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[Submit your idea] - New scenarios & mechanics

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Re: Ideas - New SC Mechanics

Post#21 » Wed Feb 17, 2021 10:18 am

From quick internet search:

Kadrin Valley PassThat would be the map above. I know nothing of it aside from 5 capture points (perhaps on the same mechanic as Gromril Crossing and BFP?): Borradin Ruins, Gungnir’s Bridge, Kordhal’s Lookout, Slayer Basin, Swamp Rat Marsh. Certainly looks like a fun map, depends on scale though. One can dream.

Castle Fragendorf - a giant scenario and a giant castle, it will take the player 3 minutes to climb to the top. The purpose of the map is to capture certain objects in the castle, after the objects are taken under control, you need to cross the river over the bridge and take the bomb lying in the small castle and return with it back, then apparently the castle will be blown up.
The number of players is 24 to 24.


Seems like some of my ideas are in line with what was intended ;)
There's also Reikland quest called Fragendorf Shall Fall, got to do it later today to see what bits of fluff it holds.


Edit: more info on Kadrin Valley:

Kadrin Valley Pass is a Warhammer Online domination scenario which takes place in an area of open countryside in Kadrin Valley. The objectives are a squadron of crashed gyrocopters that need repairing. Currently, this scenario is not implemented in the game, as Gromril Crossing is the only active Scenario for Kadrin Valley.


Lost as they were, the One Toofz unwittingly stumbled upon a well-hidden and secluded dwarven outpost, Hadgrin’s Watch, guarding the south-eastern approaching to Kadrin Valley. Though Karak Kadrin and its garrison of slayers are sworn to protect Peak Pass, the rangers set up a small outpost nearby to monitor the labyrinth of passes leading to the rear of Karak Kadrin. With the help of a half-dozen gyrocopters the rangers are the far-seeing eyes of the Slayer Keep. Now the greenskins have stumbled upon this remote location and have descended upon it with a vicious fury, already swarming the gyrocopter pads and destroying the four that couldn’t get airborne in time. Two precious gyrocopters remain circling above and guiding the forces of Order from nearby Kadrin Valley to rescue the survivors of Hadgrin’s Watch, secure the pass, and salvage what they can of the important location.

Kadrin Valley Pass is the newest scenario in Warhammer. The scenario is a five-point tug-of-war scenario with the battle beginning over Icerapids Bridge centrally located in the small valley. The forces of Order push back from the Skycloud Tower of Hadgrin’s Watch and try to maintain their hold on the already damaged Outer Gate and the Gyrocopter Hanger. The forces of Destruction have already captured the Brewery and Gyrocopter Landing Pads. A bloody struggle is being waged in the valleys behind Karak Kadrin, and the fate of this small outpost will be tied with the fate of the Slayer Keep.

Source + fluff


Click here to watch on YouTube

Controlling steam tank in massive scenario would be so cool :ugeek:
RoR: Burszui SH, Ropopuch SHM<|[]|>Ginnar IB, Vidarr HMR, Runatyr RP ++ REV guild ++
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Re: Ideas - New SC Mechanics

Post#22 » Wed Feb 17, 2021 5:24 pm

Even more scenario ideas here, briefly scanning through I was able to match example maps with:

Savage Reprisal ~ Sacellum Challenges - The Arena

Within the twisting confines of the Inevitable City lays arena in which the forces of Chaos beat their chests and proclaim their greatness. Savage brutes think that by slaughtering mindless beasts and starved creatures that they are true warriors. The hordes of Chaos know not the true values of a skilled warrior. After seeing this crass spectacle of might, I now know that our alliance with the forces of Chaos is purely for the sake of convenience, for I am certain that the legions of Naggaroth would triumph over these blood-crazed wretches.

~ Gareth Felgaze, Captain of the Uthorin Escort in the Inevitable City

With the forces of Slaanesh gathering to join their Chaos brethren, their presence has become great within the streets of the Inevitable City. Any warrior who wishes to prove his valor and win the favor of the Chaos gods must demonstrate his worth in combat of arms. The ideal location for this display is right under the eye of the Chaos gods at the heart of the Chaos Wastes – the Sacellum of the Inevitable City. It is here the hopeful-champions of Slaanesh flock that they may best their counterparts devoted to Khorne and Tzeentch, it is here they will prove their worth.

