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remove fort lockout, effectively remove all lockouts too

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Posts: 171

remove fort lockout, effectively remove all lockouts too

Post#1 » Tue Feb 08, 2022 8:54 am

90 minute regular lockdown should immediately be ended when you participate in a zone lock.

seeing as there has never and will never be any argument to support realm lockouts, they shouldn't exist past 1 zonelock.

a single zonelock should be locked because that is a fight and it if it is heavily one sided, it will end swiftly and then allow willing xrealmers to even out the playing field by going to losing side to then protect the next zones.

the idea of lockouts is archaic and is just a non-sensical way to punish players. it is the equivalent of saying that people should not be allowed to change class.

Posts: 676

Re: remove fort lockout, effectively remove all lockouts too

Post#2 » Tue Feb 08, 2022 9:05 am

classic xrealmer dog wants to push city on easy side and then switch to his other char for city
should be banned TBH

Posts: 171

Re: remove fort lockout, effectively remove all lockouts too

Post#3 » Wed Feb 09, 2022 12:29 pm

hope the devs fix this lockout problem if they care about the game they will for sure

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