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Any ideas to bring back players?

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Re: Any ideas to bring back players?

Post#71 » Sun May 29, 2022 4:52 pm

Zilasss wrote: Sun May 29, 2022 9:00 am As a new player you have about 4-5 gold when you reach lv 16 and have only done pvp and a few pvp quests.
Then you are thrown into the big PvP with a 25% speed mount. The next mount costs 10 gold in the city.
The result is that you can't keep up with any group and are mercilessly slaughtered.
This mount system needs to be reworked, and the best thing would be to remove the useless 25% speed mount altogether.
This is probably one of the better QOL ideas I have heard for t1 and t2/t3 ... Just sell all slower mounts for 1 gold and take the cost of our reg t4 mount to 10 gold. I can see that being a huge help to a brand new player. This game should be more about PVP as it is and less about PVE to get gold to get a mount. You want a gold sink make the gryphon mount like 500 gold or something.
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Re: Any ideas to bring back players?

Post#72 » Sun May 29, 2022 8:38 pm

Enable personal referral links that give referrer and referree some crests and gold to claim!

Referee gets for first time reaching on account:
100 crests x RR per 10 renown rank (i.e. 100@10,200@20,etc.), 50 for creating first character and additional 1500 for reaching 40, for a total of 5150 (half a sov set).
50 gold per 10 character rank, with an additional 100 at 40.
1 Potion of Acclaim every 5 RR
15 Rested XP Scrolls (grants 50% xp bonus for 1 level)

Referrer gets every 10 RR of referree:
1 bag with a choice of 15 gold or 25 crests

Rewards can be claimed same way as Twitch Drops.
Referral relationship can be started anytime before first character hits CL16, however new players without referral should probably be able to claim regardless.
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Re: Any ideas to bring back players?

Post#73 » Sun May 29, 2022 9:19 pm

-Revert city change so you can actually push 2 forts and get a city. It’s a lot more fun to have a reason behind the things you are doing. Nothing more fun then priding 2 forts. This while scheduled city is a horrible idea imo.
-Weekend warfront should be pug. The whole notion that you need 5 good friends to play is silly. On the weekends my gf likes to play scs with me and we log on and que. If we run into a Destro premade she just logs off and we try queuing
- Get rid of box running. Idk who thought delivery system was a good idea. Just hold BOs to level keep.
-Make all pets more tanky
- T1 level up from sitting at BOs like it used to be
The King.

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Re: Any ideas to bring back players?

Post#74 » Sun May 29, 2022 11:32 pm

Returning player here, started a BO to try out the currency changes and not made it to endgame yet, so take my suggestions with a pinch of salt.

1. Make all PvP armour and weapons purchasable for gold.

The fundamental problem with WAR is that EAMythic built a PvP games based on vertical progression. That was an absolutely idiotic decision. Veterans not only have an advantage in individual skill, and an advantage in terms of group organisation, but the game also gives them a massive statistical advantage. EAMythic literally designed a game guaranteed to drive away new blood.

Now, switching RoR away from vertical progression over to horizontal progression would be too much work. You'd need to rework the entire game without a suitable template to follow.

However, what they can do is make overcoming the power gap easier and quicker. Making all the PvP gear purchasable for gold is a very simple way to help. If a player has put in the time and effort to fight other people, they should get easy access to the gear. It shouldn't ever be dependent on random bag drops or grinding out a currency. IIRC, this was how the game was during LotD: all gear pre-70 could be bought for gold.

Extra benefits (I hope!) from this change:

* Alt Specs! - I'm 35/39 on my BO and done pretty much nothing except PvP. Whilst I have always been able to afford my main spec gear, at no point have I ever had enough currency to buy my off-spec armour. But I want it! I want to experiment with different builds and gear, but the currency limitation prevents me from doing so. Hell, I'd love to be able to buy multiple sets of my main spec armour, just to experiment with different talismans.

* More active player economy - if we're all buying more armour sets, we'll need money to buy it, as well as more talismans to put in it. This would hopefully spark more life into the economy, making other playstyles more viable and enjoyable.

* More PvE activity - subjective whether u think this would be a good thing or not, but if we need more gold to buy armour, that probably means doing more PvE to get that gold. I think this is a good thing for the game overall.