The forces of Order however are aware of the test of skills, and have sent brave volunteers disguised as the enemy into the heart of evil- the primary contingent consisting of Kislevites disguised as savage Norse followers of Khorne. Now the forces of Order confront the forces of Destruction within the walls of the Inevitable City in an attempt to disrupt the winds of Chaos.

The Sacellum Challenges scenario takes place within the grand arena in the form of a series of fights. This is a 6v6 deathmatch with three rounds – after one faction has eliminated all the opponents, the first round ends and the fight resets. Each round lasts 5 minutes. Points are awarded for kills, winning a round, and in the event that one faction has won the first two rounds, if the other faction wins the third round they get bonus points for a come-back. The gauntlet has been thrown down. Who will accept the challenges and claim victory?



Battle of the Frontiers ~ Shrine of Lileath - Unnamed Elf map

“Just across that hill m’lord,” the shade whispered in a harsh voice.

Beastlord Hargrave rode up beside the shade, “This had better be worth my time, or I’ll show you what value worthless worms like you have.” He stroked the neck of his Cold One and with a twisted smile said, “Goretongue knows.”

“I am certain this will be a worthy find,” the shade replied.

As the small patrol reached the crest of the next hill before them appeared a large shrine nestled in a valley amongst the hills.

Beastlord Hargrave snatched the shade by his throat and lifted him off the saddle of his steed, “You brought me to see these ruins?!” As the shade fought with all his might to catch a breath, suddenly whispers filled the air and as quickly stopped. Beastlord Hargrave turned his head from side to side looking for the source, but his eyes found nothing nearby. His grasp loosened and the shade slid back onto his saddle gasping for air and rubbing his neck.

“The voices… what cursed place is this?” Hargrave snarled.

“The shrine of Lileath, greatly valued by the Asur, m’lord.”

“Harlot of a goddess,” Hargrave said spitting onto the ground.

“There are no defenders… no worshipers… hardly a site I’d say is valued,” the Beastlord’s second in command stated coldly.

“Lileath speaks to her followers in their dreams,” the shade replied.

“Good,” the Beastlord snarled, “Then if we raze the ruins to the ground, she will call to them and they will come. They will come, and we will be waiting.”

The Shrine of Lileath is the newest scenario in Warhammer. Located in the rolling hills of Eataine, the Shrine had thus far eluded the prying eyes of the Druchii. Now the Druchii and their allies ride to the shrine with the hope of desecrating it and drawing the High Elves out onto the open field for battle. However, Lileath sees all and speaks to her followers through dreams. Already the Shining Guard is mobilizing the counter the threat and reach the shrine before their foes can blaspheme on its grounds.

The Shrine of Lileath is a rotating-three-point scenario as both realms vie for control of the shrine. Players will fight for control over the Sanctuary – the interior of the shrine where the powers of Lileath are strongest; the Arcades – an avenue of columns and arches that inspire artists from all over Ulthuan; and the Garden of Dreams – a place where many weary elves have let their minds rest and be filled with the whispers of Lileath.

Even if the Unnamed elf map features Asuryan shrine I think Shrine of Lileath matches map the best - description on Shrine of Asuryan doesn't quite paint the same picture.
RoR: Burszui SH, Ropopuch SHM<|[]|>Ginnar IB, Vidarr HMR, Runatyr RP ++ REV guild ++
Live: Karak Izor -> Karak Norn - Yarpaen IB, Ginnarr SL, Volundr ENG +Ithilmar's Chosen+
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Castle SC from Q&A

Post#23 » Tue Feb 23, 2021 2:14 pm

During the latest Q&A the devs showed screenshots and footage of some of the unused, unfinished scenario maps they have available in the gamefiles.
One of the maps showed a castle map:

And it had me thinking, what does the game lack right now while also being one of the selling points of Warhammer Online? Keep Sieges. But we got plenty of those already, correct. But we also dont have any way of scrimming Guild vs Guild 24v24.
So why not try to use this map in a 24premade vs 24premade where you are able to queue whenever, compared to Citysiege where you need the campaign to peak before unlocking 24man instance fighting.

