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<The Brides of Khaine>

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Re: <The Brides of Khaine>

Post#71 » Sat May 16, 2015 4:21 pm

Buzznutz, you should post that as a story in the role play section! Its an awesome story!

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Re: <The Brides of Khaine>

Post#72 » Mon Jul 13, 2015 2:02 pm

Guild News: The new Guild Heading
This update of the Guild is collaborated by both "Naraes" and myself and highlighted as such.
I may hold the title of Guild Leader, but it is
"Naraes" and I together that run it.

"The Lore of the Guild"
The <Brides of Khaine> do not have their own separate lore or storyline. We follow the lore of Warhammer, but some of us including myself have their own lore where their characters are concerned.
For myself, my witch is roleplayed towards the end of the invasion, rather than its beginning like most players would start theirs. I do not force my story threads/lines onto others and will not within the Guild.
"Naraes" and I promote players, encourage them actually to follow what they desire of their characters. Sometimes those lines are crossed when roleplay can occur, but that is fine by us too.
Not all individuals/players are the same or expect the same.

In truth, that loose nature of the lore within the Guild also allows for some very interesting conversations. It can create conflict with how one player roleplays to other, but we also encourage said conflicts to find an equal ground.
Competition will not be tolerated, only enjoyment in our roleplay.
In short, we follow between the lines of the "Storm of Chaos" and "Age of Reckoning" lore. Anything pass that is character development only.
"Naraes" also outlines an idea we may wish to explore at a later date, down below.

"The Brides Initiative"
To revise, we are a female-only Dark Elf guild that recruits from all four classes of Druchii. We have accepted the rare few alt characters from other races or gender, but those tiny few have learned to bow to their female oppressors.
We are a mature casual guild of both socializing and roleplay and seek only fun from the times we game.
Furthermore, the guild has not addressed an age requirement as of yet, but may do so in future. We don't accept any form of drama; again, we are a mature guild and wish for it to stay that way.

"The Goals in Brief"
The current state the Guild has reached the max rank as of now, 10. The idea is to have more potential brides to join and to further expand with other Guilds. The dream is to have the ideal stability Rank of 25 for Guild Permissions and Rewards.

"The Guild's Functionality"
The current state of the Guild via working ability is minimal.
The Profile window is able to be edited, but doesn't display the Guild Message counter upon logging in for members.
The Guild Roster is able to be edited with Member Notes, but there are delays in the change to said Member Notes and they don't always successfully change. The Member Note can currently only hold one word.
The Dates at least work normally, so we are able to see who logs in when.
The Rank system works and Rank names are changeable.
As for the rest of the Guild windows, we are unable to do anything else for the Guild. The Calendar is nonresponsive; Guild Tactics don't register to select them and the Heraldry we cannot select at this time. We are also unable to make Guild Permissions and neither do we have access to a Guild Vault. This is mostly known, however we are just making members aware.

"The Guild Membership Polices"
The Three Questions - We do not recruit frequently, but we do recruit and are looking for new prospects.
For any new member joining the Guild, it is required they answer a questionnaire.
This interview contains only "Three Questions" and its function is to open communication and trust between the Guild and the potential. The "Three Questions" aren't something I am willing to share openly, due to needing to assess the reactions of the potential as we too search for trust.
Trust is highly important, as members will wish to roleplay within the Guild and it is important to us that members feel safe to do so. This needs to be understood.
Furthermore, do not worry so much about the Interview process, it happens only once for each new member and that it all.

The Rank System - The Rank Status for any Guild shows all members who looks after the Guild, those that contribute to the Guild and those that are simply members. The <Brides> are no different.
However, what we wish to explain is the lower Ranks of the Guild and their meaning. This is important to all members and not just potentials ...
"Rank 1 - Initiate" = This Rank is for beginners only to the Guild. The Rank staples that the potential is in the Interview phase and is either still being processed or considered after the Interview outcome.
"Rank 2 - Accepted" = Goes without saying that this is the next step after a successful Guild Interview. Once working, these Ranked members and above will have the permission to access the Guild Vault, no members below this Rank will have that access.
"Rank 0 - Sacrificed" = The title implies the chopping block, the Rank also holds NO permissions. If a potential is not successful with a Guild Interview or if a member steps out of line in a dramatic way that is against the Guild's namesake, then they will find themselves in this Rank ... in the extreme case, they will simply be Guild Kicked.
This Rank is also for those that are inactive for long periods of time from the Guild and/or the game without making their reason known. We encourage all members to have a healthy relationship outside of roleplay and communicating a period of absence does help in the long run for you and the Guild.
With these facts known, the "Sacrificed" Rank also has a time limit if a member should find themselves there. The time limit in this Rank is the max of one month.

