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Addressing the 90 min Elephant in the room.

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Re: Addressing the 90 min Elephant in the room.

Post#101 » Sun May 09, 2021 12:17 pm

anarchypark wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 12:11 pm 24vs24 good battles are waiting in city. ( so they say )
suffer little pvd if enemy gave up.
crush stalemate if enemy fight back.
xrealm is not controlling population.
cuz there are tons of exploiters to twist it to their gains.

wake up from delusion that xrealm's creating balance.
balanced means stalemate.
stalemate means no progress to end contents.
how often do u see xrealmers stopping orvr progress ? it's opposite.

stalemate's not subject of good or bad. it's just way of war played.
it gives motivation to push harder.
to the point where you try bold betting which often fails and break stalemate by your loss.
sometimes win and break enemy morales. followed by few PvD. i guess it's natural course.

end contents must be open. stalemate have to be broken.
but not by throw or xrealm.
you want it? fight for it. simple.

xrealm's the easiest way to break stalemate, easiest way to open fort/city.
it ruins game design of progress and motivation.
turning war game into grind farm.
why so desperately farming in free game ?

since GM and many others threatened ban about throwing, ppl don't do it openly. but disguised as xrealm.
now they even promoting themselves as city opening heroes ?
i wonder what new method would they invent if lock timer increased.

i recommend to teach them commitment. fight to the end until prove yourself.
if they value xrealm so much, you have to earn it.
100% agree from me

Posts: 165

Re: Addressing the 90 min Elephant in the room.

Post#102 » Sun May 09, 2021 1:33 pm

xrealming is about love and peace :) war dont give your fast shiny royals ;p
when beta phase pops, we can rename it to: LOVE - Return of Reckoning :mrgreen:
Last edited by marafado on Sun May 09, 2021 1:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Addressing the 90 min Elephant in the room.

Post#103 » Sun May 09, 2021 1:39 pm

GamesBond wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 9:36 am
Rowanmantle wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 8:34 am Please just close the damn thread already. Its utterly pointless.
This thread won't be locked just because the outcome didn't appeal to you so please stop asking. Till now everyone looks respectful in sharing their opinions, you should respect that, even if you don't agree with them.
This is what I was about to say too. Don’t have the power to tell them what to do 😀 I read maybe few posts because I knew where this would go.

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Re: Addressing the 90 min Elephant in the room.

Post#104 » Sun May 09, 2021 2:30 pm

Spellbound wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 1:39 pm
GamesBond wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 9:36 am
Rowanmantle wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 8:34 am Please just close the damn thread already. Its utterly pointless.
This thread won't be locked just because the outcome didn't appeal to you so please stop asking. Till now everyone looks respectful in sharing their opinions, you should respect that, even if you don't agree with them.
This is what I was about to say too. Don’t have the power to tell them what to do 😀 I read maybe few posts because I knew where this would go.

Worst thing is. You as a realm champ and someone who has now played both sides should have known better. Yet you did not and your opinion became invalid when you clearly showed you're bias.

I guess I expected more from the realm champs. Hoping for once we would have a voice of reason. But judging by your response and that other WP guy.

My faith was sorely placed.

You wish for balanced rvr when you yourself get farmed in the lakes and in city. So I hope that some reasonable imput will come from the champs and it wont just be another "council" like a few years ago.
Rowanmantle /WP
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Matronmother /Dok
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Re: Addressing the 90 min Elephant in the room.

Post#105 » Sun May 09, 2021 2:38 pm

Rowanmantle wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 2:30 pm
Spellbound wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 1:39 pm
GamesBond wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 9:36 am

This thread won't be locked just because the outcome didn't appeal to you so please stop asking. Till now everyone looks respectful in sharing their opinions, you should respect that, even if you don't agree with them.
This is what I was about to say too. Don’t have the power to tell them what to do 😀 I read maybe few posts because I knew where this would go.

Worst thing is. You as a realm champ and someone who has now played both sides should have known better. Yet you did not and your opinion became invalid when you clearly showed you're bias.

I guess I expected more from the realm champs. Hoping for once we would have a voice of reason. But judging by your response and that other WP guy.

My faith was sorely placed.

