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SW Ranked build ?

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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Posts: 18

SW Ranked build ?

Post#1 » Thu Jul 01, 2021 4:00 pm

Hi all,

what would be from your point of view some good builds for SW in ranked ? I've seen that SW can perform quite well.

As I'm approaching BiS gear, I really would like to start trying ranked soon, but clearly, especially for SW, special builds should be imagined to be efficient. A mix Skirm/Assault ? Big focus on kiting ?

What is your experience ?


Posts: 40

Re: SW Ranked build ?

Post#2 » Thu Jul 01, 2021 4:13 pm

i am not a pro shadow warrior in any circumstances. Considering ranked are 6v6 and very well horganized targeting and ccing i would go for something like this: ... ,3950,3959
Shadow sting is main healdebuff to be applied at kill target.
Eye shot is main cc from you and also back up interrupt (for example you focus a dps and must stop an healer from healing him= healdebuff while eye shot on healer)
rest is pretty standard.
I repeat i am not in ranked myself, this is just my 2 cents idea

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Posts: 253

Re: SW Ranked build ?

Post#3 » Wed Jul 21, 2021 1:15 am

Aricept wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 4:00 pm Hi all,

what would be from your point of view some good builds for SW in ranked ? I've seen that SW can perform quite well.

As I'm approaching BiS gear, I really would like to start trying ranked soon, but clearly, especially for SW, special builds should be imagined to be efficient. A mix Skirm/Assault ? Big focus on kiting ?

What is your experience ?

Skirmish / kiting spec is good on paper but it doesn't do enough damage. Unlike Squig who has really good tactics in skirmish tree ours was turned into a meme tree. Assault seems to be the the best spec for ranked. You will be kited easily though and even beaten up if they have a shield dok giving them extra dps vs your ST detaunt. This leaves Scout as a safe a viable option. There's more than 1 way to spec scout and you should pick up the run speed tactic and swap it in if you face a Marauder.

Posts: 81

Re: SW Ranked build ?

Post#4 » Wed Jul 21, 2021 7:45 am

Skirmish - too much low level dot damage. No burst. Also mid range so too close for comfort and squishy stance.

Scout - good burst, however, long cast times put you at the mercy of cc so no chance of getting rotation off and like above its a squishy stance so will need to swap to assault fir defence.

Assault- good burst, good defence. No need to swap stance for defence. Go all the way up the assault tree so you have your knockdown + all 3 tactics (then add instinctive aim) and the damaging abilities. Take the heal debuff from skirmisher. This way you'll always be in guard range and can spam shadow step for extra defence but also to switch to des ranged target for immediate kd. Keep draw blood and shadow sting up for sustainable dmg and time your dmg burst + vengeance with tank knockbacks. You still get pretty decent ticks off broadhead arrows when entering combat.

Practice BHA-heal debuff-shadow step-von-kd-full dmg rotation on a target dummy. You can get it under 20 secs. Then you are ready for ranked.

Gear - 5 def sov + 3 warlord + fortress weapons is nice for me. I dont pve.
In assault stance gives me 800 wounds 5000 armour 715 ws 950 str 50% parry. 24% melee crit. 0% chance to be crit.

Renown futile strikes until 0% -melee crit - parry - deft def
Last edited by skylinx on Wed Jul 21, 2021 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 81

Re: SW Ranked build ?

Post#5 » Wed Jul 21, 2021 7:49 am


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