General Management - Those extra questions and reasons that need to be said also ...
1. For any potential looking to join and no officers that are known aren't online, please leave a post in the Guild Thread or an in-game mail to request an appropriate time to meet up for the invite in game.
2. On the Guild Roster page of the Guild window in-game, we write who our main characters are in the Guild and write the Main under each alternative character we may have, all under the Member Notes heading. For example, for a member to place their game cursor over "Nenenthalia" on the page, they will read "Main" as my Member Note. If they do this over an alt-character of mine, they will read instead "Nenenthalia". What this does is it helps people in the Guild to know who they are talking to if said person is on an alt-character and continues communication without confusion.
3. <Brides> doesn't at this time use all the Ranks in the Guild, due to them all not needed for us.
4. Due to the limited content of the game currently, we (
"Naraes" and I) do still try to log in at least a couple of times a week/weekend. We do ask that all members show a level of commitment the same if not more in activity. With that said we respect one another when it comes to life outside the game and wish not to pressurize members into logging in constantly. For example, if real life stuff like 'work' comes up, logging in once every 3 or 4 weeks to ensure your status in the guild is fine, so long as the communication about it is open.
This leads to ...

The Absence of Members - When communication is lacking.
Just to highlight the fact that unlike the previous "Age of Reckoning", "Return of Reckoning" is free-to-play. Unless there are long periods in real life that may cause a player to be absence or even have another interest for a time, this game IS free-to-play and otherwise is no excuse to not log-in to at least touch base with the Guild. It takes but 5 minutes to log-in, read in-game mail and say "Witches Blessings" for a moment to whomever maybe on.
If a player simply wants in the Guild, but doesn't wish to communicate all that much, this is fine also, but needs to be understood. An inactive player or a player lacking communication will not Rank too highly within the Guild. This simply needs to be said so it is clear.
We will be reviewing the Roster at the end of every month to check member's online status and regularity. Those inactive without word after three months, will be moved to the "Sacrificed" Rank and will be removed from the Guild one month after that. Again, this is free-to-play, so please let us know if you are having troubles in real life and we will understand.
The reason this policy is in place is to keep the Guild tight and active and to also see the Guild level up, a Guild cannot level up with a ton of inactive players.

"The Roleplay Alternative"
Once <Brides> have become comfortable in the style of the Guild; we may create a forum on the “roleplay forum page” to post Guild-shared roleplay for others to see.
For example: A <Bride> posts a piece of writing she’d like to share with the community, but most importantly to the Guild without spamming the Guild thread. She navigates to the link provided (can be linked/edited here if comes to pass) and may post/read any comments to that thread using the Roleplay rules provided by that forum.
Note: This is an exclusive thread for the Guild that may only be found through bumping on the ROR site, manually navigating through the site or referring to this post via link.
This idea is open to discussion via this thread and Guild chat. If it comes to pass, we will edit the link here in this post as well as make note of it in a later post for when it takes place.
This is considered an option as well to the fact that
"Nene" and I write differently and will approach it like so with the Guild.

And lastly ...
We wish to thank all members and other players for taking the time to read this. We feel these points are worth explaining and wish only that players enjoy themselves during their gaming time.

"Naraes" and "Nene".

"Stabbing is a great way to burn any unwanted fat off and besides, it's fun!"

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Re: <The Brides of Khaine>

Post#73 » Mon Jul 13, 2015 2:42 pm

Great to read stuff about your dark elf guild. As a born dwarf I'm simply disgusted by your whole race. ;) and each time I get to shoot one of this sneaky witch elfes, I'm more than happy.

It is great though to meet some druchii on the battlefield who live up to their role.
Two dwarven thumbs up for your guild.

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Re: <The Brides of Khaine>

Post#74 » Wed Jul 15, 2015 1:40 pm

Ders somethin wrong wif yur choppa.

Eh's not acting very orky.

An Gork would krump Khaine.
But yur right if ya say Khaine would stomp Mork.

