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Patch Notes 20/05/2021

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Re: Patch Notes 20/05/2021

Post#161 » Thu May 20, 2021 9:16 pm

"and those same players are regularly hit with multiple stacks of broadhead arrow in any keep fight"

I love when I'm 10m away from the door and I keep getting hit by multiple stacks of 3 broadheads! Can we give that to SHs?

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Re: Patch Notes 20/05/2021

Post#162 » Thu May 20, 2021 9:26 pm

the gamemaster and developer and realm champions invested so much time in the patch and explained every change at the patch news clear and understandable why and why not something happens. but we still fill 16 pages full of complaining not 2 hours after patch with something like "WhY iS My ClAsS neRfeD So HaRd I CaNT UndErStAnD iT ANd It MaKes No SeNcE At AlL. UnPlAyIbLe NoW K ThX Cu. Nobody tested the changes and how they impact but most people act like the gamemaster sitting every day on their table and planning best nasties for tomorrow.
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Re: Patch Notes 20/05/2021

Post#163 » Thu May 20, 2021 9:27 pm

Opeteh wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 8:39 pm
kauyon1 wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 8:25 pm
WE, Blashpemy is not the biggest problem. WE debuffs apply on chance to hit, not executions. Not to mention Witchbrew. There's a reason WEs can solo in RVR, and WHs need to hunt in packs.
I stopped reading after this BS.

Just for your info bullets procs way more often than kisses.
Flowing accusations its the real deal.
Also kisses on ICD, 1 second.

WHs cant solo???

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Re: Patch Notes 20/05/2021

Post#164 » Thu May 20, 2021 9:31 pm

kauyon1 wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 8:25 pm
arorwne wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 8:11 pm
nonfactor wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 8:05 pm
not really borc is worse than bg right now, bo offers nothing but basic tank abilities like guard and challenge
Destro in general sucks beyond belief:

Sorc CAN'T SOLO Champs that are 3 levels below her. lol wtf.
WE...NO Repel Blasphemy! Instead, some weak ass WS buff. wtf.
BG...overall a worse version of IB. much worse than SM and VERY BASIC.
Chosen...again, Knight is a better tank AND soloes ranged AA like Engi.
Choppa...honestly an utility version of Slayer(Git to da Choppa), otherwise very meh. can flatout lose vs SW.

Highlights of Destro are, apparently, Mara + Zealot(better version of RP tbh) + DoK(arguably better than WP) + Shammy. Everything else is appalling! Basically, if you want to play anything except a healer, go Order.
A great deal of that isn't true. Destro will problems from this patch, but not based on what you have listed.

Sorc not being able to solo a champ below would hold true for BW. But you should be able to. This might be a L2P issue.

WE, Blashpemy is not the biggest problem. WE debuffs apply on chance to hit, not executions. Not to mention Witchbrew. There's a reason WEs can solo in RVR, and WHs need to hunt in packs. Also why WEs have solid spots in ST parties for City and WHs ... not so much. WE are doing better than WH at the moment, but both need something. I would argue WH more so.

BG may not generate AP out the ass, nor Crit/parry buffs for dark protector, but it's not a worse version. It's a solid 2H bebuff tank that also hits a bit harder. It's tanking is also very strong. What it lacks is Moral Pump to be a solid Destro choice. But it's a given spot in 6 mans and ranked.

Knight is not the better version in so many regards. Sure 5% crit buff on block, 15% heal bonus to group and ... that's it. Chosens = Moral pump (just got buffed), Higher Defensive, 10% crit reduction tactic, Wound Debuff AOE standard. 2H spec that can actually kind of do damage. Knight has shittier version of the BG debuffs in its 2H. But as a RR80 in both, no, Chosen is better. Both are drool levels of competency to play though.
Ok, let's go one by one:

1. I may have over exaggerated the problem with BW / Sorc. The fact is, those are fun, iconic classes. A sexy witch and a Fire Mage. but here comes the problem. Both are 100% hostages of their own mechanic. Their mech isn't something elegant or a way to manage resources or what have you. It isn't even that interesting. Tbh, it always looked to me like a kind of mechanic you literally squirt out when you're either out of ideas, out of time or both. It's an ugly, crude mechanic. Because when supported, it works like a clockwork, but in every other case? F.A.I.L. from a textbook. I won't argue for its change(something needs to happen to make them more solo friendly ; you can't always run with a group, that' s impossible), but I just want everyone to realize what an ugly, crude piece of design this is.

2. Fair enough. WE is a more offensive option anyhow, WH is a more controlled version. All that needs to happen(on WH side) is to improve the hallmark of such gameplay(Burst) in an elegant manner. Also, do mind the lowered damage of Kisses, that they are RNG and that they have an ICD.

3. It's simply "solid", that is the problem. Besides, we mustn't look at this top down, much better way of looking is bottom up. Then when you see how BG progresses, you'll realize how abysmal he really is. After a level 30 or so, sure. But how many people will give him that kind of benefit of a doubt? Especially next to much more comfortable Tanks like Chosen / BO, not to mention Order tanks, let alone IB. When people try one after's difficult to justify BG.

4. Again don't look top down. It's easy to say "the balance should be done at R40 / RR80 ; Sov level", but it really shouldn't. For starters, R40 / RR40 is a nice starting point, but even then, you NEED to take the route to there into consideration. Knight's route is MUCH more comfortable than Chosen's. Everything Chosen can do there(Guard bot with a shield in SC / RvR ; forget PvE), Knight can do better AND Knight can also comfortably do PvE. Sure, later on, they level out, Chosen overtakes him a bit, but...again, mind the PROCESS, not simply the result!

