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Questions about the game

Post#1 » Sun Jun 26, 2022 9:10 am

1. Where can i find updated guides and tier lists? (tier lists/power levels about classes compared to each other; i think the classes can be even categorized by their roles and if they are better in solo or in group play)
2. How is the balance currently and what's the state of the game currently? (class balance compared to each other; i haven't met a game where all classes are equal)
3. What are the pros and cons of this game?
4. who are the target audience?
5. what changed over the years?
6. how often is the game updated?
7. is the game team reliant? do solo players have no agency/impact so winning is always up to my team in this game?

last time i tried it wasn't solo friendly and the grind for gear was too long and boring so i quit it years ago

but i am interested if the game was improved; for a lot of players it is competing with other games on the market

i like the PvP system in gw2 where players are fighting at equal levels at equal gear at equalized stats and the game is giving it free so gear advantage is not a thing and no need to grind for gear and u can just focus on playing at equal footing with others in PvP; in that case the gear is cosmetic

i think that feature shuld be a thing in every mmorpg PvP to get new players + ranked system soloq and team ranked

although i read devs don't care about improving their game to get new players which means it's a matter of time the game will die when old folks will stop playing it

when i had a glance on the RoR forums i culdn't tell if people are complaining or if they say the truth about balancing and power levels of classes are not being equal

Posts: 431

Re: Questions about the game

Post#2 » Sun Jun 26, 2022 11:02 am

1. guides can be found here on forums, but they're not really well updated in cases.

2.balance is ok in terms of order vs destruction. in terms of class balance overall, tanks and healers are pretty well balanced, some are better at aoe, some at single target effects. concerning dps here things are pretty bad. slayer/White lion/bright wizard which are choppa/marauder/sorceress on destro are only dps classes worth playing in team oriented pvp. shadow warrior/squig herders and engieneers/magus have super weak dps, but have some niche role, so you can even get in warband if they dont already have one of that class. if you're a solo player kind of thing, then just roll witch hunter/witch elf and you will love it, they're your kind of "rogue" from WoW, and they're pretty strong right now.

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Re: Questions about the game

Post#3 » Mon Jun 27, 2022 4:41 am

Game will never be truly, perfectly balanced, but this is part of the original design with lack of truly mirrored classes. The devs here have done a good job balancing it much closer than the old live servers were.

There are some classes that can be played solo much more effectively than others, like Witch Hunter, Witch Elf, and others, but at its heart this is a game about huge battles across multiple maps, and is an MMO, so you'll likely find much more enjoyment playing group content if you can find people you like playing with. (Even just 2-3 makes a big difference!)

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Re: Questions about the game

Post#4 » Mon Jun 27, 2022 10:34 am

Its still not solo friendly and it will take a solo play so much longer to gear up, target audiance is the premades in this game, we get constant updates and patches every week constant improvements/bug fixes etc. server stability improved drastically over the years too.
Destruction: 40-BG / 40-DoK / 40-Chosen / 37-Mara / 37/Sorc / 36-SH / 36-Choppa / 24-Shaman / 16-WE
Order: 40-SW / 40-SM / 40-WP / 40-WL / 39-Kotbs / 38-BW / 33-AM / 22-WH / 16-RP / 12-Slayer

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Re: Questions about the game

Post#5 » Mon Jun 27, 2022 3:21 pm

i haven't played WH/we on ror yet, but from what i remember on live it was easiest class to gear up and level up. just get solo kills in rvr lakes, strongest 1v1 class.

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Re: Questions about the game

Post#6 » Mon Jun 27, 2022 9:02 pm

Nufi wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 9:10 am 1. Where can i find updated guides and tier lists? (tier lists/power levels about classes compared to each other; i think the classes can be even categorized by their roles and if they are better in solo or in group play)
2. How is the balance currently and what's the state of the game currently? (class balance compared to each other; i haven't met a game where all classes are equal)
3. What are the pros and cons of this game?
4. who are the target audience?
5. what changed over the years?
6. how often is the game updated?
7. is the game team reliant? do solo players have no agency/impact so winning is always up to my team in this game?
1. Not sure about guides, but the wiki has a decent amount of info (link at top of page) and you can just ask questions here.

2. Balance is impossible to measure from a players point of view, but basically it isn't "balanced". It's not supposed to be and never has been. Between asymetric classes and rampant vertical progression, the chances of you getting a balanced fight is zero. That said, you can kind of measure balance by the amount of whining the players do! Both sides whine constantly about the other, but at the moment there seems to be a lot of whining about choppas and slayers. This sort of thing changes every month or two though, both as devs make updates and as players adapt to the game.

As to the state of the game: in terms of functionality, the game is better than I've ever seen it. Nearly everything works, nearly all content is in, plus we recently got the Land of the Dead expansion part-added. That said, the population is not good right now. I rarely see above 1000 players during EU peak, and rarely over 500 players during NA peak.

