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ASW rework.

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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Posts: 44

ASW rework.

Post#1 » Thu Mar 11, 2021 9:55 pm

ASW is literally worst spec in the game right now, and this isnt even about its being gimp, but about clunk gameplay, balance issues and not having specialization at all, nor as hybrid or melee, he doesnt "can everything but bad", asw is good at being bad, its anoying but completly useless even in it best bracket 6v6. And tell truth to yourself, now asw is most castrated spec in ror.
So this spec needs huge rebalance and even rework and i have few (not final, its like concept, numbers isnt a thing, but philosophy) suggestions, some more radical some less, or mix of it. Welcome to say go "**** yourself lunatic" to me, but just give it a chance.
All "my" (its not really my ideas, just basics of class gamedesign) ideas, is about ASW being not nothing in both range and melee, but more pseudo melee with hit-n-kite spec, or rebalance to pure melee.
1. Easiest but worst idea - rebalance. Make every point in assault tree +2% damage with melee abilities and -2% with range abilities (+30 and -30) in addition to normal tree multiplier. But this "genius" idea i like least, cause its sounds and i believe feels like silicone balls in your nutsack, looks like ok, but not really do the job.
2. Rwork. Make melee spec... melee? Restrict to use all exclude SFA spam range abilities when u learn up talents what makes u use... duals, yes. Give the **** duals (it isnt mandatory for any of this changes, its more for looking cool and justify mecanics, but can be done without giving actual duals to asw) to asw as last talent in assault tree, what make GS, BA sw slash do damage with both hands (with lil less damage and something like 40 ap cost instead of 35 for burst-n-kite playstile, not tunelvision dps), and when vengeful Crosscut will do 4 hits but cost 70 ap. PLS DONT start screme here abot how op it will be, once again its NOT about numbers, its about playstile, i'm not type of player who wants press 4 times 1 with nerf buttons to win, all can be balanced with damage rations or ap rations. And make shadowstep give sprint, have 10s cd and give instead of deffs melee crit.
3. Hard as my **** in pretty guy *** rework. Make asw anti-mirror to msh, make it almost melee only one target dps. Duals (yes) with both hands abilities\more or less ap cost (numbers can be tuned, remember it) BUT ALL spamable range abilities non usable after u get dual talent, only abilities with cd are usable like takedown, FSh, RP and ofc shadowstep with sprint\10s cd\only melee crit as bonus (numbers and cost and cd can be adjusted), AND MAYBE some kind of stealth mecanic and\or some new spells to make its more melee\less range.

Just read it, say what u think, even if it will be "go **** yourself".

Sorry not sorry for my English.
Last edited by Feomatar1 on Thu Mar 11, 2021 11:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 572

Re: ASW rework.

Post#2 » Thu Mar 11, 2021 10:49 pm

There's probably no way to make dual wielding work on SW without a ton of dev work since weapons have talisman slots and this would make them the only class in the game with access to 3 talismans and stats worth of weapons from their hand+ranged slots. Just not realistic to expect devs to rework all their items and the numbers on talismans just to make this one dream style real.
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Posts: 44

Re: ASW rework.

Post#3 » Thu Mar 11, 2021 11:01 pm

Foomy44 wrote: Thu Mar 11, 2021 10:49 pm There's probably no way to make dual wielding work on SW without a ton of dev work since weapons have talisman slots and this would make them the only class in the game with access to 3 talismans and stats worth of weapons from their hand+ranged slots. Just not realistic to expect devs to rework all their items and the numbers on talismans just to make this one dream style real.
Yea, maybe, but duals are more for looking. Like adjust damage in melee abilities\restrict using spamable range abilities are possible without giving asw duals, as i say its more for looking good, not really mandatory mechanic. Main idea is make asw hit-n-kite melee with minor range "pause" between melee bursts, and main weak side of spec must be push out this cycle for melee opponents or ruining his burst with deff cd for range opponents.

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