As for the mechanic for the map. I got a few ideas, and I dont expect them to be ready for instant shipping but instead if they serve as inspiration for the devs or other community members I am more than pleased!

[Turn Based castlesiege]
Each realm Have a round of Attacking/Defending the castle. The realm attacking will spawn at the village across the bridge in a siegecamp where a Payload-ram needs to be pushed to the frontgate and start ramming the gate to breach it.
The payload ram will only move when the Attacking realm has more players in the circle-objective around the Ram. In case of even numbers or more defenders, the ram will be reversing and moving back towards the Village instead of the gatehouse.
If the ram reaches the gatehouse of the keep it will start swinging as long as it is not being pushed back away from the gate. (swingtimer and gatehealth can be adjusted by devs to make for a more suiting gameplay experience and if there are any restrictions over how long a scenario can even last. Example 1 swing every 10sec for 2minuts)

Optional addition:
After the gate is breached the attackers need to invade and control the courtyard of the keep. Since I havnt seen the layout apart from the video I cant tell if any more fun ideas could be had on the inside objectives, but if there are cool buildings and terrain inside a Battleobjective(s) phase could take place before a final king of the hill objective phase within an inner keep.

Thourghts and reasons behind the idea:
24v24 guild vs guild can be arranged over discord and both sides queue their 24man warband to face eachother in this scenario.
Having the ram as a payload creates and objective instead of Team Deathmatch style scenario that players can arrange in an rvr lake.
Having the ramming being automated will leave all hands available for fighting, so no advantage or disadvantage being attack or defence.
Instead of this keep siege situation ended up as just yet an other funnel, the back and forth with the ram will hopefully lead to some slightly objective focused fights but in the open where both realms can use their realmwide advantages (order ranged + raw mucle, destro displacements and mitigation) The bridge should hopefully serve to be neutral for battleing.
Kills could be involved in the mechanic, but then overly defensive comps with morale advantages might become a cheese meta so keeping it out for now.
This scenario not being available for pugging. And only scenario queueable when you have a full warband.
The Forfeit mechanic from normal scenarios can be slightly modifed to function as a Ready-check for the warbandleader to use before queueing. Or a Sullemonk Enemy addon addition?
Before queueing up the teams need to be have a compesition and tactics for both defence and attacking, so hopefully most careers will work for this gameplay with singletarget assist group(s) aoe builds, defensive and offensive speced, stalling and whatever else your guild comes up with.

or you know, we could just have the 5 Fortress BOs and run around chase eachother :D Thourghts?
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Re: Ideas - New SC Mechanics

Post#24 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 2:28 am

I would advice mechanics that would make players walk and use most of the terrain. There are some currently scenarios that have a mechanics which don't use all the terrain, actually like 1/3 of the size.

So that's my only suggestion, make it so all the terrain is used by players.

Posts: 485

Re: Castle SC from Q&A

Post#25 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 10:50 am

wonshot wrote: Tue Feb 23, 2021 2:14 pm Hello,
During the latest Q&A the devs showed screenshots and footage of some of the unused, unfinished scenario maps they have available in the gamefiles.
One of the maps showed a castle map:

And it had me thinking, what does the game lack right now while also being one of the selling points of Warhammer Online? Keep Sieges. But we got plenty of those already, correct. But we also dont have any way of scrimming Guild vs Guild 24v24.
So why not try to use this map in a 24premade vs 24premade where you are able to queue whenever, compared to Citysiege where you need the campaign to peak before unlocking 24man instance fighting.

As for the mechanic for the map. I got a few ideas, and I dont expect them to be ready for instant shipping but instead if they serve as inspiration for the devs or other community members I am more than pleased!

