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Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

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Posts: 111

Re: Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

Post#11 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 10:00 am

The problem I see with premades is that they pull away the good players from the pug player pool.

If you build for example a order scenario group with two slayers, two tanks and two healers, then the random groups are probably gonna get no tanks and no slayers, making it far worse for them. On destro it is not that bad because you usually have enough tanks and they are not that heavily dependent on a single dps class, like order does with slayers. They overall work better in pugs.

Same with city groups. Some 24man wbs pull all the available slayers and go in with 5-6 of them, leaving the pug groups with no real dps behind. Slayer just outshines all other order dps by far. Next best thing for cities is WLs and BWs.

So it's not only a premade problem, it is also a balance problem. They would have to bring slayer dps down and all other dps up to have a more even playfield, like destro has, where pretty much every class works. Of course they would have to compensate the slayer damage nerf with a survivability buff because choppas are better of in that aspect.

For order healers the situation is similar. AMs simply are the weakest healers in regards of survivability compared to all other healers. That's a fact and they are being steam rolled in scenarios or cities, making it a lot harder to heal with it or get a win for the team. Sure, you can show me screenshots with AMs doing top healing in cities, but that are the situations where the group was good and put so much pressure on the enemy that the AM was basically free to heal. They would probably have won even without the AM.

Id love to see some balance shake-up and Id love to see a city queue for 6man only, where all the queued 6man groups are randomly mixed together to 24man wbs. The 24 city premades of 80+ with top gear and discord are just garbage, whether you are with them and the enemy leaves or against them and have no chance at all.

Posts: 17

Re: Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

Post#12 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 10:13 am

And I prefer random sc, just a pity there is no "join random sc" option
If you come across a random scene from both sides, the fun is fun for everyone.
And maybe it would be possible to do the "join random" button?
But how to block "fancy" "farmers"?

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Re: Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

Post#13 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 10:14 am

As i understand grps, even if it's only 2 players, have priority in que.
So if there are partys on both sides they should fight each other.
That being said, if there are enough players that prefer to play solo it wouldn't be a bad idea to expand the offer. Second Pug Sc 6v6 with matchmaking as example.
I don't know the numbers of course, but i don't see a reason to parent ppl in a certain play style. I guess they have reasons to be casual players.
Last edited by ufthakk on Wed Sep 22, 2021 10:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 680

Re: Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

Post#14 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 10:14 am

Insofar as there is a problem here, I think it is not necessarily down to premades but rather the supremacy of the 2/2/2 composition over almost everything else.
"I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream; that's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor... and surviving." - Colonel Walter E. Kurtz

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Re: Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

Post#15 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 10:29 am

This rant reads almost like a satire or trolling

Starts with:
hoping to get some mature discussion
Proceeds with:
...people who need to feel "better" than someone else...
...childish, stupid responses...
...being trolled by carried asshole...
...I think people who do this have a lot of personal issues, but not going to judge. Just that it says a lot about someone...
...most of the community is more toxic and out of touch...
...flooded with immature and insulting behavior...
...trolling, griefing, and overall douchery...
...The CoD attitude...
And then this gem at the end:
I won't complain

Do you genuinely think this is how "mature discussion" looks like? Absolutely ridiculous.

Beyond that, talking about "different generation of gamers" and being completely unaware that majority of this community is in their 30s - sometihng that is obvious to anyone who interacts with fellow players.
While also demanding that social interaction, playing together with friends and guildmates be replaced with matchmaking

It is probably the guy who already posted twice on reddit - complaining about immaturity and insulting behavior, while telling people to "git gud" and calling them idiots in the replies.

p.s. the discussion about pug vs premade is worth having, but not when you start it with such a rude, dismissive and ignorant attitude - nobody will take you seriously
p.p.s. and all of that before we even begin to talk about game mechanics and class design
Orkni 85+ (in-game Grock is not me...)

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Re: Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

Post#16 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 11:36 am

"majority of this community is in their 30s" Funny. Besides a 34 (or 40) year old person can be really immature, you Know that just "talking" with another players.....

"It is probably the guy who already posted twice on reddit" Assuming again....

Between him and you I think yours is the less mature post.

Just my two cents.

Posts: 676

Re: Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

Post#17 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 11:59 am

Get farmed lmao

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Re: Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

Post#18 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 12:40 pm

Is the current scenario system a good game experience? IMO it is not.
Is it fixable? I don't think so.

Lets start from the available playerbase. There is too little players participating to implement decent bracketing system. Which leads to situations when long time comms tryhard vet group will stomp less skilled/geared/organized pugs or parties. Very common occurence, nothing can be done about it.

For the most of classes scenario grind is a mandatory progression path. Which leads to situations when even in the solo scenarios there are pairings between fresh 40/40 vs 8x full sov vets.

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Re: Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

Post#19 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 12:51 pm

what kind of toxicity are we talking about? you can't talk to the enemy realm here. corpsejumpers usually get blacklisted by their OWN realm because of so many people playing both sides. who cares about laugh emotes

is the toxicity coming from your side? well why wasn't the guy complaining with a group? there is really very very little room and practical ability for somebody to act toxic in an sc here, so i don't see what anybody could get upset about. again if it's someone on your own side whining half of the server probably has them on ignore by now

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Re: Premade facerolling is a problem in SC

Post#20 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 12:58 pm

Disable solo queuing.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

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