[WL] Pet reliability

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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Re: [WL] Pet reliability

Post#21 » Sat Dec 05, 2020 10:31 pm

I will give it a try tomorrow. I never had the issue in PVE zones though.

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Re: [WL] Pet reliability

Post#22 » Sat Dec 05, 2020 11:15 pm

Just give WL pets ranged abilities that can attack through LOS.

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Re: [WL] Pet reliability

Post#23 » Sun Dec 06, 2020 9:33 pm

I tested this today. The pet dissapeared a couple of times when idle, however I saw that changing the stance to passive solved it. No more unexpected vanishes this way, however pet attack must be clicked several times in order to work. I'm exploring macros or addons to solve this.

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Re: [WL] Pet reliability

Post#24 » Thu Jan 07, 2021 3:40 pm

My problems with my lion are not really "disappearing" or knowing if my lion is dead.

Both are pretty simple, at least for me. When I attack, my lion often visually appears to be attacking from about 20'-30' away from some random direction (usually in front of me) but I can see he is attacking and the attacked is taking damage so I know this is all visual. The only way I know to have the animation work on point is to send the lion in first.

And dead is just looking at my lion bar (with its attacks/stance). If the bar disappears and there is a timer over the summon button, it's dead.

What bothers me more however is how vastly inferior both our Fetch and KD are. Both are tied to the lion which is frankly BS.

Fetch - Unlike the Marauder who has a simple 2 sec cast and can pull people from just about anywhere, we have to send out our lion, and HOPE that it isn't intercepted/killed AND the target doesn't run out of range. The only thing the Marauder has to worry about is the target moving out of range. Not to mention if the lion can't get to the target, we can't fetch it, again something the Marauder doesn't have a problem with. I was excited when I finally got my pull but extremely disappointed in its execution.

Lion KD - Unlike others who can simply hit a button, we have to wait and hope the lion performs it. Not exactly reliable in the fast paced action of a slugfest where you are constantly moving and switching targets.

Not to mention the fact that we lose BOTH of these if we slot Loner, something you have to do in cities since the lion has close to zero survivability in the Dest melee meatball with all the AoEs going off constantly.

I would propose the following:

- Give the lion the 50% speed boost tactic for FREE and make fetch work out to say 80' to compensate for how poor the mechanics work.
- Give the WL an actual KD ability that can used at will. Just give it a longer cooldown to balance the fact we would technically have 2. This would however allow the Loner to have one (also decrease the CD if Loner is slotted)
- Make the Lion more survivable. How about it taking 30% less damage if it's within 30' of the WL and give it an additional 25% less damage vs AoE attacks.

(oh and put the original pounce BACK where it was with all it's pre-nerfed abilities. maybe just make the CD a bit longer?)

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Re: [WL] Pet reliability

Post#25 » Thu Jan 07, 2021 7:08 pm

WAr lion already take 75% less damage from aoe .
If you want to send your pet for fetch and KD I suggest you to use the charge if you don’t want to slot the speed training tactic . Charge is separated for you and your pet , means if you break yours , your pet still have it until it breaks it by using an ability .

As Wargrimnir made clear few days ago , we are more concerned about make pet more useful than promote Loner build .
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
Skorri - 40 - 65 Engineer


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Re: [WL] Pet reliability

Post#26 » Thu Jan 07, 2021 7:41 pm

Grunbag wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 7:08 pm WAr lion already take 75% less damage from aoe .
If you want to send your pet for fetch and KD I suggest you to use the charge if you don’t want to slot the speed training tactic . Charge is separated for you and your pet , means if you break yours , your pet still have it until it breaks it by using an ability .

As Wargrimnir made clear few days ago , we are more concerned about make pet more useful than promote Loner build .
biggest problem with pet so far is the use of abilitys of the pet (pet attacks or knock down)- While a enemy is running straight away. its like pet is in 5 ft range stops movement and try to use a ability while enemy runs out of range for pet. Even with speed training or charge its nearly always the same. as long as the enemy runs straight its a 50/50 chance. Not sure but if it possible all pet attacks and pull and knock down are not usable while moving for the pet?
Knick WL RR85+
Knickli Mara RR80+


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Re: [WL] Pet reliability

Post#27 » Thu Jan 07, 2021 9:02 pm

KD happen at pet next attack so include AA or pet abilities casted , both working when pet is in movement .
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
Skorri - 40 - 65 Engineer


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Re: [WL] Pet reliability

Post#28 » Thu Jan 07, 2021 9:21 pm

Grunbag wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 9:02 pm KD happen at pet next attack so include AA or pet abilities casted , both working when pet is in movement .

i know. but as said if enemy is running strait it happens often that no aa or pet ability triggers. it simply runs behind the target stops run stop run stop run and so on.
Knick WL RR85+
Knickli Mara RR80+


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Re: [WL] Pet reliability

Post#29 » Thu Jan 07, 2021 9:57 pm

Probably a AI range issue , post a video in BT if possible so I can try to fix it
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
Skorri - 40 - 65 Engineer


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Re: [WL] Pet reliability

Post#30 » Fri Jan 08, 2021 6:58 pm

Grunbag wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 7:08 pm WAr lion already take 75% less damage from aoe .
If you want to send your pet for fetch and KD I suggest you to use the charge if you don’t want to slot the speed training tactic . Charge is separated for you and your pet , means if you break yours , your pet still have it until it breaks it by using an ability .

As Wargrimnir made clear few days ago , we are more concerned about make pet more useful than promote Loner build .
While I can appreciate your trying to help make the ability work better, let's both be brutally honest that Fetch is clearly inferior to Terrible Embrace. I shouldn't have to slot a tactic to make it work better or even activate another ability (that I will be putting on CD for myself so I will not have access to it for 30 secs). The Marauder doesn't have to do either of these things to get their pull to work. They can also pull from places the WL can't because the lion can't get to many areas and there is still the issue of the lion being stopped before the correct range happens, again something Terrible Embrace doesn't suffer from. So why is there no compensation to make the ability more balanced?

I also understand that you would prefer the lion be used as opposed to Loner but it still dies in seconds in things like keep/fort funnel situations and cities (Natures Bond doesn't even come close to keeping them alive) So basically the lion is near useless for the end game content which is why Loner is used. Seems unfair to hurt the Loner with a lack of KD ability when it is really their only choice. Yet I see Squigs used in this same content because they are either ranged and keep it close or go melee, making it damn tough.

Add to that the confounding tree movement and range gimping of pounce and THEN giving the WLs signature ability to TWO Dest. classes that already had a ton of utility. Was pounce really THAT out of balance? I know of many veteran WLs who are shelving their toons because of this. If you are going to give Dest Order's unique abilities, when can we expect Order getting Dest unique abilities? So when will say WPs be getting the Shammy version of Sticky Feetz? or BWs the ranged KD that only SHs have now? I personally don't want this as I'm sure most will agree, it destroys the uniqueness of class abilities and really hurts the game overall.

It feels like all Dest is getting is buffed while Order is getting nerfed more and more yet most Dest classes are already better than their order counterparts AND have better synergy to boot. :|

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