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Any ideas to bring back players?

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Re: Any ideas to bring back players?

Post#201 » Sat Jun 25, 2022 12:02 pm

" The GCD on both AoR and RoR is 1.15 seconds. We know this is the case because the client allows abilities to be used 1.15s into the displayed 1.5s GCD as long as you get your timing right. If you invoke the ability too early, it will be blocked until the 1.5s GCD is up.

We previously had the server enforce the 1.5s GCD hard, and it resulted in client casts being cancelled. "

GCD change broke the game in weird ways, and this was tried before, didnt work then wont work now. Im begging Devs to revert GCD change and start bringing back UNIQUE abilities and powerful CC & Meaningful/Tactical PvP. And for that to be a possibility Melee Char's should hit max 9 People. Ranged should hit max 12.

Unified currency is a good thing. But still there needs to actual items in Keep/Fort/City bags. And want to have more people doing forts or city or anything else? GOOD item's dropping when fighting in those places & rewards different depending if you are attacking/Defending. Making Invader/Triumphant/Victorious Boots Boe drops when in Fort.
Making Offsove/Mainsove/Warlord boots & gloves boe drops when fighting in city.

When defending Forts/City Gold bags are for set pieces or wpns containing defensive procs. Purple bag's can have same wpns but no set pieces, and purple/blue bag drops Cloak or Belt with defensive Proc with talisman slot. Proc like "When taking dmg chance to increase armour by 600 for 7 seconds(STACKS WITH POT AND IS SAME 600 FOR EVERYONE) Or "When Defending enemy attack or enemy defends your attack there is 20% chance you dmg enemy by XXX dmg that cant be prevented "

And Vice Versa when attacking, just make those proc's on wpns/cloaks/belts more towards Offensive. Im so worried and sad about how RoR feels to play now and i have no power so i just rant on forums from time to time. Also When Tactic is involved like Daemonclaw/Runefang that boost stats, those stats stack with aura's/skills. this happens on Runefang and Daemonclaw stacks with aura's (Btw isnt it funny that Chosen has Daemonclaw 160 Str & Toughness which stacks with own str toughness auras. With Runefang Kotbs can only buff his toughness with aura's while this originally was core skill and chosen didnt get Daemonclaw) So with this in mind Black Orc's No Choppin Me' WS/Toughness buff SHOULD stack with Da Biggest! When there is Tactic Involved it always stack AND MORALE'S stack on top of those. And If tactic is involved it Can CRIT even if ability/buff/whatever didnt crit before tactic, that is the power of Tactic.

Keeps should be assigned randomly, remove keep lord and make it flag cap like live so 6 man can take it. Make Champ mobs at Bo's again and need to defend for 90 sec and it locks for your side for 10 min or so with consequences. If enemy retakes it and succeeds then there are bad consequences to your side. MAKE BO'S AND RVR FEEL LIKE IT MATTERS AGAIN;(
"To clarify, me asking to developers to go test their own changes is not sign of toxicity or anger, but a sign of hope that the people punching in the numbers remain aware of potential consequences and test their own changes"-Teefz

Posts: 480

Re: Any ideas to bring back players?

Post#202 » Sat Jun 25, 2022 1:02 pm

Grobbok wrote: Mon Jun 13, 2022 7:01 pm from Da fat squigs:
- remove hero from keeps, make it as it was on live, 6 ppl can sneak and take keep, it will bring more action,
- make city sieges as on live, so ppl can enter it regardless of the number of players on the other side
- let low and high level players play and train together, so high level players can help leveling new ones
- remove the cost of flying, changing skills, price for mounts
why you want all easy way???, that is the biggest problem all new mmo, fgoing this way, all for free, no tactical and so many things easy mode.

this game is old school, tactical gameplay,, that is the rason why i like this game, if you want anything, you must work for it and you need knowdledge. the new generation of the players dont know ho important is that.. yo dont need easy way.

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Re: Any ideas to bring back players?

