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Patch Notes 09/03/2022

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Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#1 » Wed Mar 09, 2022 8:33 am

Latest Patch Adjustments
Twitch Drops

- Twitch Drops will be extended and will now end on Tuesday 15 March at noon, Altdorf time. This is mainly to compensate the disruptive issues that we've been facing. The rewards of the extended day will be the same as the ones handed out on Day 2.

- The Twitch Drops token renewal has been fixed from our side and your RoR-Twitch accounts should be linked again with no issues. Twitch has changed their API and we had to do some adjustments after their newest Drops version.

- You could now safely claim your Twitch Drops and send them to your in-game characters. We've also worked on a new mailing system that will solely take care of Twitch Drops in future events, this mailing system will protect your rewards from disappearing during server restarts.

- Day 4 of Twitch Drops gold box reward cannot be opened at the moment. It is expected to be available on Sunday morning.

LotD Accessories' Stats

We've prepared a bulk of tweaks and adjustments to LotD accessories' stats for next week's patch. That being said, the vendors have been temporarily disabled but will be back next week.

Pyramid of Settra

We've made some changes to the amount of game-points that each activity gives in the new scenario:
- Killing enemy players will now give 5 pts/kill instead of 4
- Capturing a flag will now give 10 pts instantly, instead of 20
- The speed of capturing flags changed

Gear ToK Prerequisites
We're working on a system that will tolerate different gear mixtures as prerequisite for higher gear tiers, instead of strictly requiring complete sets. These mixtures of gears need to respect the minimum required tier though.

For example, 2 pieces of annihilator mixed with 3 pieces of mercenary would still unlock conqueror/dominator.

It is important to understand why higher tier gears are locked in a way that the game requires you to unlock lower gear tiers:
- Avoids the need to save every crest for the endgame gear by requiring you to buy gear along the way as a way of gear progression
- Allows the team to have basically same rewards for same content at all levels. Instead of complicated systems with lower rewards at certain RR thresholds like we had before

--- The below envelops the original patch notes, before March 12 ---


Twitch Drops
Twitch Drops are now active

Twitch Drops will be active from Wednesday noon till Monday noon, Altdorf time.
Make sure to check the updated Twitch Drops guide in order to be ready to watch, claim and equip your rewards.

The list of Twitch Drops rewards and their respective requirements has been shared by the team here.

- Viewers seeking to claim the rewards should visit the RoR-Twitch accounts page.
- New streamers who would like to host the drops should contact the Community Management team.

Necropolis of Zandri

The first part of the Land of the Dead is here, an open RvR focused remake of the Necropolis of Zandri. Each realm battles both the other realm to plunder the treasures from this place, but at the same time also against the Tomb King defenders.

Some new rewards have been added, but more Land of the Dead specific rewards will also be added later. The Necropolis of Zandri also gives increased War Crests drops from kills and rewards War Crests at the conclusion of the expedition to the players contributing.

The time slot for the expedition of Zandri will now be randomized between the following slots (Altdorf time):

- Fri 21:00
- Sat 18:00
- Sat 21:00
- Sun 00:00
- Sun 03:00
- Sun 18:00
- Sun 20:00

Weekend Warfront: Raiders of the Lost Pyramid


Treasure hunters have long been drawn to Nehekhara and the grand tombs of ancient kings. The promise of plunder has led many to risk their life in the Land of the Dead, only to add their bones to the ever growing army of the Tomb Kings. Enter the Tomb of Settra and battle with other adventurers over control of the vestibule of the pyramid.

This weekend Raiders of the Lost Pyramid will be the weekend warfront from 12:00 on Friday to 12:00 on Monday Altdorf time. You get +50% XP and Renown in the new Pyramid of Settra scenario (more info on that below), and extra rewards from completing the event tasks.

Realm versus Realm

Open World Campaign & City Sieges

City Sieges have been changed to be scheduled every 3 days instead of occurring after two forts have been captured. Each fortress taken gives your realm one campaign point. The realm with more campaign points when the city siege occurs will siege the enemy capital. In the event that both realms have the same number of campaign points the city to be sieged will be determined randomly.

When the city siege occurs you will have 10 minutes to queue up, then all instances will spawn at once at the end of the queue timer.

