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Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

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Re: Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

Post#101 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:25 pm

Tyrex2017 wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 7:52 pm I dont know if Realm Champions are needed, but I disagree that they have no impact on class balance. I notice that since realm champion program exists, WP and DOK class have been nerfed with AOE detaunt from 15s to 5s. This is a fact.
It would be more fruitful if more people apply to participate in the Realm Champions program. You shouldn't really judge the work of these players, who have the roles of RC, if you're not even keen on applying. Whether you're accepted or not is another topic. I believe it's similar to your right of complaining if you haven't voted.

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Re: Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

Post#102 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:37 pm

GamesBond wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:25 pm
Tyrex2017 wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 7:52 pm I dont know if Realm Champions are needed, but I disagree that they have no impact on class balance. I notice that since realm champion program exists, WP and DOK class have been nerfed with AOE detaunt from 15s to 5s. This is a fact.
It would be more fruitful if more people apply to participate in the Realm Champions program. You shouldn't really judge the work of these players, who have the roles of RC, if you're not even keen on applying. Whether you're accepted or not is another topic. I believe it's similar to your right of complaining if you haven't voted.
It's difficult to participate in programs where you locked out of it a huge majority due to the requisite of being compliant and have always been "a good boy". I wonder what is the benefit when you recruit people that are supposed to critcise the actual state of many things, but those people you recruit are people that are not defiant and are actually compliant. That could explain the reason behind the lack of changes and how out of scope some of those changes were.
Changes that in some cases got reverted back to the original state or even buffed. Maybe a good first step to have a willfully participant community instead of a whiny one, would be to give equal opportunities and voice to everyone. The best destro players that I know have been muted for petty reasons, almost 99% of my alliance has been muted or banned and we're all people that has played since live and has been around here for 5 years or more. Sorry if I sound brash, but that's really how I see it. How many of us see it, since it has been discussed in multiple discords where all are part of. I don't think this is unknown information at this point, just making it public here for the first time.

This is why the majority agree that the realm champion program is not the best approach when you have forums where everyone can express their oppinions, you need to filter out the pathological whiners but nonetheless there are some gems between the posts.

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Re: Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

Post#103 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:28 pm

Amdus wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:37 pm
GamesBond wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:25 pm
Tyrex2017 wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 7:52 pm I dont know if Realm Champions are needed, but I disagree that they have no impact on class balance. I notice that since realm champion program exists, WP and DOK class have been nerfed with AOE detaunt from 15s to 5s. This is a fact.
It would be more fruitful if more people apply to participate in the Realm Champions program. You shouldn't really judge the work of these players, who have the roles of RC, if you're not even keen on applying. Whether you're accepted or not is another topic. I believe it's similar to your right of complaining if you haven't voted.
It's difficult to participate in programs where you locked out of it a huge majority due to the requisite of being compliant and have always been "a good boy". I wonder what is the benefit when you recruit people that are supposed to critcise the actual state of many things, but those people you recruit are people that are not defiant and are actually compliant. That could explain the reason behind the lack of changes and how out of scope some of those changes were.
Changes that in some cases got reverted back to the original state or even buffed. Maybe a good first step to have a willfully participant community instead of a whiny one, would be to give equal opportunities and voice to everyone. The best destro players that I know have been muted for petty reasons, almost 99% of my alliance has been muted or banned and we're all people that has played since live and has been around here for 5 years or more. Sorry if I sound brash, but that's really how I see it. How many of us see it, since it has been discussed in multiple discords where all are part of. I don't think this is unknown information at this point, just making it public here for the first time.

This is why the majority agree that the realm champion program is not the best approach when you have forums where everyone can express their oppinions, you need to filter out the pathological whiners but nonetheless there are some gems between the posts.
You want the reasonable answers right? I try to be as transparent as possible, always. Balance feedback where everyone discusses everything is not possible; It's terrible, inefficient and would end up taking ages to do the simplest things. The people who join the RC program are knowledgeable, and nobody is saying that they're the only ones. You're free to apply and to experience it. If you're someone who cannot tolerate different opinions, or if you instantly turn a mature discussion into a tempered toxic one, you will surely not find a spot in that program.

The RC program is here to add the community's input into balance, to help both the team and the community. It's not here to increase the workload, time or stress on devs. This is the closest that we could get to community-shaped balance.

Now if you'd like to keep disrespecting these players who spend their time discussing balance, working on data and arguing for weeks to defend their input, you're free to do so. But just don't call them "good boys", it's really not necessary.

Amdus wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:37 pm The best destro players that I know have been muted for petty reasons, almost 99% of my alliance has been muted or banned and we're all people that has played since live and has been around here for 5 years or more.
Usually when I check the log, the "petty reasons" as you mentioned end up being extreme toxicity, sexism, racism or just the players ignoring several warnings and repeating the same offenses.

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Re: Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

Post#104 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:40 pm

Garamore wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 7:27 pm Ok well its defo prime time now and looks like order pushed a fort and are pushing two zones at same time again, one with 100-199 and the other with 25-99. Destro has 25-99 and 0.

