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Weekly Wipes ... sort of

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Re: Weekly Wipes ... sort of

Post#31 » Sat Jan 01, 2022 10:37 pm

Just let forts gold bag drop warlord pieces, city s1 and s2 drop royal crests and s3 gold bag drop sov gear again - will make the rp grind in the lakes worth it and will close the gear gap somewhat or atleast make it bearable :)

My 2 cents.

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Re: Weekly Wipes ... sort of

Post#32 » Sat Jan 01, 2022 11:26 pm

Morradin wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 10:12 am
Secrets wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 4:32 am
Remove the lockout on City, Gunbad, and Bloodlord. Let people run it until their eyes bleed or they get their set so friends can help out their friends without having to worry about lockouts.
A grind is a grind. Having to run Gunbad when all you need is Bastion Stair makes a lot of people decide not to run either. MAYBE, a simpler solution is to put the armor wards back on PvP armor as it was on live.
Not the problem. Bloodlord/Sent Ring are the only valuable items from PVE with very few exceptions.
I have never seen the issue with grinding PVE until your eyes bleed if you want the influence rewards.

For 'catchup gear', you should only get a lockout if you roll on a piece of gear and win that piece of gear. That way, you can eventually run City until you get the loot you need.
That loot lockout should exist independently of the ability for your other group members to get gear. Additionally, there should not be a way for players to do a repeatable quest once per lockout cycle to get a piece of gear. Just grind it 3 times with the same dedicated group. It's more adult-scheduling-friendly - something Warhammer Online overall lacks with city sieges and a persistent campaign.

It's a very flawed system and has been since its release. I personally wouldn't have used the system in the manner it was coded on release, but I was in the minority.

The same issue will become more prevalent with the release of TOVL if it uses the same system.

Posts: 7230

Re: Weekly Wipes ... sort of

Post#33 » Sat Jan 01, 2022 11:37 pm

Morradin wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 10:11 pm
knick wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 10:27 am
Morradin wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 10:12 am

A grind is a grind. Having to run Gunbad when all you need is Bastion Stair makes a lot of people decide not to run either. MAYBE, a simpler solution is to put the armor wards back on PvP armor as it was on live.
Secrets talks about the 5 day Lockout timer, not the lower ward requirement of PvE sets
I know. But lock out timers wont be so bad if you only have to do one dungeon and not three, to wear the gear only from the last dungeon you do.
so all other dungeon die out? This is not intended by design. It won't change. already a lot easier than live.
Dying is no option.

Posts: 2

Re: Weekly Wipes ... sort of

Post#34 » Sun Jan 02, 2022 10:27 am

My 2 cents:
*City gold bags should reward Invader even if you don't have Vanquisher unlock. Or, AT LEAST, let you select from every Vanquisher you don't yet have. Going into the city, trying hard, winning a gold bag and finding just 5 invader medallions removes all the motivation to ever go in a city if you don't have full Vanquisher. Now if you want to say "but you are useless in a city if below full Vnquisher" - NO, you are not, if you know what you are doing.
*Scenario quests should reward oppressor once certain criteria is met. Now you have to farm 1200 Oppressor emblems for two weapons and the only way to do that is participate (ok), top at certain task (not really ok, because sometimes you have to cheese with useless tactics to do that) and just win a scenario (OK, but not really OK, once your annihilator/conqueror/vanq group faces Invader/Sov gered opposition)
*Make so you can buy Conqueror emblems with IV coins, at a 1:10 ratio or so. Pushing cr38/rr50+ just punishes you, because you spend way too much time farming Vanquisher (thanks mr. RNG for giving the same parts in those hard earned gold bags) and still running around in Annihilator once you 40. While still being able to contribute, you just die too fast. At the same time, allow lover lvl coins to be upranked. What am I supposed to do with those 500 III coins now?
*PVE is pretty much rip. Maybe allow it to be bought with gold, even at insane prices, like 300 for belt, 400 boots/gloves, 500 shoulders/helm, 600 for chest for Sentinel set. More for Bloodlord and less for Redye. Since the game does not suffer from inflation, it would take quite some effort to buy them if you can't find a group.
*Current PVE gear is mostly useless for tanks. Maybe make it look amazing, so there's a least some motivation to go there.

Posts: 213

Re: Weekly Wipes ... sort of

Post#35 » Sun Jan 02, 2022 11:00 am

seems this got derailed along the way

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Re: Weekly Wipes ... sort of

Post#36 » Sun Jan 02, 2022 12:46 pm

Wuhh wrote: Thu Dec 30, 2021 9:43 pm the idea is to wipe gear only on a monday. giving all 40's access to conqueror gear or gear suitable to their rr if below that threshold. Levelling the playing field gearwise (not renown/mastery) to enable lower levelled players to feel like they stand a better chance.

Tuesday give all players that have the unlock Vanq gear and the sc weapons etcetc according to their tome unlocks.

Wednesday Invader etcetc

Thursday Warlord etc

Friday. Release all gears to those that have the unlocks (ie had it before this whole wipe idea started). So for fri/sat/sun the 80+ Sov geared and long term players have their hard earned and long fought for gears to go and compete with.

So I'm not sure i like my idea, but it might actually have a good/fun/entertaining effect on the overall flow of orvr and sc? giving people a chance, a gear leveller, a skill demonstration.

Please comment below :D Happy New Year!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posts: 485

Re: Weekly Wipes ... sort of

Post#37 » Sun Jan 02, 2022 2:04 pm

Why would u consider a reset at all? Fairness and beeing nice to new player hardly can count as an argument for a (possibly) game breaking change, all the years of grind......

Posts: 7230

Re: Weekly Wipes ... sort of

Post#38 » Sun Jan 02, 2022 2:10 pm

Whyumadbro wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 2:04 pm Why would u consider a reset at all? Fairness and beeing nice to new player hardly can count as an argument for a (possibly) game breaking change, all the years of grind......
Not only that. New players usually struggle with a lot things other than gear gaps.
Dying is no option.

Posts: 361

Re: Weekly Wipes ... sort of

Post#39 » Sun Jan 02, 2022 4:09 pm

They already make an option for this.. its called t1 sc.. and mid tiers. If you and your buddies want to play where the playing field is level these are options for you. Sometimes we all get sick of getting ganked by all sov super parties and just going down there to relax and have a good time is always there. Hell, you can get all the way to 39 and the only thing you are missing is your rank 40 skill and have a great time down there. The best part is at 40.. you can delete and start all over again and relive the magic of your mid tier choppa through the ranks.

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