2. Speed up RR leveling up to RR60

In line with overcoming obnoxious power gaps, I think it would be great to speed up renown leveling so you can reach RR60 quicker. Last time i played RoR I played an ironbreaker, and it was only when I got around RR60 that I started to feel competitive. The vets were still better than me, but at least I stood a chance.

You can keep the requirements for RR80 the same, so it would still be a massive achievement to get to 80, but why keep newbies in that painful low rank area for so long? Get them ranked up quicker, competitive quicker, and they'll likely stick around longer.

I would also hope this change would inspire more alts on the server. As a casual (ish) player, the thought of leveling an alt is too much for me. No way am I willing to invest 2-3 months of my time on a second character just to get them competitive. I'll stick to my main thank you very much! Which also means I'll probably get bored and quit. But if leveling was quicker, I'd be much more likely to play alts. WAR has so many cool classes after all!

3. Better Rewards for Taking / Defending Keeps

The bag/RNG system for loot in WAR has always sucked. The RoR team has made some decent improvements, but its improvements to a system that should have been killed off.

What I'd like to see happen:

* All winners get the same bag reward
* All losers get the same bag reward, one lower quality than winners (if winners all get blue bags, losers all get greens)
* Bottom 5% of contributors get nothing (to deal with leeches)
* Bags scale with number of participants AND balance between sides (more people = better bags, more balance or winning against the odds = better bags). Possibly scale with kills too. Would require testing to get right ofc.
* Green bags have 1 purple item
* Blue bags have 2 purples + 1 mythic item
* Purple bags have 3 purples + 2 mythic items
* Gold bags have 4 purples + 3 mythic items

As you can still only select 1 reward, we wouldn't be flooding the game with new stuff, but this would give more choice to players. I want to remove the RNG from whether u get a bag or not. We either all get something, or none of us do.

Given that my other changes would make it easier to get basic weapons and armour, this change is about encouraging keep fights and making it better when hunting down those rare items for your build. Pack those loot bags with goodies, then encourage us to search out the big fights!

[NB: human psychology is a fascintating thing. Whilst I hope this would work and be fun, I can also see this simply encouraging keep flipping for easy blue bags. I'm sure there would be a good way to balanace this, e.g. if no defenders then no mythic rewards?]

Thats it for now. I've kept my suggestions to what I consider to be "easy" changes within the confines of the game. These are all systems that the RoR team have spent plenty of time changing anyway.

I'd love to suggest changes for things like keep siege mechanics, combat mechanics changes, new zones/classes/cities, but those are all huge undertakings for a private server. Also, at some point, if you make too many changes it stops being WAR. Even if those changes are good, youre gonna piss off the WAR fans.

Posts: 783

Re: Any ideas to bring back players?

Post#75 » Mon May 30, 2022 12:17 am

Probably most good ideas have been mentioned, and likely already discussed by the team. This team has done such a good job so far it has astounded me, however, it seems like we are losing the WAR against population now. I kind of believe this is very little the dev's fault, sure they could of made some decisions along the way that greatly decreased the population - for greatly deliberated topics..

For me, things that have diminished my interest to play and suggestions..

- reduce power of some high end gear, make lower tier gear relatively better
- improve keep re-spawning in sieges (hate running for no reason)
- try to improve low-pop PvP interest
- (balance suggestion) nerf choppa aoe pull. Not fun to have a Choppa pull you with Focused Mind up and ruin your rotation

Because of there being so many other new games out there now it's much harder to get people's attention to play RoR, especially after so many years of pure and RAW PvP, with very constant patches, events and the extra stuff also introduced.

I would like to see more done to improve things during low-pop times, or the otherwise big drop of we see now after EU prime time.
Other than game changes it would be great to get some more coverage from some popular streamers or celebs..

That is the best I can come up with

*they have done a lot of stuff already like fix Currency, fix City Queues for solo players, try to improve SC matchmaking constantly, AAO, the list goes on).

Posts: 783

Re: Any ideas to bring back players?

