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Please start changing things

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In this section you can give feedback and share your opinions on what should be changed for the Return of Reckoning Project. Before posting please make sure you read the Rules and Posting Guidelines to increase the efficiency of this forum.
Posts: 423

Please start changing things

Post#1 » Wed Aug 03, 2022 8:26 am

I think I can speak for all when I say we are in desperate need of some fresh air and changes.

Be it changes of the orvr campain, or the SC queuing or career changes. Whatever it is. Please start changing things again.

We are holding onto the status quo for too long now.

I think the last changes were really nice, like the crests and ward changes helped a lot but it's coming sooo slow :(

We don't really need big stuff that takes a lot of work. Changing numbers and reusing existing stuff would be enough for the most part.

Here are some suggestions that would be very easy to made:

Increase spawn rate of boxes and add the ability to carry more of them to level and flip zones faster. Add a def tick and bag roll for defenders even when losing to prevent the logging to one side and having boring PvDoor.

Add a SOLO_RANDOM mode that puts >= 1/6 healer >= 1/6 tank and >= 1/3 dps in groups to have a play mode for people with not much time or new players. No fancy UI needed. Just a SOLO_RANDOM queue with random maps for solo queuers only.

Decrease the difficulty of the end game instances a bit. It should be possible to run them with any group comp, as long there is one tank and two healers in it. They are slightly too hard for randoms. With decreasing pop numbers it is so hard to find a 2/2/2 group with a good tank for it.

It would be very welcome to change the numbers a bit from time to time. It's not a secret which careers are currently very strong and which are not. I don't wanna turn this in a GTDC / rampage thread again, however, people are complaining because some abilities are too strong. e.g. a z-axis limitation for GTDC pulls and a second range check for maras pulls is long overdue. The power gap between certain careers is too big for no reason (e.g. slayer and engi or SW and sorc, etc). Having fall off damage for melee aoe which is very dominant atm would be also very welcome. No big class overhauls needed. Just a little tweaking.

EDIT: Calm down people. These are just "examples of what could be done without much afford".

Again. Please stop holding to the status quo. Changes is what we are all waiting for.

Thank you!

Last edited by lumpi33 on Thu Aug 04, 2022 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Please start changing things

Post#2 » Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:01 am

Wow those are some takes on current issues. They are so off the mark its actually amazing that these are the issues people are complaining about.
The Unlikely Plan
Ramjumper - Knight of the Blazing Sun
Shewhispers - Swordmaster
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Posts: 51

Re: Please start changing things

Post#3 » Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:02 am

Please dont decrease difficulty of t4 dungeons any further. They are already super easy but i feel people these days (not only in this game but in many games) are not willing to put in the effort of learning stuff anymore. They just want to recieve everything for just participating the content. I really like that you can gear up twinks with dungeon runs very fast now but for the "fun" i think it would be nice to have a very hard dungeon that really punishes you if you do something wrong.

A change i would rly welcome would be the removalof the Anti AAO system. Guess you installed it in order to force people to change factions. But i think it is not working. Which factions dominates is clearly determined by the big guilds/ wb leaders. When they decide its order time order dominates, if they have their destro wb rolling destro wins all zones.
For people like me who only play one faction Anti-AAO is a pain in the xxx. It doesnt even make sence to switch the zone and run boxes or search for small fights anymore cause the reward is so low. So all players stay in one zone. Such a boring zerg feast.

And i feel the city system needs a change again. I was rly for the new system at first cause i thought more people could participate in cities now. But cities are not rewarding/exiting/fun enough for people to participate. Even going back to the old rvr/fort-city system would not work anymore cause people see no reason to go through the pain of city fights. So why should they push forts to go to city. Cityfights/rewards need to be changed to people feel like its the ENDGAME again and they need a reason that its better to raid the enemy city than defending their own. Only then people will fight to win the campain.

Maybe allowing people to queue via sc button can help and a nice reward for participation (till the the end!!!) Like drop chance for Epic event slot item (similar to the ranked one) after last stage, a 65% speed mount for 7 dasys, maybe introduce nice skins or a 1% stat boost pocket item that decay after 7 days, fortress weapon clone with +1dps and +5 mainstat for 7 days or what ever... people need a reason to go for cities again. I would recommend to make these items non-permant and only make them slightly better then the permanant stuff we have atm. So it gives you an edge to have these but not turn you into a god for 7 days.

Edit: i think i will make post for city changes.

Posts: 423

Re: Please start changing things

Post#4 » Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:20 am

Asderas27 wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:01 am Wow those are some takes on current issues. They are so off the mark its actually amazing that these are the issues people are complaining about.

Posts: 423

Re: Please start changing things

Post#5 » Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:24 am

jshort wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:02 am Please dont decrease difficulty of t4 dungeons any further. They are already super easy..
You do know that the city dungeons are harder (and take longer) on order side, right?

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Re: Please start changing things

Post#6 » Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:31 am

lumpi33 wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:24 am You do know that the city dungeons are harder (and take longer) on order side, right?
When you know the strats, C/T is as easy as BB/BE. 1h max. And you don't need 2/2/2.

