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[Main stat tactics] idea suggestion

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[Main stat tactics] idea suggestion

Post#1 » Sat Jul 03, 2021 10:07 pm


The Main stat tactics for each of the careers unlocked around lvl 20ish seem to be close to mandatory for most classes. And with the Tome Tactic slot unused. I had an idea of tieing the two together.

Unlocking the tometactic for mainstats towards your char could be done with the old system of collecting fragments and combine it into creating your new tome-mainstat tactic.
Something that could progress and give players something to do while leveling their chars as an example:

Tome tactic questchain at lvl 20
step1: win a scenario
step2: participate in an rvr zonelock
step3: join a guild
step4: complete an Easy or higher PQ
step5: spend atleast 5 mastery points at your trainer
step6: earn renown rank 30

For each fragment added to the Tome tactic you will gain more Mainstats on your tactic. Since the mainstat tactic is nolonger a normal tactic, but now a tometactic it opens up more options for tactic-lineups and we might see new builds.

just an idea. Maybe it will break the game, who knows.
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