Post#76 » Mon May 30, 2022 12:25 am

Emissary wrote: Sun May 29, 2022 4:52 pm
Zilasss wrote: Sun May 29, 2022 9:00 am As a new player you have about 4-5 gold when you reach lv 16 and have only done pvp and a few pvp quests.
Then you are thrown into the big PvP with a 25% speed mount. The next mount costs 10 gold in the city.
The result is that you can't keep up with any group and are mercilessly slaughtered.
This mount system needs to be reworked, and the best thing would be to remove the useless 25% speed mount altogether.
This is probably one of the better QOL ideas I have heard for t1 and t2/t3 ... Just sell all slower mounts for 1 gold and take the cost of our reg t4 mount to 10 gold. I can see that being a huge help to a brand new player. This game should be more about PVP as it is and less about PVE to get gold to get a mount. You want a gold sink make the gryphon mount like 500 gold or something.
Great idea here. What if they made the mount default at 50%, but retard it to 25% until you reach the flight master in T1. But this won't help to bring players back, unfortunately.

Posts: 703

Re: Any ideas to bring back players?

Post#77 » Mon May 30, 2022 2:00 pm

billyk wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 7:48 am Simple, just nerf destro.

The pipeline is like this:
Newbie finds RoR -> rolls Order because Warhammer fluff -> gets ground into fine red paste by the destro zerg -> learns to play -> still gets ground into fine red paste -> voices his dissatisfaction on the forums -> notices this is working as intended because devs play greenskins -> either rerolls destro or quits

And that's the whole root cause for this issue. So, devs, what shall it be? Uber-r0XX0r everyone or having a healthy server? Your choice.
This Guy above is pure genius II! Lets nerf destro - then to RoR will come 2000 ppl on Order side. Maybe even 3000!! Can You all imagine how healthy this server will be??
Briliant, outsatnding, shocking genius plan!

Posts: 703

Re: Any ideas to bring back players?

Post#78 » Mon May 30, 2022 2:04 pm

elykz wrote: Fri May 27, 2022 1:09 pm - Reward solo participation in fight. Stop with this "this is a group game" mentality.
Oo that is a true. Y want have thosuands plyesr- try carry about single one. With time, experiences they wil start make a frendship, try group play et.
But this "find a wb" is like slap in da face!

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Re: Any ideas to bring back players?

Post#79 » Tue May 31, 2022 12:21 pm

Revert city changes the change killed end game there are 3 city pops on average currently.

Posts: 72

Re: Any ideas to bring back players?

Post#80 » Tue May 31, 2022 1:18 pm

my feedback from a Returning player got another alt to 40/51

-renown grind feels terrible sure you got rid of afkers in rvr but you made the game extremely grindy
-box running extremely boring avoids fights
-still xrealmers... why not add 12 hour lockout
-16-39 sc this is awful queing at low levels is basically a lose for your team imo
-premades/twinks destroying new players
-fresh 40 scenarios just cannon fodder if u have conq or lower armor
-still 2 best items in Pve sentinel ring and weapon with the best trait for dps
-private warbands i think this discourages new players
-game feels extremely squishy like of theres tooo much damage going on not enough defence in orvr
-fort changes i barely see anyone succesfully defend forts anymore seems like the balances of players is broken
-city changes to weekly i dont understand this change at all if u change the token system theres no need for players to city log anymore,so why not leave citys as they were
-guilds no point in doing guild citys which i thought was the best part of this game and also the end game. maybe add a rank/scoreboard system for guild vs guild city queues
-class balancing still no real balancing in this game and so many WE/WH i wonder why....this class is just to annoy people and a problem in discouraging new players
-bolstering needs a buff maybe it was good pre sovereign gear but not anymore
-havent done lotd so no feedback on it

likes and feedback
-coins system is really good but you are still force to do pve if u want bis
-i liked the ap change with low ap, healers and dps actually ran out of ap and skill that remove and also gave ap were worth using
-ward system i think is good makes people who would rvr in decimator armor at lvl40 have to be somewhat usefull.
-revert renown or add new characters extra renown buffs for x-amount of days
-box running/ change into flag locking for 10mins and 3minutes to defend
-xrealmers give a negative buff for players switching or give buff for players not swithing to winning side the longer you stay in faction the more the buff gives. Could be gold/renown or influence of some kind
-16-39 give and option to join exclusive brackets 1-19 20-39 just having an option would be good
-premades and twinks i see no fix for this
-fresh 40 scenarios, add armor cap lock queue kick and lockoout if they try change armor inside or not allow
-pve items add counter part for pvp same for pvp to pve
-private warbands show them in lfg but with a private marker
-forts fix players numbers inside
-class balance accept community feedback/experiments with things
-loser rewards i think this is a major problem in xrealming why waste 60minutes losing if u wont get anything?

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