You wish for balanced rvr when you yourself get farmed in the lakes and in city. So I hope that some reasonable imput will come from the champs and it wont just be another "council" like a few years ago.
RC's provide feedback on class balance, not all development decisions. We reserve the right to ignore their feedback on class balance as well, so it's not like any particular change should ever be laid at their feet. Responsibility for design decisions will always lay on the backs of development staff here. People made up their own fantasy world of what they would be responsible for and how much responsibility they own. I'm not sure how we were unclear about this, but if that's our fault, sorry to mislead anyone.

Stop being a **** to people because your thread of self-reporting spun around and smacked you in the face.
[email protected] for exploits and cheaters. Some old WAR blog

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Re: Addressing the 90 min Elephant in the room.

Post#106 » Sun May 09, 2021 2:59 pm

wargrimnir wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 2:38 pm
Rowanmantle wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 2:30 pm
Spellbound wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 1:39 pm

This is what I was about to say too. Don’t have the power to tell them what to do 😀 I read maybe few posts because I knew where this would go.

Worst thing is. You as a realm champ and someone who has now played both sides should have known better. Yet you did not and your opinion became invalid when you clearly showed you're bias.

I guess I expected more from the realm champs. Hoping for once we would have a voice of reason. But judging by your response and that other WP guy.

My faith was sorely placed.

You wish for balanced rvr when you yourself get farmed in the lakes and in city. So I hope that some reasonable imput will come from the champs and it wont just be another "council" like a few years ago.
RC's provide feedback on class balance, not all development decisions. We reserve the right to ignore their feedback on class balance as well, so it's not like any particular change should ever be laid at their feet. Responsibility for design decisions will always lay on the backs of development staff here. People made up their own fantasy world of what they would be responsible for and how much responsibility they own. I'm not sure how we were unclear about this, but if that's our fault, sorry to mislead anyone.

Stop being a **** to people because your thread of self-reporting spun around and smacked you in the face.
Then I withdraw my previous claims. I pity them then for dealing with you. If you believe I'm being a **** about it. I actually care about the game. Irrespective of what people say or how many times they throw xrealmer in my face.

I am not salty or angry that people didn't agree with me. I am however upset that people who do not lead or make warbands or even bother to play the campaign manage to convince you and your team to make such changes on a already low populated server.

Creating more walls and gated content simply because its not deemed honourable or healthy for balance.

Its ridiculous at this point to even talk about the matter. Your stance and the servers stance is pretty clear. They would rather have everyone play one side all the time and have endgame content gated behind more lockouts.

Forgetting the driving force of any campaign or rvr zone is the organized force.

So this thread is just seen as another whine thread or thread where the xrealmer complains. Which is funny seeing as until a few months ago. I was solely playing order making warbands there. Pushing IC every night for months and yet the issue was never raised then.

So its all for naught then. It is what it is and if you wish to gear any character from invader to royals you either city log or play only in zones hoping for bags and the royals they provide.

And yet a few days ago you encouraged people to actually organize and that pugs was a stepping stone. Yet gate the organized groups from making more informed choices about how they themselves want to play their game.
Rowanmantle /WP
Rowansrage /SL
Rowanbrowan /KOTBS
Rowanthrowan /BW
Matronmother /Dok
Handyrowan /Mara


Posts: 12

Re: Addressing the 90 min Elephant in the room.

Post#107 » Sun May 09, 2021 3:23 pm

I got the solution:

give (much) more royal shard drop from player kills in oRvR. Also Rowan should allways drop a crest!

Would make strong players play for the realm with more enemies to kill. Pushing empty zones would be less efficient and the geargame less bounded to city.

If u lf nice fights with Guild-WBs, use Discord and meet in irrelevant zones.

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Re: Addressing the 90 min Elephant in the room.

Post#108 » Sun May 09, 2021 3:34 pm

j2low wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 3:23 pm I got the solution:

give (much) more royal shard drop from player kills in oRvR. Also Rowan should allways drop a crest!

Would make strong players play for the realm with more enemies to kill. Pushing empty zones would be less efficient and the geargame less bounded to city.