[Turn Based castlesiege]
Each realm Have a round of Attacking/Defending the castle. The realm attacking will spawn at the village across the bridge in a siegecamp where a Payload-ram needs to be pushed to the frontgate and start ramming the gate to breach it.
The payload ram will only move when the Attacking realm has more players in the circle-objective around the Ram. In case of even numbers or more defenders, the ram will be reversing and moving back towards the Village instead of the gatehouse.
If the ram reaches the gatehouse of the keep it will start swinging as long as it is not being pushed back away from the gate. (swingtimer and gatehealth can be adjusted by devs to make for a more suiting gameplay experience and if there are any restrictions over how long a scenario can even last. Example 1 swing every 10sec for 2minuts)

Optional addition:
After the gate is breached the attackers need to invade and control the courtyard of the keep. Since I havnt seen the layout apart from the video I cant tell if any more fun ideas could be had on the inside objectives, but if there are cool buildings and terrain inside a Battleobjective(s) phase could take place before a final king of the hill objective phase within an inner keep.

Thourghts and reasons behind the idea:
24v24 guild vs guild can be arranged over discord and both sides queue their 24man warband to face eachother in this scenario.
Having the ram as a payload creates and objective instead of Team Deathmatch style scenario that players can arrange in an rvr lake.
Having the ramming being automated will leave all hands available for fighting, so no advantage or disadvantage being attack or defence.
Instead of this keep siege situation ended up as just yet an other funnel, the back and forth with the ram will hopefully lead to some slightly objective focused fights but in the open where both realms can use their realmwide advantages (order ranged + raw mucle, destro displacements and mitigation) The bridge should hopefully serve to be neutral for battleing.
Kills could be involved in the mechanic, but then overly defensive comps with morale advantages might become a cheese meta so keeping it out for now.
This scenario not being available for pugging. And only scenario queueable when you have a full warband.
The Forfeit mechanic from normal scenarios can be slightly modifed to function as a Ready-check for the warbandleader to use before queueing. Or a Sullemonk Enemy addon addition?
Before queueing up the teams need to be have a compesition and tactics for both defence and attacking, so hopefully most careers will work for this gameplay with singletarget assist group(s) aoe builds, defensive and offensive speced, stalling and whatever else your guild comes up with.

or you know, we could just have the 5 Fortress BOs and run around chase eachother :D Thourghts?
great idea! also had some thoughts to give guild ands premade warbands a method of queing up against another - this sc should give awesome crests and gold

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Re: Ideas - New SC Mechanics

Post#26 » Wed Mar 03, 2021 9:50 pm

GamesBond wrote: Sat Feb 13, 2021 11:28 pm Hello,

In the last Q&A we've announced that there are some unreleased scenarios which could be used for normal queues and ranked queues. We also informed you that the reason we didn't implement them yet is the lack of proper mechanics/designs.

So if you have some nice ideas for one or more of these scenarios, please feel free to drop them below whilst making sure your suggestion is clear enough.

3. The Pyramid of Settra
4. Garden of Morr
5. The Arena
Try these 3 maps out for ranked(solo+team) for a period, to see how the maps are and to see if they are an appropriate setting for 6v6.

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Re: Ideas - New SC Mechanics

Post#27 » Sun Mar 07, 2021 7:35 am

for map #5 it could be a deathball scenario or objectives that buffs the team. the blue, green, and orange can represent each objective buff. the only way a team can interact with one of the buffs is to first wipe the enemy team.
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Re: [Submit your idea] - New scenarios & mechanics

Post#28 » Sun Mar 07, 2021 4:33 pm

I`d love to see those huge maps as base for events. There is nothing more dulling like playing again same main events every time of a year. This also enable return of old players to check out new map designs and boost morale of already playing but a bit shrinking population.

Posts: 156

Re: [Submit your idea] - New scenarios & mechanics

Post#29 » Sun Mar 07, 2021 9:36 pm

Would be great to see the arena used as such.


Buffs for the losing side to encourage fighting rather then wc sitting.

As for the others, escorts, murderballs and champs all sound like great ideas.

Any chance you could video the zones, would help with ideas.

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Re: [Submit your idea] - New scenarios & mechanics

Post#30 » Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:06 am

Hienzwar wrote: Sun Mar 07, 2021 9:36 pm Would be great to see the arena used as such.


Buffs for the losing side to encourage fighting rather then wc sitting.

As for the others, escorts, murderballs and champs all sound like great ideas.

Any chance you could video the zones, would help with ideas.
2v2 3v3 6v6 would be super nice.

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