3. Pros: its free, its one of the few MMORPGs that is actually massively multiplayer, it's got good PvP, it's the Warhammer IP, it has deep combat mechanics.

Cons: small population means if the people online aren't doing what u wanna do, you're boned. Game designed around vertical progression, which is really dumb for a pvp game. Game is "balanced" around warband vs if you aren't in a warband, you're boned.

4. Target audience is really just ex-WAR players and warhammer fans.

5. I can't really give you much clue as to what's changed over the years, but there have been two big changes recently.

The first is the addition of Land of the Dead. I haven't been there yet myself so I don't really know what's there, especially compared to live, but it's a whole new zone.

The second is the way loot acquisition works. It used to be a pain to gear up with lots of separate currencies. This has been simplified a lot. As a fresh player, this change seems to be a lot better than what was before, but I know it annoyed a lot of the veteran players and they all quit.

To give you more concrete info on this: my main is a RR58 black orc. I have 3 day 18 hrs playtime in this toon, so it's pretty quick. At no point have I struggled to get gear - I've always been up to date with my main PvP weapons, armour and jewellery. That playtime also includes time grinding some PQs for crafting mats, doing event stuff and just playing my way. However, at no point during ranking up have I had enough spare currency to buy alt-spec gear.

6. Game seems to be updated at least once a month with bug fixes, but often quicker than that. Every weekend the game has a new weekend warfront, which is like a mini event, so things do change. However, don't expect massive content updates. They do happen (we got 2 new cities not too long ago, plus some new scenarios) but not all that often.

7. It is a team game. The combat mechanics around balanced around being in groups, and the depth of the mechanics means that a coordinated group will have a massive advantage over pug groups or soloers.

That doesn't mean you can't have fun and succeed by yourself or in pugs. I haven't joined a guild, I dont do voip, but that doesn't stop me being a good tank. I don't need someone else to tell me who to guard, when to taunt, when to snare/kb etc. Not to mention, premade warbands using voip are still relatively rare (late EU / NA times anyways). You will notice it when you come up against a premade, but I've found maybe 95% of my fights are against other pugbands, so I just don't care about those guaranteed losses against premades.

For truly solo gameplay, well, thats a different matter. With vertical progression, you're gonna suck solo no matter what class you pick until you get to high renown ranks. Given the lack of class balance, anythign you pick can win a 1v1 fight if you pick ur targets properly. There is always someone out there you can beat, and always a lot more people that you cant! My advice: pick the class you enjoy playing most, don't pick based on any sort of meta crap.

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Re: Questions about the game

Post#7 » Tue Jun 28, 2022 12:21 pm

3/10 bait

"nerf Rock, Paper is fine." -Scissors

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Re: Questions about the game

Post#8 » Tue Jun 28, 2022 12:32 pm

3. Pros - With exception to DAoC (which is rather dated), this game is still the best rvr game out at the moment. Keep sieges are wicked good fun. Damn good instanced (scenario/battleground) capability as well too. Complex and mostly well thought out class and combat system. Every class has a mirror, yet every class is unique. Many of us would pay money for this game and did long ago, but its now community driven and entirely free. Devs take feedback directly from players and class experts which can result in some brilliant changes to the game. Devs have implemented so many beneficial micro game improvements that have a tremendous long game impact that its pointless to list here.

Cons - Classes have a rock > paper > scissors design model which means that some classes will under/over perform in 1v1 situations which can lead to a lot of turmoil and griefing at times at times. While there is less CC here than other games, it can still be frustrating being pulled or snared from range, spun around, knocked down for 6 seconds only to be perma snared again for the next 5 minutes. This game also has an uncertain future and as good as it is, it could literally be crushed overnight by either of the two most aggressive-fan-destroying companies in gaming history (GW and EA). The game engine is single CPU bound and can suffer from performance issues on even the fastest systems.

4. Target audience is pvpers but in a grand scale rvr (realm vs realm) fashion. The game supports guilds and inter-guild alliances. Hardcore, as well as semi-casual pvpers can thrive here.

5. There are too many changes to this game to list here, but at a very high level, the game, classes and combat is more balanced overall.

6. The game is updated frequently - every week - both with ingame improvements, bug fixes, but also new weekly/holiday/item content that is even better than live.

7. RvR is mostly team reliant, though you can impact the game better even in groups as small as 6. You can always avoid the zerg and fight in the scenarios (similar to WoW battlegrounds), but this will not help with the greater rvr war effort. Public warbands (teams of up to 24 players) are created that frequently allow anyone to join. So you can solo join public groups and leave at any time if that makes any sense.
80+ WP/Dok/RP/Zealot 60+ AM/Shaman/Knight/Chosen/SM/BO/BW/Sorc 40+WL/Eng. SW deleted


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