If u lf nice fights with Guild-WBs, use Discord and meet in irrelevant zones.
Imho, there should be token/ticket to obtain (which should be account wide) during Forts or RvR campaign which should either prioritize those who obtained it or should be even only way to participate in city siege at this point. This would solve city loggers (those who did not participate at all in campaign push/defense) and also encourage to actually participate and try in RvR campaign. That is if ppl actually do care about it.
The Unlikely Plan

Posts: 260

Re: Addressing the 90 min Elephant in the room.

Post#109 » Sun May 09, 2021 5:19 pm

Rowanmantle wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 8:34 am
Mordd wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 6:57 am This isnt really about xrealming in general. I see a lot of talk of that. But many that are for this dont care if you play both sides as most players do. Its about NA killing ORVR, everyone zerging one realm and going 150 vs 50 in zones and forts to PVE zones to a city and then flipping to Destro in most cases to defend easy cities.

If people were actually worried about population balance this is the best change that can happen. You really want to help the underdog side. Get out there in the lakes and fort and play the underdog side. Dont everyone zerg one side and then flip for city and pretend you are doing it for realm pop balance. You are doing it for your self. You already screwed the underdog realm to get to city.

At least Brew is honest. He doesnt care what the devs want or what other want. Play how he wants and farm gear. I really hate to say it but it sounds like he would be much happier in a gear grind game like WoW than in a ORVR game.

The design of the game was always about ORVR, City was a bonus for ORVR. It was never the main content. A few select players in NA have decided to game the system and try and avoid ORVR and just pve doors to city.

Now you may, gasp actually have to try in ORVR and actually have the better WB in ORVR to get city.
So me playing marauder because I need bags and medals and renown is not good enough? I should rather swap over then to play the underdog just to appease the masses who believe population is broken.

Then I swap over to order, make a wb and slowly start dwindling down the destro numbers until eventually they also no longer remain a threat? Either side during NA do not fight unless there are wb's to fight.

So because people feel bullied and persecuted during NA times, others are forced to play certain sides just to "balance". Do you people actually play during these hours? To take a fort you need organized wb's. You cannot simply yolo it and hope it works. So that's why I make wb for it along with FoW recently because its what it took to secure one on destro.

Same could be said for order, however NA destro seem to just go sit on third floor never even bothering to mount a defence.

Then you people come here and throw ORVR out there like some great incentive. Sure, then we make wb's to fight whatever is out there, until said opposition wipes enough times that they too then log and slowly lose the cannon fodder (pugs) who backed them. Then it becomes one sided again.

So if city was never the end goal of an eventual Campaign then why not have a longer timer on city? If the incentive is to play ORVR.


@Dalen @Wargrimnir

Please just close the damn thread already. Its utterly pointless.


This is a whole lot more than you playing your mara. This is 2 WB worth of players switching sides to push a city with no resistance and then changing realms for city. 160 vs 50 in ORVR and forts is not fun. Its players gaming the light relog restrictions of the server to farm cities. You can still play your mara and switch to Order. You just cant do the fort. So hopefully we will see fewer 160 vs 50 forts.

As for bullying the only bullying going on is by the 50+ that switch realms for the easy push killing rvr. People dont just wipe and log, yes a few do, but many switch realms to make the winning side that much stronger.

You were not open to hear opinion on this. If people dont agree with you they are just wrong. This change in the end really only effects a small section of the population from gaming the system.

Pushing 2 star IC every night with no ORVR got real old and boring real quick.

Also not everyone likes city. It exasperates certain balance issues. Thus zerg on order and relog destro for city that a large part of the population does.

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Re: Addressing the 90 min Elephant in the room.

Post#110 » Sun May 09, 2021 5:21 pm

Mordd wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 6:57 am

At least Brew is honest. He doesnt care what the devs want or what other want. Play how he wants and farm gear. I really hate to say it but it sounds like he would be much happier in a gear grind game like WoW than in a ORVR game.
I play wow and then. Gear gets replaced every 2 months or so. The gear grind is unrewarding, empty and meaningless. And the pvp is absolutely gated to a point where the people you play with to get 2200 rating with are not the people you play with to push past that. Also world pvp barely exists. And there are no actual rivalries because you rarely see the same players twice unless you are near the top of the 3v3 ladder.
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