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Re: <The Brides of Khaine>

Post#75 » Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:21 pm

Glorian wrote:It is great though to meet some druchii on the battlefield who live up to their role.
Two dwarven thumbs up for your guild.
Thank you. :lol:
"Stabbing is a great way to burn any unwanted fat off and besides, it's fun!"

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Re: <The Brides of Khaine>

Post#76 » Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:25 pm

DarkWrath669 wrote:Ders somethin wrong wif yur choppa.

Eh's not acting very orky.

An Gork would krump Khaine.
But yur right if ya say Khaine would stomp Mork.
There seems to be some confusion between Gork and Mork, but I'll let you figure it out.
In the meantime, our Choppa does what a Choppa does ... anything he wants, so long as he chops what we tell him to chop of course. ;)
"Stabbing is a great way to burn any unwanted fat off and besides, it's fun!"

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Re: <The Brides of Khaine>

Post#77 » Wed Aug 26, 2015 12:46 am

Are you guys still active?

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Re: <The Brides of Khaine>

Post#78 » Sat Aug 29, 2015 3:01 pm

Smithbeard wrote:Are you guys still active?
Witches Blessings and thank you for your question ...

We aren't very active for the time being, myself included, but we are around and will play alot more in future. Most of our regular members have been busy with real life stuff as of late.
With that said, we are about to release another "Guild News" piece to also let others know that we aren't that far away.

Another factor too is that we are a themed guild and makes it rather difficult to recruit anyone that rather plays only for RVR and numbers. The <Brides> and I often play to have fun, have a laugh and to sometimes roleplay also. We do alot of RVR of course, but this is only what most people play the game for and not for the other efforts that is warhammer. Our members do have friends outside of the Guild also, but it seems that players aren't all that interested in themes (Dark Elf themes mostly) and so, we don't gain alot of interest at this current stage.
Perhaps soon something will develop that will change that.
We aren't very active, no, but we are still about.
"Stabbing is a great way to burn any unwanted fat off and besides, it's fun!"

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Re: <The Brides of Khaine>

Post#79 » Thu Sep 03, 2015 3:24 pm

Guild News:

Guild Management:
With the current Guild Max Rank being "10" and having reached that (mentioned in the previous Guild News), we have decided to not be so harsh with our policy towards inactivity for the time being. This means, because we are unable to Rank currently, there really isn't any need to remove players that have been inactive for over half a year until the levels change. Making this so, allows older members to return within a longer time period. When Guilds are fixed however, we will resume our policy as we had it.
Again, for the purpose of ranking the Guild, if you have an inactive Guild with alot of inactive players, gathering XP for it lessens the Guild's gain. For that reason, removing inactive people that don't care so much for the game (surely they wouldn't be gone for 6 months without word if they cared) doesn't slow the Guild progress and why a harsh policy is needed.
(Please read previous Guild News if you haven't, thank you).

With Tier 2 now active, the roleplay community has seen itself shrunk to nearly a zero in the open areas. This is also evident on the forums also, with everyone climbing for the best RVR game possible. Those that play for the Warhammer aspect and wish to roleplay, have seem to have drowned in a sea of battlefields, brown-nosing and ego's via the Advice Chat.
We aren't the only Guild that does roleplay, only we are one of the only themed Guilds on Destro that aren't attracting new members towards this cause.
Personally that doesn't bother me so much as the brown-nosing of roleplayers does.
For "anyone" that wishes themselves into a Guild that roleplays and not necessarily our Guild, I advise this ...

"Don't stop trying!"
"Regardless of Advice Chat and what people say, it only takes the right person to see your message and answer with possibly a Guild invite or some kind of helpful advice."

Those players are out there and are looking for people like you!
It is hard work, but you can start with helping to take that first step.

The Guild Heraldry:
A short while ago before "Tier 2: Dwarf" became available,
"Naraes" and I spent time deciding on what our Guild Heraldry should look like.
It was a little tough between two emblems that we had in mind, but choose that one that best presented the Guild.
We are sharing what we stamped as our joint decision and we hope that our members like the choice. (Below)

We thank you for reading.

"Stabbing is a great way to burn any unwanted fat off and besides, it's fun!"

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Re: <The Brides of Khaine>

Post#80 » Wed Sep 09, 2015 1:16 pm

Looks sharp!
Sergeant-Major Drengk Burloksson, RR 85 Sniper
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