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Choppa overlook

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Choppa overlook

Post#1 » Sun Jun 13, 2021 1:47 pm

Choppa knockdown:
It's not usable until you are Berserk. Too much happens in the meantime and every so often against classes with knockdown's at will you never get the chance to counter or use it. Every encounter I have with for exmaple other m.dps it's a damage trading with exception for my ass on the ground for 3 seconds.

Suggestion: Lower the requirement to Furious state like the other Exhaust abilities.

Bleed em out:
Also wanna throw in a suggestion to tweak Bleed em out ability. Its far too expensive AP wise to even wanna use it. But it's spammable, in this case you could lower the cost to 35 AP from 45 and give it a 10 sec CD. The damage of the ability is fine. Just no need to spam an ability that cost 45 AP to use.

Yer all bleeding now!:
This ability needs a serious overlook. Zero stat scaling. Makes no difference how much strenght or WS you got, it doesnt do anymore damage. Serves as nothing but debuff concealing. Either increase the dots base damage or add some stat scaling.


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Re: Choppa overlook

Post#2 » Sun Jun 13, 2021 2:09 pm

Does it matter when you trade blows with them until berserk? You are still guarded and healed and the requirement is set so high, because it can't be avoided, no matter the parry/block the enemy got. I can see, where you are coming from, if you argue from a slayer perspective with rampage, where the bonus is less valuable.
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Re: Choppa overlook

Post#3 » Sun Jun 13, 2021 3:22 pm

No matter what suggestion You throw on the table, answer will be: all of Your described issues are related to solo only. Get guard, get heal, stay in party and You are fine. There is literaly no space and no will of balance from solo perspective in this game.
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Re: Choppa overlook

Post#4 » Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:51 pm

just go wot rules so you can actually play these classes with their entire kit at your disposal.. reducing enemies chances to crit etc is just so huge, also detaunting before a knockdown without destroying your rage..

add morale regen gear so you can pop the defensive m1 quickly before you need to flee out if things aren't going in your favor.. also they should buff taking chances and the mirror for choppa so their regen doesn't stink as much
just take the regen tiers down a knotch and maybe add a heavier regen in red, it's incredible how long this has been a **** tactic considering how popular these classes are for doing other things than being babysit as a glass-ass dps where the tactic is irrelevant
my2c :mrgreen:

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Re: Choppa overlook

Post#5 » Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:44 am

Wdova wrote: Sun Jun 13, 2021 3:22 pm No matter what suggestion You throw on the table, answer will be: all of Your described issues are related to solo only. Get guard, get heal, stay in party and You are fine. There is literaly no space and no will of balance from solo perspective in this game.
This. always This.
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Re: Choppa overlook

Post#6 » Mon Jun 14, 2021 12:47 pm

I just gave up my Choppa after so many years of play.. No point in play it for so long.

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Re: Choppa overlook

Post#7 » Mon Jun 14, 2021 5:37 pm

How i see balancing 24 vs 24:

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