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Remove lockout entirely

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Posts: 171

Remove lockout entirely

Post#1 » Fri Jan 21, 2022 5:59 pm

Lockout makes playing the game overly difficult. There is zero point me playing the game on destro when there is >100% aao for order. Even >40% aao is pushing it.

If I log to order and want to play, I might not even find a single person to join up with. So it would be pointless and I would be better of trying to do something on destro like scenarios. However, getting instantly locked out for 90 minutes just because I dared to actually PVP on order instead of stand around and cry that destro has too many people in general chat (or vice versa) is ridiculous and is punishing me for doing something that should infact be rewarded (as aao does reward us, but we can't make use of it fully because of the insane lockout).

I should be able to easily switch sides based on whether or not I can find some people to play with. Lockout just makes it super inconvenient to play the game. Fort lockout is even worse, there is zero chance I will ever do a fort on order side because I have no level 40 order character. That means when city happens I literally can't play the game at all because all my 40s are on destro side. Again, preventing me from playing as I want to, for fun and not for some xrealm conspiracy theory, for no real reason.

Posts: 207

Re: Remove lockout entirely

Post#2 » Fri Jan 21, 2022 6:07 pm

Yeah let people freely switch to the side with more people so they can all PvE the doors and get free medals/renown. Sounds exciting! Also you may want to change your name to pvEangergod.

Posts: 171

Re: Remove lockout entirely

Post#3 » Fri Jan 21, 2022 6:09 pm

shoelessHN wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 6:07 pm Yeah let people freely switch to the side with more people so they can all PvE the doors and get free medals/renown. Sounds exciting! Also you may want to change your name to pvEangergod.
And all the people who have hand eye coordination can join the smaller side and wipe them repeatedly for free defence bags.

You know the real conspiracy is that everyone who cries there should be longer lockout are actually the toxic pvers, because they know that organised groups will come out on top if they are left to their own devices and the game wasn't so PUG friendly as it currently is in almost all gameplay, e.g. pug scenarios, pug cities, ridiculously 1 sided nascar forts, etc.

Posts: 171

Re: Remove lockout entirely

Post#4 » Fri Jan 21, 2022 6:11 pm

For example at the time of starting the first post, there was 100% aao for order in a zone.

Now, only a short time later well less than 90 minutes, there is aao for destro which might easily pick up further to the point i wouldn't want to play order.

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Re: Remove lockout entirely

Post#5 » Fri Jan 21, 2022 8:59 pm

agree with OP, remove that lockout.
and remove quitter debuff too, it's annoying

Posts: 29

Re: Remove lockout entirely

Post#6 » Fri Jan 21, 2022 10:57 pm

I disagree, in fact extend it

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Re: Remove lockout entirely

Post#7 » Fri Jan 21, 2022 11:08 pm

I should be able to easily switch sides based on whether or not I can find some people to play with. Lockout just makes it super inconvenient to play the game. Fort lockout is even worse, there is zero chance I will ever do a fort on order side because I have no level 40 order character. That means when city happens I literally can't play the game at all because all my 40s are on destro side. Again, preventing me from playing as I want to, for fun and not for some xrealm conspiracy theory, for no real reason.
We understand players want to play with friends and guildies - which is why we give you the opportunity to pick a side upon login and play, as opposed to on live when you had to dedicate your account to a side.
If I log to order and want to play, I might not even find a single person to join up with. So it would be pointless and I would be better of trying to do something on destro like scenarios.
Order is populated as is Destruction. There is no way that regardless of the side you choose to play on you will be the only person online. You saying 'if I play Order and nobody is there then I'll just play Destro' is a snowball effect we refer to as cross-realming. If there was nothing in place to limit this, why would you play the realm with less players? You would always be swapping to the zerg and the campaign would very quickly stagnate.

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Re: Remove lockout entirely

Post#8 » Sat Jan 22, 2022 12:19 am

Two points:

1) You can log onto a side without getting tied into it you just can't enter RvR. So that at least solves the "are my friends playing" issue.

2) The reward system incentivizes zone flips. Zone flips are fastest when most people play one side. The lockout timer can be viewed as a counter-mechanic to the game incentives or an expedient to minimize the impact of poor incentives (leave that to the reader to decide). Either way, it is currently necessary in some form.

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Re: Remove lockout entirely

Post#9 » Sat Jan 22, 2022 12:21 am

I am of the mind to extend the lockout. I honestly think it should be a 24 hour lockout, but that is just me and my opinion.
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Re: Remove lockout entirely

Post#10 » Sat Jan 22, 2022 8:14 am

Emissary wrote: Sat Jan 22, 2022 12:21 am I am of the mind to extend the lockout. I honestly think it should be a 24 hour lockout, but that is just me and my opinion.
Absolutely right. But in my mind, three hours will be ok.
The moment for xrealmers will be lost, but it haven't to hurts to other.
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