5. Magus and Engi: The only question that needs to be answered here is: "Do Magus abilities do enough extra damage to offset Engi autoattacks?". Because, otherwise, logically speaking, Engi is a better option, you can't deny that. It's basics. Now, whether that amounts to anything in an applied field(ie whether they are effective or not)...that's a whole another question.

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Re: Patch Notes 20/05/2021

Post#165 » Thu May 20, 2021 9:42 pm

Wam wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 8:03 pm
Spellbound wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 7:38 pm Note to add, Realm Champions don’t make ultimate changes or balance ideas. We helped with areas development wanted to focus on and we initially brought up morale and CDR balance before class adjustments which can be done in the future to adjust to morale/CDR changes that might be needed. Got to adjust the major/obvious changes before classes else you’ll just be going in circles if morale/CDR isn’t equal between realms.

Majority of the ideas weren’t done as requested but that is fine. Balancing in game never ends and adjustments will always happen.

ORvR is largely based on who has the Zerg size and organized vs organized 24v24 shows which side is getting heavier benefits of Immaculate Defense and Windblock too fast while it’s rare to see ID from an Order tank. Players will eventually learn to adjust. Think it took a week after the Shadow Warrior change before adjustments were made. Order size of oRvR has been due to a lot of realm swaps from destro side so that’s not a factor or reason for balance that order is pushing more cities or larger numbers.

Black Orcs aren’t gutted and still a really strong class.
do any of the realm champions play a black ork? would they keep on playing it? is it BIS? as it played at the highest level for extended period of time? :)

You can say Blacks orcs aren't gutted as much as you like but doesnt make it true

Removed THC from snb
Nerfed its GCD and morale pump whilst buffing mirror

Bork got dragged down to BG levels and bork has no solid punt and now reducded utility

IB got buffed to rival SM, SM got buffed again

There is a difference in how balance is handled between the factions and has been for last few years... To think CF and WW is on a equal footing is very misleading, time to level my SM 8-)
Xergon, Sulorie, Carthage the original 3 RC for destro had 3-4 months for counter proposals. Xergon posted few sentences once per 2 months before removal due to lack of participation and gathering feedback from Destro, unlike Rydiak and myself did publicity offering to get feedback. Carthage had RL and had to go AWOL. They were there to give proposals and counter proposals from community feedback and none were given other than comments. Their participation was nearly nil.

Overall RoR Staff makes decisions not RC. Take it up with Destro experienced RC why they didn’t counter propose for 4 months and debate topics over being silent.

Everyone has opinions such as myself, you, other players and staff. No patch or idea will be perfect. Things will always change for one side or another.

Remember SW buff lasted 48 hours while SH got to hold theirs for 6 months. Just move on and play the game if choose to keep going and keep giving feedback to RC, whoever they might be rather than complain patch day.

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Re: Patch Notes 20/05/2021

Post#166 » Thu May 20, 2021 9:48 pm


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Re: Patch Notes 20/05/2021

Post#167 » Thu May 20, 2021 9:49 pm

If that was the case, why were the RealmChamps who got kicked/went MiA not replaced?
if the system was indeed based around having order and destro RCs. doent it make sence to replace to keep that internal balance intact?

I dont even understand why it would be people picked to represent one realm, and not the overall game interest but with low bias levels.
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Re: Patch Notes 20/05/2021

Post#168 » Thu May 20, 2021 9:50 pm

nonfactor wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 9:48 pm Image
Destro playing order out of protest? Shocking. Maybe that'll teach us!
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Re: Patch Notes 20/05/2021

Post#169 » Thu May 20, 2021 9:50 pm

wonshot wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 9:49 pm If that was the case, why were the RealmChamps who got kicked/went MiA not replaced?
if the system was indeed based around having order and destro RCs. doent it make sence to replace to keep that internal balance intact?

I dont even understand why it would be people picked to represent one realm, and not the overall game interest but with low bias levels.
They were. We have one slot open currently.
[email protected] for exploits and cheaters. Some old WAR blog

Posts: 77

Re: Patch Notes 20/05/2021

Post#170 » Thu May 20, 2021 9:51 pm

Spellbound wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 9:42 pm Xergon, Sulorie, Carthage the original 3 RC for destro had 3-4 months for counter proposals. Xergon posted few sentences once per 2 months before removal due to lack of participation and gathering feedback from Destro, unlike Rydiak and myself did publicity offering to get feedback. Carthage had RL and had to go AWOL. They were there to give proposals and counter proposals from community feedback and none were given other than comments. Their participation was nearly nil.

Overall RoR Staff makes decisions not RC. Take it up with Destro experienced RC why they didn’t counter propose for 4 months and debate topics over being silent.

Everyone has opinions such as myself, you, other players and staff. No patch or idea will be perfect. Things will always change for one side or another.

Remember SW buff lasted 48 hours while SH got to hold theirs for 6 months. Just move on and play the game if choose to keep going and keep giving feedback to RC, whoever they might be rather than complain patch day.

This reads soooo bad its hilarious. RCs being a "US vs THEM" thing and then there being no RCs on one side...

Edit: So they were replaced but according to Spellbound there was no "pro Destro" feedback for months... how does that work at all.<_<
Last edited by Tenhi on Thu May 20, 2021 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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