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White Lion and Slayer adjustment.

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White Lion and Slayer adjustment.

Post#1 » Mon Jun 20, 2022 1:34 pm

Currently White Lion and Slayer have the exact same spec for AoE and ST, with the exception of swapping out 2-3 tactics. I would like to propose a slight revamp of their trait trees to help address this and create slightly better balance with the classes.

Shatter Limbs removed from path of Skavenslayer (and slayer overall).
Rampage moved to 9 point skill slot in Skavenslayer path.
5 point skill in Trollslayer - new ability that grants the slayer 20% increased auto attack speed for 20s (if furious), or for 10s (if berserk). Drops rage.
Short temper made base tactic.
Push for More moved to Path of Trollslayer 11pt tactic.

This will slightly separate slayer AoE from slayer ST and force a decision in trait trees.

White Lion:
Coordinated strike moved to Path of the Axeman.
Primal fury moved to base skills.
New skill for 9 point Path of the Hunter - Shatter Limbs (same as current version on Slayer).
Thin the Herd moved to 9 point Path of the Axeman.
Force Opportunity moved to 13 point Path of the Axeman.
Pack Hunting tactic adjusted to "increase proc chance of Trained to Hunt to 30%".
Threatening Distraction adjusted to " Trained to Threaten also increase auto attack speed by 50%"
In addition, points in Path of the Axeman will now grant Strength and Weapon skill to your lion pet, and points in Path of the Hunter grant toughness and initiative (direct swap).

This would make WL single target spec 13 point axeman and 9 point hunter (for group play single target), and 9 point axeman and 13 point hunter (for aoe spec group/warband). Pet solo spec remains built around Path of the Guardian.
Evilspinnre - Nightmare/Daydream - Xrealmers Anonymous
80+ AM, WL, WP, BW, SL, SM, 50+ RP, SW, IB
80+ BG, Sorc, WE, Mara, Choppa, SH, 60+ Zeal, Shaman, Blork


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