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Re: Please start changing things

Post#7 » Wed Aug 03, 2022 10:45 am

lumpi33 wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:20 am
Asderas27 wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:01 am Wow those are some takes on current issues. They are so off the mark its actually amazing that these are the issues people are complaining about.
1. Box running is just a terrible system. BOs don't matter once keep hits rank 2 and people start a siege. Also a mass pvp game should be promoting fights happening all over the map instead of sitting on a flag waiting boxes to spawn and fight for who clicks on them first and then afk walk turn them in. Btw defenders do get rolls and bags as long they have actually fought in the zone and gotten kills. The whole logging over one side and pvdoor situation got exacerbated after the poorly implemented weekly objectives requiring you to have to win keep/fort sieges rather than just participate in them. They changed it now after so long even though most players realized how bad it was in about a week or 2 of implementation. Also scheduled cities completely killed the importance of campaign.
2. The game is a group focused pvp game. I do not understand why people are so against just teaming up with others. A premade doesn't have to be 6 people. You can be 3 man and have more success than constantly solo queuing and expect to have tank and heal in a relatively low population. They tried making scs 2/2/2 after constant solo pugs whined on forums about how they are only losing cuz enemy has premade and turns out it doesn't work on a <1000 pop server. The pops became super slow and players complained again. Make some friends or Join/make a guild and play with a group.
3. If you struggling in RoR pve, i dunno what to say. You can run GB, C/T, BBBE in 40-45 mins and BS in 1 hourish. Again join a guild, make some friends. Why rely on randoms when you can do it with people you know.
The Unlikely Plan
Ramjumper - Knight of the Blazing Sun
Shewhispers - Swordmaster
Punishingknock - Ironbreaker
Bellowabuser - Chosen
Moralepumper - Black Orc
Mindkiller - Blackguard

Posts: 423

Re: Please start changing things

Post#8 » Wed Aug 03, 2022 12:01 pm

Asderas27 wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 10:45 am 1. Box running is just a terrible system. BOs don't matter once keep hits rank 2 and people start a siege. Also a mass pvp game should be promoting fights happening all over the map instead of sitting on a flag waiting boxes to spawn and fight for who clicks on them first and then afk walk turn them in. Btw defenders do get rolls and bags as long they have actually fought in the zone and gotten kills. The whole logging over one side and pvdoor situation got exacerbated after the poorly implemented weekly objectives requiring you to have to win keep/fort sieges rather than just participate in them. They changed it now after so long even though most players realized how bad it was in about a week or 2 of implementation. Also scheduled cities completely killed the importance of campaign.
It might not be the best system but it isn't a terrible system either. It allows people to contribute and adds motion to the zone. It's great for the beside the zerg action when there are box runners. It's just a bit painful when there is no action and you got to level the keep for the ram. Then it is boring waiting and box running only. Therefore I suggested to add more boxes and allow to carry more. Yes you do get rolls at the end of a zone lock but there is not enough initiative to defend a keep. When you are heavily outnumbered you wont get much kills inside the keep and you wont get a tick or bag either. Therefore people just don't defend keeps in this situation. With more boxes they could use them to fly there and get at least inside and with a bag roll and def tick they would at least get something for their afford to fight for the keep.

Come up with solutions, not complaints. Solutions they are able to implement with the small team they have.
Asderas27 wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 10:45 am 2. The game is a group focused pvp game. I do not understand why people are so against just teaming up with others. A premade doesn't have to be 6 people. You can be 3 man and have more success than constantly solo queuing and expect to have tank and heal in a relatively low population. They tried making scs 2/2/2 after constant solo pugs whined on forums about how they are only losing cuz enemy has premade and turns out it doesn't work on a <1000 pop server. The pops became super slow and players complained again. Make some friends or Join/make a guild and play with a group.
Says who? The WAR slogan was "War is everywhere", which basically meant "no matter where you are and no matter how many you are there gonna be fighting". RoR tried to cater to the premade running try-hards and it didn't went well. If you want a healthy population then you need to support new comers that don't have these premades and support other types of game modes where you don't have to build a group first. MMORPGs should have room for every type of game play, whether it is 1:1, skirmish, group vs group, wb vs wb or zerg vs zerg.

The 2/2/2 approach they tried was the wrong one. It wasn't changing much beside having longer queue times the premades still stomped auto groups. I did an evaluation over all T4 scenarios recently and it showed that 2/3 of all scenarios are heavily one-sided with one side having more than 3x the kills of the other side. Only 1/3 of that SCs where kind of balanced. That's not a good value. It also showed that the try-hard players almost never die in there. Ofc they dont, when you have a perfect comp of veteran players with discord then the only group that would put up an even fight would be another premade with veterans and discord. What's happening in there with the premades stomping pugs is just wrong and leads to people leaving the game. No matter how you look at it, that is the consequence.

The more random and pug the SCs are the better, is my conclusion. Therefore I suggested a SOLO_RANDOM queue with some kind of group building (>=1/6 tanks, >=1/6 healers and >=1/3 dps) because data showed that there are ~24% tanks, 29% healers and rest dps in average over all SCs.
Asderas27 wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 10:45 am 3. If you struggling in RoR pve, i dunno what to say. You can run GB, C/T, BBBE in 40-45 mins and BS in 1 hourish. Again join a guild, make some friends. Why rely on randoms when you can do it with people you know.
The problem is neither the dps nor healers. You usually have enough of them. The problem is the main tank. It's so hard to find geared tanks that are willing to do these pve dungeons. It doesn't matter whether you are in a guild or not. If nobody wants to do it then there is nobody. People offering lots of gold just to get a tank for c/t or bs. I don't think that destro has that issue with BBBE. They have in general more tanks and the instance is easier.

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Re: Please start changing things

Post#9 » Wed Aug 03, 2022 12:32 pm

the only unique dungeon destro has is bbbe, all other are 100% the same
join a guild, make friends, profit

Posts: 18

Re: Please start changing things

Post#10 » Wed Aug 03, 2022 1:01 pm

lumpi33 wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 8:26 am
Increase spawn rate of boxes and add the ability to carry more of them to level and flip zones faster. Add a def tick and bag roll for defenders even when losing to prevent the logging to one side and having boring PvDoor.
Preach brother. 💯💯💯🚫🧢

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