Post#203 » Sat Jun 25, 2022 5:05 pm

Actually what we had on live was harder. On Live, originally you needed 4 BO* to lock zone. If enemy takes a BO, and it is locked for 10 min, that is 10 min your side has to wait for a lock. By then another BO can be taken and locked. You would need a min of 3 WB to take a zone. One to kill lord. And two WB to split into 12 man groups and sit on BO's.
Originally, keeps had only ONE stair going up to lord room. No side stairs, ramps. To take the flag you had to fight up the one single stairway. A LOT harder to do than now with the big wide ramps/stairs on the side.
AND... the siege guns on the walls really worked. The AoE guns had full access to everything in front and side of keep. The ST canon could actually kill rams. Not this easy mode we have now.
ROR is so zerg friendly that they even cut RR gain from oil kills, which cut down on how many people use oil. Can't have the zerg have an easy time now can we?

Make defending worthwhile.
Make attacking harder by 200%. Zerg will die, pop will be more distributed to both realms evenly. Bring back fully functioning AoE and ST siege weapons.

* You also needed stupid stuff like PQ wins in pve, and SC wins. But these do not have to be brought back.

Posts: 101

Re: Any ideas to bring back players?

Post#204 » Sat Jun 25, 2022 7:30 pm

For me, what made people leaving he game is the big iatus between patch balances. A game with many classes, each one with personal abilities, should never be so many time without change.
The dance of classes should be constant, at least montly. Because the perfect balance between these classes will never happen, and this is not a problem, but a opportunity to make stuff for the game.
What I mean here is what classe will be buffed and what class will be nerfed this time? Next month, a new rotation, giving attention for all classes. Testing new abilities and combos.
This game is all about classes and strategy in the field.
Actually, all we have are super op stealth classes grinding people outside the wcs, in groups of 4 or 12 whs or wes.
It's time to remove stealth assassins from the throne and give other class the crown. And do it more often than 6 months or so.
Forget the perfection balance between classes and give it movement, you will see people coming back as soon as they feel the game is alive again.

Posts: 10

Re: Any ideas to bring back players?

Post#205 » Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:41 pm

tazdingo wrote: Mon Jun 13, 2022 4:22 pm queue changes were tried and it was awful, pops were really slow. there isnt a great solution, you get what you get with pubs. if you plan to play SC casually you really have to look at your own class - if you are an rdps, a dps heal or a squishy melee you are probably dead weight expecting to get carried. these classes can work well in prems but not pubs, where you need sturdy melee and dedicated heals. too often you see 5 SWs or WEs on your side and just groan
Pugs should play against pugs, premades against premades, simple as.

Posts: 7229

Re: Any ideas to bring back players?

Post#206 » Sun Jun 26, 2022 2:12 pm

Massn wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:41 pm
tazdingo wrote: Mon Jun 13, 2022 4:22 pm queue changes were tried and it was awful, pops were really slow. there isnt a great solution, you get what you get with pubs. if you plan to play SC casually you really have to look at your own class - if you are an rdps, a dps heal or a squishy melee you are probably dead weight expecting to get carried. these classes can work well in prems but not pubs, where you need sturdy melee and dedicated heals. too often you see 5 SWs or WEs on your side and just groan
Pugs should play against pugs, premades against premades, simple as.
Games with dedicated archtypes require you to build teams in order to win.
It's no solo game after all and there are not enough players to enforce class restrictions to make even pug sc balanced.
Pugs get farmed by other pugs just fine as most of it depends on archtype balance and player experience.

It's delusional to assume that the enemy team beats you only because they are a premade. That the game would be much more fair, if we split pugs and premades.
They win, because they play properly as a team, have no messed up group setups like 1 healer for 2 groups and are in most cases more experienced.
The odds are higher to find those characteristics in premades but it is entirely possible to meet impossible to beat pug groups, as matchmaking is somewhat random.

Making entirely split queues or force strict # of premade per side won't change quality of sc a lot, as matchmaking can only work with the players in queue and usually people are not even able to fix groups in sc to make it more balanced. We only gain drastically increased queue times.
Dying is no option.

