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Order is the new chaos?

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Re: Order is the new chaos?

Post#21 » Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:32 pm

As someone else pointed out. Order SC groups are always in discord. The communication is needed. Destro half the groups are not even in discord. Why bother.

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Re: Order is the new chaos?

Post#22 » Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:33 pm

Mordd wrote: Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:32 pm As someone else pointed out. Order SC groups are always in discord. The communication is needed. Destro half the groups are not even in discord. Why bother.
and they still win !
Wonder if its a balance problem afterall :)

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Re: Order is the new chaos?

Post#23 » Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:42 pm

Aurandilaz wrote: Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:18 pm All the tools exist on these classes to completely melt anything Destro can throw at you in 24v24 or even 1wb vs 2-3wbs, assuming actually good players playing in each warband spot on Order.
Most of you just choose to not even organize. How many actual warband guilds are left on Order, and why does it feel like the vast majority of Order belongs to guilds that contain between 1-6 online on average?

also inb4 someone again accuses me of being destrokaren or some other weird new words;
rr84 WL
rr83 BW
rr81 SL
rr73 SM
rr71 AM
rr66 KOTB
rr51 WP
Well, I congratulate you, you basically signed what you yourself described. I have 83 IB 80SM and 79 RP and further downhill, that is, I thought more about being useful for my fraction, and you swam more and there where it is more convenient for you, but at the same time you leave the right criticize others. Great logic.

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Re: Order is the new chaos?

Post#24 » Sun Jan 24, 2021 10:05 pm

MMXX43 wrote: Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:27 pm Destrokarens retains the best warband mdps (MSH)
MMXX43 wrote: Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:27 pm best warband healer (DOK with 2 cds red constant group or aoe heals )
MMXX43 wrote: Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:27 pm and best warband rdps (SH as of late ).
Literally 0 AoE, but sure best warband rdps xD
Zumos - Member of Red Guard

Current Guilds: The Unlikely Plan - Deep and Dry - Dark Omen

Posts: 3

Re: Order is the new chaos?

Post#25 » Sun Jan 24, 2021 10:14 pm

IMO the lack of Order tanks is not helped by their appearance relative to their Destro counterparts.

Just take a look at the Character models when creating a new character, imagine your a new player with no preconceptions and you want to roll a Tank.

Chosen - Big tanky looking character with imo the best looking end game Armor of all classes
Black Ork - Another big Tanky looking Character
Black Guard - imo least good looking Destro Tank but still better looking than order tanks

Knight - best looking of the order tanks but the character model is smaller than the Chosen and looks physically weaker
Sword Master - Is that a dress im wearing ? Delete. Also same size / weaker appearance compared to Destro Tanks
Iron Breaker - Short fat bloke, up there with SM as least tanky looking character

Now for some reason youve chosen one of the order tanks, maybe you dont care about appearance.
You zerg your way through Nordland / T1 and your now lvl 16 congrats you now get to guard / hold the line while everyone else kills, gets RP's and has fun.

Hmmm maybe i should roll an Engineer....

Posts: 445

Re: Order is the new chaos?

Post#26 » Sun Jan 24, 2021 10:18 pm

I've said it for literal RL years, I'll say it again: a big reason why Order's career distribution is so **** is because of the absolutely god-awful aesthetics on all of its good classes. I'm one of the rare few who likes how SM likes, but most people don't want to play a dwarf, so that's RP/Slayer out, our best healer and melee dps, and don't want to wear a dress, so that's all elf classes out except SW, and most people would rather swing big hammers than be a healer, so there are tons of DPS WPs.

And hey presto chango look at the class distribution for Order and you'll see this trend follows exactly. There are incredibly few of all elf classes except for SW, most WPs are DPS, we have a handful of Knights, and incredibly few dwarfs outside of Engineer, because Engineer actually looks GOOD for a dwarf class.

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Re: Order is the new chaos?

Post#27 » Sun Jan 24, 2021 10:31 pm

Sheer nonsense that appears in every thread - "people don't go to play with tanks because of their looks". The IB looks like a war machine, the SM looks like a war god. In the third moments when I look for my mains, I get nothing but compliments. And if someone with their clumsy actions bombed the community by releasing one-sided patches, then one should not blame the fact that the players trying to squeeze something out of the game are playing half-heartedly. As soon as the Order began to organize and began to bring the score to 50/50%, as it should be, they put us down administratively because you know we have rampage and 75% to heal. It doesn't even matter what they nerf, it's just a constant narrative that scared away absolutely everyone who wanted to associate their time with the order.

Posts: 62

Re: Order is the new chaos?

Post#28 » Sun Jan 24, 2021 10:34 pm

IMO alot of the current imbalance is due tod ev ineptitude, terrible balance aptches, they might aswell deleted white lions, most destro classes sinergyze alot better, alot mroe classes are warband viable, most of the mirrors are alot betetr on destro side.

So no I dont think tis only a "cultural" thing, I think the balance team has been doing a horrible job for the longest time.

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Re: Order is the new chaos?

Post#29 » Sun Jan 24, 2021 11:02 pm

wonshot wrote: Sun Jan 24, 2021 5:24 pm
Order as a realm did for some reason end up being "harder" to pug on, compared to destro. The archtype imbalance would by my guess as to why.
Good balanced setups can win on both sides, both realms have their winconditions and different playstyles over the other realm and this is natural when its a none mirrored game.
I dont think this cultural change will come from the Devs, I can't see how they would even attempt to tacle this issue on Order. It needs to come from within.
No..... Devs wont do anything because thread like that just proves that they don't need do that .. Because its players problem after all ....right....In this case i completely disagree with you. If not devs no one have tools to solve problem that has been growing from years..DID YOU EVEN ASK yourself why order looks like that?? And ppl who are more keen to play together stay/flock to destro....For now i see Devs stubbornness or changes that only are making problem even bigger. (So no much hope here)...

In my opinion order pug or casual groups will not prosper because mid destro meta play is much easier to execute (easy group bufs easier synergies like cd-reducers for example better popular classes) and in this situation full order realm food chain getting constant stroke.. So at the end even so called organised/hc order guild have real/big problem with the roster..Im not even considering quality of those available ppl.

BTW if its attempt to again create something at order Bombling i hope you will succeed - realm needs that but lets be honest im a bit sceptic.
Karak Azgal - Haron WP
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Posts: 66

Re: Order is the new chaos?

Post#30 » Sun Jan 24, 2021 11:29 pm

I agree on your post about pve. They have not done anything about this and it tells me they either don't care and/or don't have the time. At the very least they could have removed some of the trash pulls before bosses.

The rest of your post is myopic and I disagree. Time and time again they have given Destro Order abilities. So where is the no armor penetration proc, additional CD decrease, or AE KD for Order? Good Lord, they can't even give a functional pull on Order. Tied to a trash pet that is not viable in the wb play. That my friend is the very definition of bias. I can go on and on. But at this point I just don't GAS anymore and have a foot out the door.

They nerfed knights so bad , a few guilds and many players have left the game. You blame the players, I blame the devs. No one want to play a nerfed faction or class compared to their mirror. They even nerfed slayers, but I guess you missed that.

You lay the blame at the wrong peoples feet.

And this little jewel!

"According the writer and according my personal experiences on Destro side there are actually people who want prosper but also want to help others to prosper as well, or even they sacrifice their time to do something for "lowbies".

If order does not have those, it actually tells something about people who are playing Order."

I have countless times helped ppl do BL, or tanked C/T on my tanks, even when the CD was not expired. So be careful in your condemnation.

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