The exact hour the city siege will happen randomized with a weighted random based on population stats. So while it can occur at any hour of the day there's a higher chance it will occur at times with a higher population online.

One or two forts are always kept in a locked state to enable attackers to reach the enemy city gates. When a new fort is taken the previously locked pairing resets to tier 2 again.

The extra realm lockout when participating in a fortress is removed.

The rewards from Forts now scale with contribution. You can no longer do a minimum amount of contribution and get full reward.

Weekly RvR warfront

A weekly RvR warfront has been added. It has tasks for taking battlefield objectives, killing enemies in open RvR and capturing or defending keeps & forts.


All scenario flags with proximity capture mechanic are now possible to capture even if enemies are nearby as long as your realm has more players near the flag. However if both realms still have players near the flag it will be captured at half speed. So while a single player can't completely stop more enemies from capping, they can slow it down.

The spawn areas in Lost Temple of Isha and Khaine's Embrace are now protected by barriers.

You can now queue solo or as group while in a warband.

New Scenario: Pyramid of Settra

A new scenario that some might remember from Wrath of Heroes has been added: The Pyramid of Settra. It uses a different mechanic on Return of Reckoning though as it is a two team scenario here. Like Nordenwatch it has 3 flags for the teams to fight over, and additionally there's a Mirror of Eternity in the spawn that you can use to be teleported to the south chamber of the map.

Currency rework
War Crests

All PvP game-modes (Scenario, Realm vs Realm and Ranked) are now unified under the all-new War Crest currency. All the respective gear sets can now be purchased by the newly introduced currency.

I. Buying higher tiers:
To unlock buying a higher tier of armor sets, you need to first acquire at least one of the sets in the previous tier. For example, to buy Obliterator armor, you must first get either the Braggart set or the Decimator set. Then the Obliterator set will allow you to get the Duelist and Devastator sets and so on.

Triumphant Set & Victorious Set are both considered in the same tier as the Invader Set. Thus in that tier there are 3 possible sets to buy before upgrading to Sovereign later on, with Invader being the cheapest but also the lowest in term of item level.

II. Armor pieces & gold bags:
Armor pieces no longer drop inside gold bags. However, these gold bags now contain a considerable amount of War Crests so you could buy the pieces that you want.

III. Ranked SCs & Gear:
In addition to the above, the Triumphant Set and the Victorious Set can now also be bought for War Crests but remain purchasable by their original currency, the Triumphant Emblems.

It's important to note that Ranked scenarios remain the fastest way to acquire these two sets and are also required to get Triumphant Insignias for the ring item piece. This means that Ranked scenarios remain the key for both Ranked gear sets, but the new War Crest currency has created an alternative but longer route.

Genesis Crests

Different genesis currencies are also unified into the singular Genesis Crest. Gold bags will drop 3 Genesis Crest, purple bags will drop 2 and blue bags will drop only 1. You can obtain any genesis jewel set piece for the price of 10 crests and the cloak for 5 crests. You can now acquire any subjugator item by spending Genesis Crests. The Cloak will cost 5 crests, the 1h weapon will cost 20 crests and lastly the 2h weapon will cost 40 crests.

Guild Coin

The Guild Coin system received some small tweaks too! You can now buy a 30d version of the guild mounts for 5 Guild Coins and a Permanent version of the guild mounts for 25 Guild Coins and 100 gold.
You can also trade 1 Guild Coin for 1 Genesis Crest.

A new Guild Coin quest has been added for winning City Sieges with at least 6 guild members present in the warband. Winning the City Stage 3 will reward the players 2 Guild Coins.

The dungeon boss guild coin quest has been changed to only count wing end bosses.

Public Quest Currency: War Token

The four variants of Public Quest currency have also been unified into one currency that is gained from PQs in all tiers. Just like with the PvP armor sets you need to unlock one tier of armor before you can buy pieces from the next tier.

Combat and Careers

Balance Changes

- Witchbrew damage now matches tooltip. Previously it would get both higher damage and increased number of stacks with more blood lust points spent.

User Interface

- Items that have both a token and gold cost will now display the gold cost properly in vendor.

- Live events, Zandri Expeditions & City Sieges are now shown as server events in the guild calendar.

