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Player vs Environment - Collisions

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Posts: 17

Player vs Environment - Collisions

Post#1 » Thu Mar 04, 2021 12:38 pm

I have played the game ~ 2 months now and I would say the most nuisance item I have come up with is Player vs Environment collisions. I am not sure how tweakable this is but if we could:

- change tolerances to let players more readily bound over small obstructions / around corners when angled properly
- when a 2lb stone stops your 500lb horse this makes Newton cry in his sleep
- when you hit a 90 deg corner at 45 degree angle and should slide but stop in your tracks stuck
- rounding textures might be a long shot but yea square items with rounded wire frames would do it
- change the timer of being suspended on an item when gravity fails you (speed up)


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Re: Player vs Environment - Collisions

Post#2 » Thu Mar 04, 2021 1:15 pm

Main issue is game engine physics are based on real shape of items ; there are no "hitboxes", at least for landscape.

So yes is will require insame amount of tweaking to ensure every blocking thing is rounded on edges or moved out of obstruction.

The first thing that could be done is to check every grass and bush to ensure they are set to "not blocking" ; some elf ones are rather dense and wont let you pass through, whereas most other will. Inconsistencies that will eventually be fixed, but sadly I dont see covering all possible cases (Praag rumble piles are a nightmare more than often)...

Posts: 17

Re: Player vs Environment - Collisions

Post#3 » Thu Mar 04, 2021 4:45 pm

that is why I gave a few ideas. setting the tolerance on what height range you 'bob' over an object on a mount / running could make for some better playability. Whether you get stuck on a flat surface or slide could also be tweaked without change the actual obstructions shape possibly

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Re: Player vs Environment - Collisions

Post#4 » Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:24 pm

A fairly sizeable number of players always wish for a 3rd faction. some want skaven (assassin, rifleman, warp engineer) some want undead (skellie archer, Liche Necromancer, Death Knight, Vampiress Seductress) but there is ALREADY a 3rd faction in the game, friends and neighbours.

The 3rd faction is The Scenary. It hates destro and order alike

It is ALWAYS working against you and ruining your game, causing you deaths, being kicked out of forts, render you useless in a Dungeon boss fight or having to /stuck /stuck 300miles away, it can be grass rocks, bushes, lanterns, spikes, tents, trees, boulders, stairs, battlements, wooden stakes, doorframes, cooking pot, plants, even waterfalls.

There is even a little 40cm SHRUB right next to Fireguardspire BO flag in west dragonwake next to the order warcamp that's only the size of a football but could stop dead an army of charging heavy cavalry.

Posts: 2249

Re: Player vs Environment - Collisions

Post#5 » Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:43 pm

At least the ground doesn't consistently hit you for 8k+ anymore...
Azarael wrote: It's only a nerf if you're bad.

(see, I can shitpost too!)
Secrets wrote: Kindly adjust your attitude to actually help the community and do not impose your will on it. You aren't as powerful as you think.

Posts: 17

Re: Player vs Environment - Collisions

Post#6 » Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:53 pm

I have fallen through Basin SC and had to hang out under the ice for 7 minutes... so the ground can still get ya

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Re: Player vs Environment - Collisions

Post#7 » Thu Mar 04, 2021 7:01 pm

Meliannia wrote: Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:24 pm A fairly sizeable number of players always wish for a 3rd faction. some want skaven (assassin, rifleman, warp engineer) some want undead (skellie archer, Liche Necromancer, Death Knight, Vampiress Seductress) but there is ALREADY a 3rd faction in the game, friends and neighbours.

The 3rd faction is The Scenary. It hates destro and order alike

It is ALWAYS working against you and ruining your game, causing you deaths, being kicked out of forts, render you useless in a Dungeon boss fight or having to /stuck /stuck 300miles away, it can be grass rocks, bushes, lanterns, spikes, tents, trees, boulders, stairs, battlements, wooden stakes, doorframes, cooking pot, plants, even waterfalls.

There is even a little 40cm SHRUB right next to Fireguardspire BO flag in west dragonwake next to the order warcamp that's only the size of a football but could stop dead an army of charging heavy cavalry.
So true and hilarious - gave a me good chuckle just visualizing...thank you :-)

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Re: Player vs Environment - Collisions

Post#8 » Fri Mar 05, 2021 12:06 am

Unfortunatly this is managed by the clients collision detection system which we aren't able to change.
Max Hayman


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