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[Ranked] Conclusions and suggestions after first week season 2

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Posts: 1295

Re: [Ranked] Conclusions and suggestions after first week season 2

Post#11 » Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:31 pm

Mergrim wrote: Mon Jul 05, 2021 10:07 am You can be very good player and still on bottom in ranking, and you can be very bad player and be on top. It's just luck.
Solo+Ranked is a joke...throw 6 nobodies into a sc and call it "Ranked"...LMAO

Posts: 246

Re: [Ranked] Conclusions and suggestions after first week season 2

Post#12 » Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:37 pm

...double post..
Last edited by Mergrim on Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 246

Re: [Ranked] Conclusions and suggestions after first week season 2

Post#13 » Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:44 pm

Mergrim wrote: Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:37 pm
knick wrote: Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:20 pm I still think this 1000mmr thing is a huge mistake to solo ranked. People realizing they never catch the 1000mmr will most likely stop playing solo and ranked in total. The community is small the amount of people who are interested in ranked are even smaller. The actual system benefits meta classes and penalize off meta classes. BiS Gear should accessable to everyone. If you play a offmeta class it's a hard time to find a grp for ranked and solo it's 50/50 win/loss but far from 1000mmr and 50 wins.
Yea, thats what i write here. Many new ppl want get bis gear. They start playing ranked. Most dps need 4 piece triumpahng gear now, this is 3856 triumphant marks and 50insignia.(so they need around 200games to have their bis gear, more when they weak)
We also have many other spec that need 2/3/6 piece, but they all require a ring.

For now ranked dead: destro realize they can't win anything so they stop que:D 4destro vs 26order.(now lets wait for FMJ stack so we go destro side:D)
emiliorv wrote: Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:31 pm
Mergrim wrote: Mon Jul 05, 2021 10:07 am You can be very good player and still on bottom in ranking, and you can be very bad player and be on top. It's just luck.
Solo+Ranked is a joke...throw 6 nobodies into a sc and call it "Ranked"...LMAO
I play only ranked , so for me rvr heroes are nobodies.

Posts: 680

Re: [Ranked] Conclusions and suggestions after first week season 2

Post#14 » Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:48 pm

From what I've seen, cherry picking and side stacking looks like the big issue. In my opinion, the match making system should not allow for this type of fishing for easy matches.
"I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream; that's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor... and surviving." - Colonel Walter E. Kurtz

Posts: 27

Re: [Ranked] Conclusions and suggestions after first week season 2

Post#15 » Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:56 pm

maybe put some (5?) insignias in the weekly "quest" and make it 20-40 kills instead of 10 wins.

think thats a realistic goal for not so good players/classes and still needs a lot of time.
im sure you get more people in the queue if they see a goal they can reach.

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Re: [Ranked] Conclusions and suggestions after first week season 2

Post#16 » Mon Jul 05, 2021 1:09 pm

Honestly, gating more stuff is a terrible idea. All you are doing is taking away motivation of the average players from playing the content, no one wants to be fodder for others.
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Re: [Ranked] Conclusions and suggestions after first week season 2

Post#17 » Mon Jul 05, 2021 3:05 pm

Caduceus wrote: Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:48 pm From what I've seen, cherry picking and side stacking looks like the big issue. In my opinion, the match making system should not allow for this type of fishing for easy matches.

100% Agreed

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Re: [Ranked] Conclusions and suggestions after first week season 2

Post#18 » Mon Jul 05, 2021 4:29 pm

The system should be that if there is high enough population(say enough for 3 or 4 matches or maybe just have the system always in place if it works fine), Ranked would pop the same time for everyone every 12-15 mins, or 2ish mins after the last match has ended(idk whats the optimal time) so it matches all players as balanced as possible, prioritising those players who didn't get a pop the last time. Yes you would have to wait longer if the match is a stomp, but the matches should be more balanced this way. Could even balance the classes in the matches this way easier.
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Posts: 144

Re: [Ranked] Conclusions and suggestions after first week season 2

Post#19 » Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:23 pm

Agree, good ideas. After the first week there are like 45 people with 1000+ MMR in solo, and those participating in group ranked have played like 4-5 games. You're locking insignia required for BIS content for a very small population. Sounds like in the QnA they said they won't balance around ranked, which makes sense since it would disrupt orvr, but another issue restricting BIS gear to meta picks.

Solo ranked is becoming the same behavior as scenarios, stomp or be stomped depending on who and when you queue. Except more vindictive and only a handful of viable classes. At least in scenarios you can go in expecting to lose and no one cares because you can still get your rewards.

At least it probably won't best for long once the end game pve sets are out, although I can't even finish my wards now adding another layer would be daunting. I prefer scenarios to pve but as several people said, don't want to be a liability for my team.

Posts: 40

Re: [Ranked] Conclusions and suggestions after first week season 2

Post#20 » Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:27 pm

Strakar wrote: Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:23 pm they won't balance around ranked, which makes sense since it would disrupt orvr, but another issue restricting BIS gear to meta picks.
which screws already the end game. Orvr is useless now is just create delivery simulator.

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