- When using a siege weapon the chat window will now use the filters from your first chat tab instead of displaying all chat channels.

Warband Assistants

Warband assistants are now implemented.

A warband assistant can move players around between groups, invite others to a closed warband, kick regular members from the warband and queue up their group for scenarios.


- The Keep defense kill quests now have a time limit of 2 hours. They are not meant to be kept after the keep has fallen to the enemy and be resumed at some later time. Also this prevents lots of them from filling up entire quest log.

- The repeatable RvR objective scouting quests now require the zone to be active, and have a 2h time limit.

- The repeatable RvR kill quests are no longer repeatable. Number of kills have been increased to 50, and gold reward to 3g for each of them. The gold options in the weekly RvR warfront will replace them as a repeatable source of gold from RvR activities.

- The Zone Lock guild quest now requires actually winning the zone.

- The Scenario repeatable quests are now gone. Instead, a small gold reward was added for winning an SC and thus you are now free to roam in RvR lakes or complete some quests between scenario matches.

PvE Instances

The lockouts for Gunbad, Bilerot Burrow, Bloodwrought Enclave, Sigmar Crypts, Warpblade Tunnels and Bastion Stairs have all been reduced to 18 hours.

The influence requirements in city dungeons and Bastion Stairs have been reduced to require two runs for first reward, three runs for second, and four runs for last reward.

PvE Lair Bosses

The respawn time for Beastlord bosses has been reduced to 15 minutes.

Wind Rose - Gates Of Ekrund

The wonderful guys over at Wind Rose have released an amazing new song and music video for you to get your WAAAGH on to.

"Dwarves of Ekrund! Finally the time has come, we are back on the battlefield! With pride and honor, we are glad to reveal to the world the first single of our upcoming album Warfront, inspired by the imaginary of Warhammer: Gates of Ekrund. The enemy has arrived, pick up your axe and fight with us... There's no turning back anymore!"

Click here to watch on YouTube

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Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#2 » Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:11 am

Very interesting changes... :o
The Unlikely Plan

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Posts: 1420

Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#3 » Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:20 am

For info: currency in bank vaults doesn't look like it was converted. It's on the bug tracker.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

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Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#4 » Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:29 am


We went full on this one :)

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Posts: 321

Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#5 » Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:30 am

finally no more useless grind!!! :D all currency the same in PQ makes also easier to farm professions. Thanks!

Posts: 456

Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#6 » Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:34 am

edit: nvm, got the info i needed
Last edited by kryss on Wed Mar 09, 2022 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#7 » Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:55 am

ReturnOfReckoning wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 8:33 am Necropolis of Zandri

The first part of the Land of the Dead is here, an open RvR focused remake of the Necropolis of Zandri. Each realm battles both the other realm to plunder the treasures from this place, but at the same time also against the Tomb King defenders.

Some new rewards have been added, but more Land of the Dead specific rewards will also be added later. The Necropolis of Zandri also gives increased War Crests drops from kills and rewards War Crests at the conclusion of the expedition to the players contributing.

The time slot for the expedition of Zandri will now be randomized between the following slots (Altdorf time):

- Fri 21:00
- Sat 18:00
- Sat 21:00
- Sun 00:00
- Sun 03:00
- Sun 18:00
- Sun 20:00
Does this mean once per week?
Zumos - Member of Red Guard

Current Guilds: The Unlikely Plan - Deep and Dry - Dark Omen

Posts: 403

Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#8 » Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:58 am

I love it 💕😍
Best patch ever!!!
I have the freedom what I always wanted!

Thank you.

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Posts: 517

Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#9 » Wed Mar 09, 2022 10:05 am

Very nice patch!!! But I can't "open" the ranked NPC trade, i crash again and again when i try talk with him
Kpihuss -- WP 88
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Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#10 » Wed Mar 09, 2022 10:07 am

I. Buying higher tiers:
To unlock buying a higher tier of armor sets, you need to first acquire at least one of the sets in the previous tier. For example, to buy Obliterator armor, you must first get either the Braggart set or the Decimator set. Then the Obliterator set will allow you to get the Duelist and Devastator sets and so on.
Just out of interest.. Do I need to acquire full set or can I mix and match for example Braggart and Decimator in order to unlock Obliterator?

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