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So who do I kill first?

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So who do I kill first?

Post#1 » Sat Aug 07, 2021 8:21 am

Hi all, I'm still fairly new to the game and I'm learning my way around assisting and what not as a dps. My question is what's the kill priority in RoR? I end up assisting a lot of people targeting tanks and that doesn't seem right as they are really hard to kill. Should we be taking down mdps first or healers or what? Thanks in advance.
Last edited by narutikli64 on Wed Aug 11, 2021 3:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: So who do I kill first?

Post#2 » Sat Aug 07, 2021 8:41 am

Depends on situation. If you are melee dps with guard and heals and just go bravely to healers if they are close enough, if not and enemy mdps/tanks are close kill dps class or two and then tanks should interrupt healers for ressing and all should be bashin healers now and if someone takes ress he will have low health and respawn on ur feet almost so it's easy kill, Also dead tank is usually dead grp fastest. If not guard then be a bit more careful and remember detaunt.

Range dps like scout sw - Shadow Warrior Spec like this be aware of surroundings and dont let melee get too close to you + also try to kill healer or range dps with BHA BHA BHA VENGEANCE FESTERING ARROW Eagle eye Rapid fire Fell the weak and target dead for sure if he didnt detaunt and realize what you doin.

If you are Shield dok/wp guarded and healed and with 2h IB assist him and heal by attacking (SHIELD SPEC IS OP REMOVE IT AND BRING BACK AB.EXE FOR 2H WP/DW DOK)
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Re: So who do I kill first?

Post#3 » Sat Aug 07, 2021 10:56 am

Sinister has it correct.

Order in SCs usually bash like mad on tanks.
Priority is healers but also squishy mdps if someone has punted their guard away or they have no guard at all.
Get Buffhead and learn the 3 destro guard symbols.
If your enemy dps is dead they have no teeth to hurt you. And most healers hang back and are hard to reach.
If there are no mdps like chopper or marauders look for 2h tanks like chosen or BO. Most of the time they are also squishy because the player wants to build a dps tank.

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Re: So who do I kill first?

Post#4 » Sat Aug 07, 2021 3:26 pm

i`d say in pug vs pug it doesnt really matter who you target first except it isnt a tank. If you play rdps try assist class that has heal debuff as default spec skill (choppa, SH, WE or order - slayer, WH, SW). Things change in organised gameplay. Try assist or pick targets that perform badly under preasure - shaman, SH, sorc, choppa (AMs, SW, BW, SL) as general rule. Other important thing is to switch if you cant kill something in less than 5-10s, or it is kiting you whole time.

Posts: 76

Re: So who do I kill first?

Post#5 » Sat Aug 07, 2021 3:32 pm

as dps (mele or ranged) AVOID THE TANKS. They are called TANKS for a reason no? go for
a)healer (if he detaunt you swap target tilld etaunt ends or cc him) (if you are ranged dps you give no **** of detaunt because you can silence him and then after silence ed renuke him hard, on low level brackets, especially in pugs, healers pop like corn in t2-t3)
b)UNGUARDED melee dps (for example choppa/slayer) which basically blow up in 3 globals without a guard
c)UNGUARDED dps (white lion/marauder) they are a little (LITTLE) more resilient of choppa/slayers

Posts: 100

Re: So who do I kill first?

Post#6 » Sat Aug 07, 2021 4:14 pm

healers -> unguarded dps -> super squishy 2h tanks (most 2h tanks aren't squishy tho, depends on their build) -> guarded dps -> 'normal' 2h tanks -> snb tanks

Generally speaking you want to do this while not dying of course.
Also most of the time it's best to simply assist on another dps, even if they suck and their targets are garbage (unless you can get solo kills).

Posts: 7226

Re: So who do I kill first?

Post#7 » Sat Aug 07, 2021 5:42 pm

Unguarded DPS -> healer if out of position and known to be squishy -> in general targets, where you know, they are soft -> soft 2h tanks -> guarded DPS -> guarded healer -> s&b tanks
Dying is no option.

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Posts: 68

Re: So who do I kill first?

Post#8 » Sat Aug 07, 2021 6:33 pm

Solid advice throughout.

Some details that won't harm(working for me at least)

Try to assess the situation quickly and stay aware of each other. As long as you cooperate there are lots of options. Plain fact - healers are unlikely to kill one of you -> dps can -> you can kill yourself pumping AP in a guarded/detaunting healer.
Nothing better than 2 enemy healers resing the same target for three seconds getting taunted in last moment or kill the 20% recently ressed
Watch immunities - yours and theirs - and don't spread them careless (ae knockbacks/downs, snare, morals with these). try to isolate with kd/root single target punt to separate guardee from tanks.
Play WE/WH not as the ( romanticized ) loner wasting AP trying to roam the backline and solo something (neither NEVER do that - assess, see above). The chances of killing with you in guard range + assisting tank and/or dps are sooo much higher.
Tanks use ae taunt on their dps.
BG/IB have that outgoing healdebuff which is so tempting and leads to wannabe WE/WH like behavior. Standing miles away from anybody worth having that guard and hitting a healer while your dps burst under their dps/cc.(that no mustn't.. assess)
There are other limiting factors to a heal than the value healed and the enemy dps under guard actual guard does not need that much heal. No AP no numbers at all, no Line of Sight - excluding some heals completely..

Pugging SCs
If you start thinking "Why the f*ck is no one working together!" - Don't hesitate to start with it ;-)
If you must write - don't hate - make a call.(at least try to)
No matter how stupid "insert faction or they" seem to act.
Regroup.. nothing worse than being the assembly line of death!


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