tree energy of vaul gives a nice baseline heal that ignores healdebuffs and does some fat damage. he can honestly top heals and damage if hes quick.

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Re: (AM) DUO with 2h IB build?

Post#5 » Fri Nov 06, 2020 8:37 pm

I imagine he got similar build like this ... ,3437,3452
With Anti crit and magic crit?

Posts: 381

Re: (AM) DUO with 2h IB build?

Post#6 » Fri Nov 06, 2020 10:00 pm ... ,3437,3452

Its more like this but yes full crit/FS and the rest in deft

Posts: 336

Re: (AM) DUO with 2h IB build?

Post#7 » Fri Nov 06, 2020 10:09 pm

The IB is free to go full glass canon within reason ie no focused offense. No one is gonna focus IB over AM, and even if they did a DPS 2h IB is going to be basically unkillable with DPS AM off healing via shields, hots, taps in any situation that you could possibly win, that is to say obviously if there's 10 ppl beating on him hes gonna die but that's not a winning scenario. Outgoing healdebuff will be some nice utility as well as KD and AoE snare which will be very important for your AM to kite well since the devs decided to move mistress out of reach of dps am.

For AM you pretty much go the standard solo spec, Full middle tree, divine fury, channel tactic, and then the spirit debuff in right tree.

Soloing/duoing in this game takes immense map knowledge and game knowledge in general ever since the game because quite zergy recently, you need to know what you can engage on and where to not end up being swallowed up by a warband.

IB and AM don't really have that great synergy, but its not impossible to duo with that just that the AM is really carrying hard here. SM has amazing synergy with AM tho.

Posts: 45

Re: (AM) DUO with 2h IB build?

Post#8 » Fri Nov 06, 2020 10:17 pm

For duo roaming have your friend go full DPS spec. AM hybrid specs are a bit of a meme right now since they removed a key tactic that made the life tap skill viable a couple years ago. AMs are also missing some decent quick casting heal spells that make it good on Shamans.

Career build: - Archmage
The M4 is almost never going to come into play but it's super fun if you ever do get to use it(especially in forts). The other skills in the tree are hot garbage IMO, so if he doesn't want the M4 another point in Vaul gives some extra damage

Renown - 3 ranks of Futile Strikes and magic crit. I think int might be slightly more efficient than magic crit for overall damage since AM's crit magnitude is low. But crit is more fun obviously

You'll need the both of you to be doing damage as well as his heal debuff to be able to kill anything if a healer shows up. The silence is nice as a second CC option aside from Cave In and lets him silence the healer while you focus your main target down.

Some key jobs for you as the IB will be to peel for him with your slows/Cave In/punt to help with him kiting, guard/challenge to keep him alive and just to be a general distraction for the dumb players who decide they should attack you. His healing won't be great, but he should still be swapping his defensive target and maintaining hots for the trickle heals to keep you guys alive. You may need to coordinate your timings a bit to take people out when there are healers around - AM damage takes about 5-6 GCDs before the burst comes so he can't swap targets as quickly as you can(efficiently at least)

As an alternate spec, he can drop the silence to grab the puddle from the healing tree. This is more of a solo spec though for kiting. With you around to help I think the silence and hard points in the trees for more damage are better - Archmage

It's a great combo - my friend and I played a DPS AM and 2h IB on live and it was absolutely nasty. The lifetap skill was viable then so I could heal us both, but I'll bet it's still a pretty good combo. The only thing you will struggle with is ability to catch people and close the gap initially.

Starx wrote: Fri Nov 06, 2020 10:09 pm IB and AM don't really have that great synergy, but its not impossible to duo with that just that the AM is really carrying hard here. SM has amazing synergy with AM tho.
I disagree, unless Blurring Shock procs off of DoTs, and even then still probably. All 3 classes have their own resist/armour debuffs so the overlap is kind of unnecessary. IB has much better peel that's instant rather than every 3 GCDs and makes kiting so much easier when you do inevitably end up getting caught. That along with the great single target buffs, useful debuffs and it still has the bubble

As somebody who's played with both I'd much prefer to be with an IB than an SM

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Re: (AM) DUO with 2h IB build?

Post#9 » Fri Nov 06, 2020 10:35 pm

Ok thanks for the reply guys! I think he gona need to try probably differant builds too see what works the best. We might do 3man also and he goes more healing hybrid and I (ib 2h) with melee dps that would probably a better synergy if we aim to bring our game to the next level lol

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Re: (AM) DUO with 2h IB build?

Post#10 » Sat Nov 07, 2020 8:57 am


As an alternative build: ... ,3441,3434

Then go full renown int, then futile.

The thing with this build is that you still have à big single heal potential with magical infusion + funnel + desperation tactic.

Though you loose dps burst, and will have issue against healer, so don't forget to stack all dot (M1 is also a dot) and symphon ap on cool down.

Don't play roaming spec without puddle

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