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Exploration and Discoveries

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Posts: 28

Exploration and Discoveries

Post#1 » Fri Jun 11, 2021 10:01 am

So...I was awake at 4AM in the U.S because I suffer from a sleep condition and I decided to log into Return of Reckoning because I couldn't sleep and I was bored. Naturally, the server was as lively as graveyard so I got the bright idea of exploring PVE.


Because I played WAR during live and I know for a absolute fact that there are places in-game that I never saw despite the several years that I played WAR during live. I ran around The Blighted Isles for a bit, killling specifically named NPCS and hero NPCS just to see if they would drop anything interesting or if I would get any interesting notificiatons. Brightmawl, something fang...and then I saw a small little island off in the distance that was a bit outside of the map. Granted, I could not see what exactly was on the island because of how far away it was so I jumped down and swam to the island to get a closer look. After that, I saw another island that was even farther away except that one had a house on it, some walls and a dock with a boat. I had never seen that spot before (and I spent a LOT of time in elf zones during live WAR...hours...) so I decided to start swimming just to see what was on the island.

I was later told that there was a spot in Nordland that the devs found and used to put a lvl40 boss, but they stuck it in a spot that took a lot of platforming skills (Jumping over rocks and stuff) to get to...I am very curious about this spot hence why I am making this post.

I want to know about spots in-game that might not be very well known to the general populace. Simply put, I am bored of PVP and want to do something else for a bit...player versus player just gets dry after let me know about spots you might have explored in RoR that took some skill to find. You can post here or message me in-game as Emershell. I really want to run around PVE and find interesting things, named NPCS to kill, tome unlocks, etc.


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Re: Exploration and Discoveries

Post#2 » Fri Jun 11, 2021 10:06 am

Above the isle of the dead floats a giant pink portal room which is very trippy when you stand inside it. You cant see it from down below but a gm might port you there if you ask nicely. Sadly i dint have a screenshot of it :(
Did you know you could actually swim to the isle of the dead if you start in caledor and just swim across the ocean?
theres also a very interesting world of floating chaos isles just behind the bastion stairs in the dangerous territory. The fun thing about it is that you can not see it until you stand inside it. There are a few test zones made by some original mythic developer. The most interesting of them is called mount pigwank where the original devs tested some things like different water types and scales of models :^)
Just above the winds of chaos (where the moon is located) floats the entry hall of karaz a karak.You might be able to walk inside it if you ask a friendly gm to port you there :)

Posts: 679

Re: Exploration and Discoveries

Post#3 » Fri Jun 11, 2021 10:51 am

There's an unfinished zone in Cinderfall across the lake of lava. If you take the long route around through the mountains you can take a look there. There's a bunch of elite dragon ogres and two unfinished war camps.
"I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream; that's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor... and surviving." - Colonel Walter E. Kurtz

Posts: 28

Re: Exploration and Discoveries

Post#4 » Fri Jun 11, 2021 10:55 am

Awesome, I will check these places out after a good nights rest. Pls no screenshots folks, If I check a place out then I want to see it for myself. More recommendations pls!

I don't think a dev would want to give me a tour of other places and I wouldn't ask. I feels wrong, but I will check out the other spots.

Posts: 208

Re: Exploration and Discoveries

Post#5 » Fri Jun 11, 2021 5:58 pm

Sounds like youll love tome titan

Its an addon that gives coordinates for beastial tokens and tons of tok unlocks

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Re: Exploration and Discoveries

Post#6 » Fri Jun 11, 2021 6:05 pm

Check out the lair bosses:
They are usually in rarely visited places on the map.

Posts: 213

Re: Exploration and Discoveries

Post#7 » Fri Jun 11, 2021 6:39 pm

my mate sent me on a epic quest journey recently and on the route (so i guess many have seen it but i never have been there before) we found an underground Ironclad harbour. Enter through cave at 60/30 in BV. It's a nice place, with pubs and quays.

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Re: Exploration and Discoveries

Post#8 » Fri Sep 17, 2021 6:13 pm

I found the picture of the pink portal room at last :

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Re: Exploration and Discoveries

Post#9 » Fri Sep 17, 2021 6:53 pm

Sounds like you should stick to exploring on your own and just follow rough hints, both above links are nice if you just want the the reward but removes the feeling of exploration.. At least for me :)
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