Low numbers quing for city.

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Re: Low numbers quing for city.

Post#11 » Mon May 16, 2022 11:30 am

Two or three comments about city not being fun.

I can not speak to that. I enjoy myself. There were a lot of players waiting to get in last night, so they think it is fun. I saw a comment about boring content. I don't get it. How is it boring? 24v24, what everyone always wants, even number fights. How is that boring?

Kpi wrote: Mon May 16, 2022 9:19 am How many citys pop this night?
only 2

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Re: Low numbers quing for city.

Post#12 » Mon May 16, 2022 12:22 pm

Brakh wrote: Mon May 16, 2022 10:41 am steadly declining population
pop hasn't declined one iota since nb ban

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Re: Low numbers quing for city.

Post#13 » Mon May 16, 2022 1:40 pm

Man, I sure love the stereotypes being thrown around about "all destro players" and "all order players." Seriously you guys are ridiculous.

Cities can be fun if its an even fight, but out of the dozens of fights i've participated in, only a few were ever this way. It was just stomps one way or another for an hour.

What I really want to know is why Order is suddenly massively dominating cities. what happened to the years of destro dominance winning cities 60-80% of the time? what game mechanics were buffed/nerfed so that one side is now winning city instances 8-1?
Detangler and alts - 84 Chosen, other 40s - DoK, Zealot, SH, WE, BG, BO
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Re: Low numbers quing for city.

Post#14 » Mon May 16, 2022 2:25 pm

Detangler wrote: Mon May 16, 2022 1:40 pm Man, I sure love the stereotypes being thrown around about "all destro players" and "all order players." Seriously you guys are ridiculous.

Cities can be fun if its an even fight, but out of the dozens of fights i've participated in, only a few were ever this way. It was just stomps one way or another for an hour.

What I really want to know is why Order is suddenly massively dominating cities. what happened to the years of destro dominance winning cities 60-80% of the time? what game mechanics were buffed/nerfed so that one side is now winning city instances 8-1?
players changed sides, not a issue of balance imo

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Re: Low numbers quing for city.

Post#15 » Mon May 16, 2022 3:31 pm

Detangler wrote: Mon May 16, 2022 1:40 pm Man, I sure love the stereotypes being thrown around about "all destro players" and "all order players." Seriously you guys are ridiculous.

Cities can be fun if its an even fight, but out of the dozens of fights i've participated in, only a few were ever this way. It was just stomps one way or another for an hour.

What I really want to know is why Order is suddenly massively dominating cities. what happened to the years of destro dominance winning cities 60-80% of the time? what game mechanics were buffed/nerfed so that one side is now winning city instances 8-1?
Not only did a lot of order players start playing destro, but those left are mostly geared out and rr80+. Geared destro dont do city, that leaves undergeared low ranked destro players. Easy stomp for even Order pugs.

Which is why I am complaining. All my Order toons are 80+ almost fully geared, and before this new scheduled city stuff came along, we were stomping destro in city with solo pug ques. I miss doing that.
(REALLLLLYYYYYY Order Biased here and just love bathing in destro tears in even matched city.)

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Re: Low numbers quing for city.

Post#16 » Mon May 16, 2022 5:40 pm

Morradin wrote: Mon May 16, 2022 3:24 am 1- Add a "participate in three (3) City sieges" added to the weekly RvR Quest. A player must enter an instance and stay in till king kill. If they leave, they get no participation. This will also stop people from leaving because "other side is too tough/good/have more XYorZ whatever".
This would be unfair for those people who are unable to play at those exact times each day.
Tikii is the name, doing Shaman things poorly is my game

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Re: Low numbers quing for city.

Post#17 » Mon May 16, 2022 6:02 pm

1) Nobody actually likes city. They like the rewards from city. They like stomping the opposition in city so they feel good about themselves. But nobody actually likes it as a game mode. It is boring, unimaginative and basically the mechanics are the same as putting two warbands in a box for three rounds.


2) People stack a side to minimize the pain of this boring mode while maximizing rewards which leads to things like last night


3) I don't believe you (or anyone else) who says they like the mode. The mere fact you mention turning it into a PVE mode makes me think you just want a free crest farm and should not be taken seriously.

In conclusion ... let it die just like ranked.

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Re: Low numbers quing for city.

Post#18 » Mon May 16, 2022 6:08 pm

Unfortunately, I feel like we are letting too many things die instead of trying to fix them.
Tikii is the name, doing Shaman things poorly is my game

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Re: Low numbers quing for city.

Post#19 » Mon May 16, 2022 6:23 pm

Aethilmar wrote: Mon May 16, 2022 6:02 pm
3) I don't believe you (or anyone else) who says they like the mode. The mere fact you mention turning it into a PVE mode makes me think you just want a free crest farm and should not be taken seriously.
Was my favourite mode in the game ! ("was" cause in 2 weeks i wasn t able to enter any...)

Posts: 404

Re: Low numbers quing for city.

Post#20 » Mon May 16, 2022 6:48 pm

There are a lot of xrealmers coming over to destro to make sure they take enough forts so its an altdorf defense and then all going back to stack order to defend altdorf to avoid fighting the nightmare/tup warband in instance 1. This leads to not a lot of actual destro players, most of whom are used to being carried in RvR by the xrealmers that when it comes to queue time for city, the pop swings 60-40 in favour of order. Couple that with the fact that apart from one or two cities its been a total order stomp (7-1, 6-0 etc) means that a lot of the smaller destro pop don't queue and therefore there are a lot of order who don't get in.
Garamore - Chosen Garamar - Marauder Garachop - Choppa Garamor - Slayer

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