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Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

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Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

Post#1 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 12:41 am

So, I'm bringing this up again, and hoping to get some mature discussion, unlike the first post that got juvenile responses like: "lol ur jst salty" or "u nd 2 git gud".

DISCLAIMER: That's not helpful or well thought, and is said by people who need to feel "better" than someone else. Won't be tolerated, so if you want to give childish, stupid responses, know that you will be blocked and comment removed.

It's been a month, and nearly everyday has been unplayable for SC's. There is no fun in being trolled by carried assholes who think having an unfair advantage is funny and cute. Personally, I think people who do this have a lot of personal issues, but not going to judge. Just that it says a lot about someone.

Back when this game was first online with Mythic, there was a whole different generation of gamers and our community was different. That has all changed, and most of the community is more toxic and out of touch with what a community is. It's flooded with immature and insulting behavior, and sadly; SC's are proof of an unchecked community. It's time to let people know that trolling, griefing, and overall douchery to inhibit the gameplay for others will NOT be tolerated. The CoD attitude doesn't belong in the WAR community.

I won't complain and not propose an idea for a solution. If "join as a group" was disabled, that would end the issue, for the most part. It could at least be experimental for a short period of time to observe it's progress.

If you disagree, fine. Do so in a respective and mature manner.

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Re: Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

Post#2 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 12:54 am

nothing is stopping you from making a group

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Re: Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

Post#3 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 1:09 am

DeaconBlues76 wrote: Wed Sep 22, 2021 12:41 am DISCLAIMER: That's not helpful or well thought, and is said by people who need to feel "better" than someone else. Won't be tolerated, so if you want to give childish, stupid responses, know that you will be blocked and comment removed.

Just wondering ... by whom? Your name isn't a special color.
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Re: Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

Post#4 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 1:56 am

You have no power here Gandalf Stormcrow

Its a group game and there is a pug scen. I don't like stomps either but when you have the ability to join pug scen or form a grp, you don't have much of an argument to make this post.
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Re: Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

Post#5 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 5:54 am

DeaconBlues76 wrote: Wed Sep 22, 2021 12:41 am There is no fun in being trolled by carried assholes who think having an unfair advantage is funny and cute.
Please explain how this is unfair advantage when everybody has the same option. There is litteraly nothing stopping anyone in making their own grp.
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Re: Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

Post#6 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 6:14 am

Speaking in the name of new people to the forum: What is the issue actually about?

Is it just a really weird post construction where the whole topic is entirely described in few words in the Title and only present there?
While the whole post content is actually something about "being trolled by carried assholes who think having an unfair advantage is funny and cute" without any info or explanation what that actually is?

I was solo-queueing yesterday a lot at various time to get these 50 SC for the event (lvl40). Sometimes we were winning, sometimes we were loosing. Player pool was constantly changing and sure, some names re-appeared, but in various combinations. Some of these loses were our own fault, by people not playing towards the scenario objectives, some loses were because enemy was better organized (going for healers, protecting their own healers) etc. Maybe sometimes they were really 'well' organized (premade?), but at no point I felt that scenarios are unplayable and in the end I had satisfying number of wins.
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Re: Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

Post#7 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 6:16 am

Lol you're just salty and you need to get good

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Re: Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

Post#8 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 8:57 am

DeaconBlues76 wrote: Wed Sep 22, 2021 12:41 am So, I'm bringing this up again, and hoping to get some mature discussion, unlike the first post that got juvenile responses like: "lol ur jst salty" or "u nd 2 git gud".

DISCLAIMER: That's not helpful or well thought, and is said by people who need to feel "better" than someone else. Won't be tolerated, so if you want to give childish, stupid responses, know that you will be blocked and comment removed.

It's been a month, and nearly everyday has been unplayable for SC's. There is no fun in being trolled by carried assholes who think having an unfair advantage is funny and cute. Personally, I think people who do this have a lot of personal issues, but not going to judge. Just that it says a lot about someone.

Back when this game was first online with Mythic, there was a whole different generation of gamers and our community was different. That has all changed, and most of the community is more toxic and out of touch with what a community is. It's flooded with immature and insulting behavior, and sadly; SC's are proof of an unchecked community. It's time to let people know that trolling, griefing, and overall douchery to inhibit the gameplay for others will NOT be tolerated. The CoD attitude doesn't belong in the WAR community.

I won't complain and not propose an idea for a solution. If "join as a group" was disabled, that would end the issue, for the most part. It could at least be experimental for a short period of time to observe it's progress.

If you disagree, fine. Do so in a respective and mature manner.
There are several points to address in your post.

As some have already mentioned, the game pushes players to team up and play. It is the optimal way to enjoy the game and get better results. If you don't like teaming up with other players, then that's your choice and it's absolutely fine to play solo, but it'll be at a cost.

We often try to keep minimal solo-friendly features in the game that would allow someone to enjoy their time. In scenarios, "PUG SC" is a scenario map that can only be queued solo or duo. You can figure out what's the current PUG SC by typing ".pug" in your chat. In that scenario map, you will not find premades stomping pugs or other premades. You will simply find other players who queued solo/duo, just like you.

We absolutely have no plans to remove group queue from scenarios, not even to test it. We do not want to change it.

Lastly, if you're experiencing griefers, toxic players or whichever bad behavior you mentioned, you can easily take screenshots or record a video as proof and then you could report that player to a GM. With enough valid proof, you will help cleaning the community from toxic players. However, please note that what you might consider 'grief' might simply be players playing in the way they enjoy.

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Re: Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

Post#9 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 9:12 am

If u are bored of get farmed un SC by premades... Do our own premade!! :)
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Re: Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

Post#10 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 9:22 am

You cant win scenarios without a team or sheer luck, sadly some careers are less popular and some have unfair advantages, being influencial is related to your role and it may not always be rewarded directly but overall with your team you will be winning 4x more games (i do), assuming you talk about toxicity - it doesnt happen with your friends, so make a team.

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