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Ranked Queue Opt Out

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Ranked Queue Opt Out

Post#1 » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:55 am

Could we please get a fix for leaving a scenario queue as the queue pops so that it doesn't remove you from the scenario as if you rejected it?

Four times on my shammy I have tried to queue, see that ranked has queued, try to shut it down, but as I do it pops. And so because I've left the queue it acts as if I've quit rejected the scenario and I get quitter. It happens with all scenarios but it's 20m with ranked. And if I ever actually do want to do ranked, every time this happens it counts as a loss.

If a scenario queue has popped while I click 'leave scenario', it should just allow me to either accept or reject the scenario from the popup window.
Hamskull, Hamdisc, Hamblek, Hamball, Hambean, Hambeam, etc

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Re: Ranked Queue Opt Out

Post#2 » Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:23 am

Hasn't that already been addressed?

When you que for SC's, you can que "select all" and the system automatically precludes Ranked Solo. You have to intentionally que for that one as is.
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Re: Ranked Queue Opt Out

Post#3 » Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:53 am

Or you install addon to queue for selected SC. You get pop, you refuse to take it and therefore get quitter, working as intended.
It's bad luck, when you get the pop right the moment you try to leave queue.
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Re: Ranked Queue Opt Out

Post#4 » Wed Nov 24, 2021 2:05 am

I see that's true. However, the issue still happens with regular scenarios. If I don't want to join Stone Troll Crossing or Talabec Damn, I have to manually leave those sc's. While I'm doing that, if a scenario pops, I get 10m quitter.
Hamskull, Hamdisc, Hamblek, Hamball, Hambean, Hambeam, etc

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Re: Ranked Queue Opt Out

Post#5 » Wed Nov 24, 2021 2:33 am

Either queue for the scenarios you want to play one by one, or use an add-on that lets you pick which scenarios you wish to queue for.

TidyQueue is an excellent add-on that just adds a list of check boxes next to the main scenario queue window. Tick the ones you want and queue. It remembers which scenarios you've chosen too.

You need to realise that once the window pops up asking you to join the scenario that the server is now committed to starting that scenario and other players are joining. Refusing to join can imbalance the scenario which is why it comes with a penalty. Please take steps to only queue for the scenarios you are willing to play.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

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Re: Ranked Queue Opt Out

Post#6 » Wed Nov 24, 2021 2:44 am

In my opinion this feature should be integrated to core UI, not left to addons. Just saying

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Re: Ranked Queue Opt Out

Post#7 » Wed Nov 24, 2021 2:54 am

Tidy queue is excellent and I use it every day!
I still keep qquer for it's features but que selection is done with tque. And since ranked is a feature try to understand dev team trying to get ppl to queue it - handy lil addon is all that's needed to avoid ranked altogether and enhance emblem grind experience :)
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Re: Ranked Queue Opt Out

Post#8 » Wed Nov 24, 2021 6:53 pm

QQer and I never have to worry about getting into ranked. Blessing really.

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Re: Ranked Queue Opt Out

Post#9 » Wed Nov 24, 2021 11:47 pm

QQer won't let me blacklist ranked. It's amazing how many times this happens even outside of the ranked queues I mentioned. It's like it's waiting for me...

I will try Tidy - ty.
Hamskull, Hamdisc, Hamblek, Hamball, Hambean, Hambeam, etc

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Re: Ranked Queue Opt Out

Post#10 » Thu Nov 25, 2021 8:37 am

That was the problem with Warhammer and still is in RoR: even for standard game play you NEED add ons. Everybody says "There is an add on for this". Truth is, it is annoying that if you want to play the game you have to install add ons and keep them updated. Not user friendly nor new player friendly.

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