I'm just pointing out how crazy your first post was. Looks like someone died in RvR a few times and wrote an essay. Outside of a few pulls order have the more powerful classes and the numbers.
Im now pointing out how crazy this post is. Looks like someone has a vested interest in keeping things as they are for the XRealm Crew,

"Outside of a few pulls order have the more powerful classes and the numbers."
Made me lol so thanks for the chuckle.
Order have the numbers NA west coast time.
CET GMT prime time its 5 to 7 destro wbs vs 1 Order wb, max 2.
Just as it is at the time of this post.

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Re: Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

Post#105 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:57 pm

Meliannia wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:40 pm CET GMT prime time its 5 to 7 destro wbs vs 1 Order wb, max 2.
Just as it is at the time of this post.
At the time you made this post the following warbands were out each side:

Abso 12


Pug warbands on both sides, it was even numbers in Praag.
Evilspinnre - Nightmare/Daydream - Xrealmers Anonymous
80+ AM, WL, WP, BW, SL, SM, 50+ RP, SW, IB
80+ BG, Sorc, WE, Mara, Choppa, SH, 60+ Zeal, Shaman, Blork

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Re: Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

Post#106 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 11:36 pm

Meliannia wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:40 pm Looks like someone has a vested interest in keeping things as they are for the XRealm Crew,

CET GMT prime time its 5 to 7 destro wbs vs 1 Order wb, max 2.
Just as it is at the time of this post.
Calling a Destro-only guild out for cross-realming and being very "inacurrate" about what was online on both realms is not supporting your claim in your original post much, instead it makes the whole argument seem more like a case of ignorance.

But to return to the topic, because I personally believe this is the exact case of what is the issue and cause to your topic;
It doesnt matter much how you balance the game, as these momentum waves from either realm is usually based on who is playing on either side at a given time.
And only a few core systems will carry over from Primetime to earlyhours/latehours. AAO is one of these systems for the campaign, and that should imho be the focus if NA hours and Early noon/afternoon EU hours are onesided. But once again, this is probably a result of who is online and leading on one realm.

My own personal speculation of why Destro have started gaining some campaign momentum back, is simply that Gimle has not been seen as much in orvr last few weeks under Graffer, and that cueleen swapped from order to destro and whatever side has the open warbands when there are no tryhards on, will slowly build the numbers in the zones and get the ball rolling.
Bombling 92BW
Bombthebuilder 82Engi - Bombing 82SL - Bling 81Kobs - Orderling 80WP

Gombling 85MSH - Chopling 83Chop - Notbombling 83Sorc - Destroling 81Zeal - Goldbag 80Mara

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Re: Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

Post#107 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 11:44 pm

wonshot wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 11:36 pm

Calling a Destro-only guild out for cross-realming is not supporting your claim in your original post much,
show me where i called out or named an entire destro guild as x realmers, please.

if you cant do this you show your willful ignorance of the topic which never was having a go at destro but was about about time zone population imbalance and xrealming which has an adverse effect BOTH order AND destro and is not aimed at one side.

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Re: Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

Post#108 » Fri Jan 28, 2022 1:11 am

Meliannia wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:40 pm CET GMT prime time its 5 to 7 destro wbs vs 1 Order wb, max 2.
Just as it is at the time of this post.

26th of January, 23 (11pm) Altdorf time - that's EU prime.


Right now order is pushing for 2star IC. Again.
Please cease your nonsense.
RoR: Burszui SH, Ropopuch SHM<|[]|>Ginnar IB, Vidarr HMR, Runatyr RP ++ REV guild ++
Live: Karak Izor -> Karak Norn - Yarpaen IB, Ginnarr SL, Volundr ENG +Ithilmar's Chosen+
* * * playing 19 classes - running out of char slots * * *

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Re: Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

Post#109 » Fri Jan 28, 2022 1:56 am

NSKaneda wrote: Fri Jan 28, 2022 1:11 am

26th of January, 23 (11pm) Altdorf time - that's EU prime.

Please cease your nonsense.
anyone who thinks 11pm on tuesday night is CET or GMT Prime time clearly has no conapt of a full time job
people who work and are up for work at 5am or 6am are not in fort til midnight

10pm could be prime time on a friday night or saturday night possible
but a tuesday weekday?

nonsense. plz stop with the obscure grabbing at straws.

Posts: 403

Re: Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

Post#110 » Fri Jan 28, 2022 8:32 am

The funny thing about this post is that the game actually needs an imbalance otherwise no zones get taken as with equal numbers/organisation its too easy to defend. If you have 2-3 organised wbs you can defend most keeps against any numbers. Lots of the keeps you can easily get into even with defenders trying to block the path and they become very difficult to take so without the imbalance no zones would get pushed.

For a little bit of time last night Order had some AAO and I was bored running around trying to find where the 4wbs of order were (turns out they were already in the keep). I would take AAO for destro any day of the week and have been in the fortunate position to have pretty much had that in the times I rvr for the last 8 months.
Garamore - Chosen Garamar - Marauder Garachop - Choppa Garamor - Slayer

Warband leader for Hand of Blood

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