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Re: Any ideas to bring back players?

Post#207 » Sun Jun 26, 2022 3:09 pm

Sulorie wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 2:12 pm Games with dedicated archtypes require you to build teams in order to win.
It's no solo game after all and there are not enough players to enforce class restrictions to make even pug sc balanced.
I would say that a solo play is also available in this game too, if you know the game and know your class. Also look at the streamers they almost play solo or most of the time.

Posts: 7229

Re: Any ideas to bring back players?

Post#208 » Sun Jun 26, 2022 5:41 pm

Battlefield wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 3:09 pm
Sulorie wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 2:12 pm Games with dedicated archtypes require you to build teams in order to win.
It's no solo game after all and there are not enough players to enforce class restrictions to make even pug sc balanced.
I would say that a solo play is also available in this game too, if you know the game and know your class. Also look at the streamers they almost play solo or most of the time.
You can play solo, no doubt but this is highly class and experience depended. Furthermore it is not the best way to play the game but it can be a fun one.
About winning, it was about winning zone or scenario. Of course you can win fights solo but not the whole battle. :)
Dying is no option.

Posts: 425

Re: Any ideas to bring back players?

Post#209 » Mon Jun 27, 2022 12:08 am

Just accept that the game is pretty much dead, and most of the players that left, will not be back. I played live 4 years, and have been here on and off since we were all stuck in T3 back in Jan 2016. Back then, and pretty much up to 2020 we always had a steady 1500 ish online, esp on the weekends, which was great.

For a while we had over 3k online, but that was short lived when the influx of players decided they didn't like the game and left. After they left we still were back to 1500 ish, and that was ok, I`ve been back after a year break,, for the last week, and even on this weekend the most online I saw was 700 during primetime on a Sat/Sun,

but even then all it was , was order in the lakes and a few dest, being carried to fort, as there wasnt enough in rvr to actually take a keep. So we are down 800 players, we always had lower numbers during summer all games do, but not almost 1k less players.

I`ll give it another week, and see if it improves any, maybe next week is Dest week, and numbers may improve in the lakes. I could play order but why play the side Zerging the Fk out of the other just to win. but most likely, I'll go back to what I was doing, and stop by now and then to visit friends that may still be playing, but even that list is really short now. :(

Posts: 27

Re: Any ideas to bring back players?

Post#210 » Mon Jun 27, 2022 2:08 am

DirkDaring wrote: Mon Jun 27, 2022 12:08 am Just accept that the game is pretty much dead, and most of the players that left, will not be back. I played live 4 years, and have been here on and off since we were all stuck in T3 back in Jan 2016. Back then, and pretty much up to 2020 we always had a steady 1500 ish online, esp on the weekends, which was great.

For a while we had over 3k online, but that was short lived when the influx of players decided they didn't like the game and left. After they left we still were back to 1500 ish, and that was ok, I`ve been back after a year break,, for the last week, and even on this weekend the most online I saw was 700 during primetime on a Sat/Sun,

but even then all it was , was order in the lakes and a few dest, being carried to fort, as there wasnt enough in rvr to actually take a keep. So we are down 800 players, we always had lower numbers during summer all games do, but not almost 1k less players.

I`ll give it another week, and see if it improves any, maybe next week is Dest week, and numbers may improve in the lakes. I could play order but why play the side Zerging the Fk out of the other just to win. but most likely, I'll go back to what I was doing, and stop by now and then to visit friends that may still be playing, but even that list is really short now. :(
There's like 3 hours a day that are actually worth playing these days ive noticed. As des you try leave WC as solo or even 2-3 dudes with u to fight a small group of order (usually still more order players than des) they run back to their WB and come zerg you. Some start spamming emotes at you. Yay fun. Well I wont be back out in the lakes until that special 3 hour peak tommorow. Catchyas later and enjoy your pvdoor in a dead game lol... boring.

Sometimes we get a little duel circle going while the zerg goes and does their thing, those can be fun. But it's not really supposed to be what the game is about lol.

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