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RvR, AAO and incentive for actual fights

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Re: RvR, AAO and incentive for actual fights

Post#91 » Thu Sep 16, 2021 3:19 pm

you're gonna have to reiterate that case again cause you lost me along the way... my point is that there is no public effort to throw zones and forts on destro in /1 and /4 as you claimed but that it might happen in closed communications. you seem to be trying to link think i'm saying together to uncover some sort of conspiracy like i have any deep knowledge of or control over what destro does... i don't. i am a publord. most destro pub players know each other, we know the good leaders and we know what we do. we don't throw zones or conspire to get more bags, we just look for fights

don't mistake ineptitude or drunken staturday night zeal for any sort of 4d chess as to where losing in a certain place will make us gain more later. sometimes we're just dumb

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Re: RvR, AAO and incentive for actual fights

Post#92 » Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:35 pm

tazdingo wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 3:19 pm don't mistake ineptitude or drunken staturday night zeal for any sort of 4d chess as to where losing in a certain place will make us gain more later. sometimes we're just dumb

I'm not gonna argue this or argument that even with drunken everynight zeal coincidence points to 2* IC schedule - I just want it to stop.
And I find it hard to believe that "bad at forts destro" wipe order in cities time and time again. It just does not add up. That's also the reason I don't name&shame or report players for doing these "stupid" things in public or in secret. Even when these 4D chess seem more like checkers ;)
I can fight on the underdog side against overwhelming odds. I can't fight enemy and my own side at the same time.

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Re: RvR, AAO and incentive for actual fights

Post#93 » Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:58 pm

this game has been balanced so that you can reasonably guess what side will win a fort, and what side will win a city. Destro trying to take or defend a fort is a waste of time. Order trying to win a city is less so but still statistically improbable. the Devs made one faction best at close-range, and offense, and the other better at long-range and defense. It's their fault.

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Re: RvR, AAO and incentive for actual fights

Post#94 » Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:26 pm

The "playerbase" termin is a joke. Any player would eventually throw anything to play less and get more. If you don't like corruption in your government, you should create laws that will make the corruption impossible, rather than look for a nice folks, you won't find them and even if you do they fill fall into corruption eventually anyways, because that's what being a human is all about. Same with the game. If you don't like zergs chasing poor 20lvl guy, you should create rules that will make this a really stupid thing to do.
Back in the days, you were to keep BO's, to pump stars and go siege. And there were a lot of fights, decent ones also. Then, for a couple of days stars were pumping too fast for some reason and you could lock the zone with 5 stars. In that same day fights were almost gone and everyone went PvE. Same situation we have now with the boxes mechanic. You can carry those crates around in the empty zone to pump stars, then bring the zerg and quickly turn the zone, chasing 1 group with 5 WB's like the herd. Getting basically the same result in the end as if you were actually doing something. Order think this is funny, well, that's their choice, I'm not judging.
For Destro players however all this boring mess is even a bigger mess, because if they decide to fight and push zones/forts, what will they get? 30 SW's spamming 1 broken ability, destroing ANY amount of destro players, even on def morale 4.
So, "playerbase" is a joke really, just fix things up, and we'll be okay. Thank you.

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