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forcing player to join discord or get kick out of open public warbans

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Re: forcing player to join discord or get kick out of warbans

Post#21 » Sat Oct 08, 2022 6:10 pm

Cyrylius wrote: Sat Oct 08, 2022 5:36 pm Marc Jacobs has nothing to do with RoR.
When you create a warband you are called a warband leader because you decide how you want to lead it. If I decide that I want anyone who bothers to join - well, you get what joins. If I want to kick you for any reason, including "I don't like your fashionhammer sense" - it's my warband. And I have every right to kick you for that exact reason. If I decide to kick everyone not playing marauder and with a name not ending in "r" - well, time to roll a new mara. Warband being open or close doesn't change that in any way. You don't create a warband to serve the pug casual players who want to have a group cause that makes them feel better. You can, that's called overflow, and is usually called in region chat, but opening your warband doesn't automatically make your warband FFA pugfest, you, as the leader, are allowed to keep it as sweaty or casual as you want. And the only thing that can really affect you is members leaving, usually due to not having fun in your warband. So, once again: opening your warband has nothing to do with catering to casual players. If you want a warband lead in a specific way different from every other warband running at a given time create one. If you can't put even this much effort don't expect others to play into your expectations about warband gameplay.
i never say Marc Jacobs have something to do with RoR , but RoR have evrything to do with everything Marc Jacobs create , because ROR use all the same interface and features class race ect... of have , mean Marc Jacobs philosophie , so not sure why you are in deny here , 95% of the game is from Marc Jacobs , ROR make a massice job coding the game but not create the game and the philosophie of the feature the game have ,
open public warbans is something Marc Jacobs create from is philosophie not from ROR not sure why you are in deny about basic fact , you also have private warbans for what you say

Posts: 94

Re: forcing player to join discord or get kick out of open public warbans

Post#22 » Sat Oct 08, 2022 7:19 pm

As entertaining as this is, it’s their party, their rules. Don’t like it leave/get kicked and join a different one or start your own. Easy as that

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Re: forcing player to join discord or get kick out of open public warbans

Post#23 » Sat Oct 08, 2022 9:14 pm

The mindset and tranquility to lead a public pug warband with random people that mostly not read your chat or do what you try to achieve is a rare quality.
You find it hardly in people after all these years.

What you want is to have such a person that suffers the setbacks of leading a Warband like you want it without discord.
You want a person that gives you fun. But you can’t demand such a person.

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Re: forcing player to join discord or get kick out of warbans

Post#24 » Sat Oct 08, 2022 9:33 pm

Dan666 wrote: Sat Oct 08, 2022 6:10 pm i never say Marc Jacobs have something to do with RoR , but RoR have evrything to do with everything Marc Jacobs create , because ROR use all the same interface and features class race ect... of have , mean Marc Jacobs philosophie , so not sure why you are in deny here , 95% of the game is from Marc Jacobs , ROR make a massice job coding the game but not create the game and the philosophie of the feature the game have ,
open public warbans is something Marc Jacobs create from is philosophie not from ROR not sure why you are in deny about basic fact , you also have private warbans for what you say
Well, class design and assets maybe, philosophy not really. Ror is created by a team of devs who have no real connection to Marc Jacobs and even less obligation to follow his vision. That's why every argument based on "it was like this on live" is automatically ignored. I didn't play the original warhammer online, I don't know how the warbands there behaved and I don't think Marc Jacobs should have anything to say in RoR, which is a project independent of his team and him. But if you really, really can't stand the whole situation, consider those warbands open private warbands. They are not public, they don't have to let you join and there never was a mention of private warbands being prohibited from being open.
RoR doesnt deserve being taken seriously.

Posts: 260

Re: forcing player to join discord or get kick out of warbans

Post#25 » Sat Oct 08, 2022 10:46 pm

Dan666 wrote: Sat Oct 08, 2022 4:25 pm not sure you play warhammer before this server , but where you missing the point you take a open public warbans feature , where player are able too join freely and forcing rule on the player threatening them too kick out ,

you also have private warbans option for organise player , you are also allow to start your private warbans , but why you dont make it is because you lack of player , so you make a public open warbans and after turn it in private warbans , this is the part is not right forcing rule on players this the part is not right in my opinion ,

Open warbans mean free , Private warbans mean organise ,

maybe only too have a bit more of courtesy will bring back more player and have the server full sadly sometime you have issue to make 1 warbans

, sad you dont have the option too play more freely in a plublic open warnbans and just following the warbans . now player impose rules on you and threatening you too kick you out
sad because i really like this game
have a good day
If warbands were meant to be free for all no rule, do what ever you want constructs. Leaders would not have the ability to kick. But even open WB have a leader and rules. If yuou dont like the rules and want to follow, then leave or be kicked. its not much different than being kicked because you are not following the WB.

As others have said if you want a do your own thing, leaderless WB then its easy to make one. Since you dont like rules you dont even need to do anything. It wont be any different than running around solo. but it seems thats what you want.

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Re: forcing player to join discord or get kick out of open public warbans

Post#26 » Sat Oct 08, 2022 11:12 pm

If a warband requires Discord, just don't bother. Most of them are full of sweaty banter with the occasional pertinent call out, 95% of the rest is common sense if you know how to play your class. I am not talking about Guild groups; I am talking about warband leaders that say DISCORD REQUIRED.

I have yet to have a decent experience using Discord. They are laughable at best. People who use TeamSpeak on the other hand....

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Re: forcing player to join discord or get kick out of open public warbans

Post#27 » Sat Oct 08, 2022 11:20 pm

Look it's pretty simple, philosophy aside. This is RoR. Anything from live has no bearing on what happens HERE unless the devs want it to. Open warbands just mean it's open for anyone to join, it doesn't mean you won't get kicked because there are too many of X class in the warband or because you refuse to join discord.

Closed warbands are usually the more organised one's that always use discord, and generally don't let public players in as they're reserved for alliance, guild members or friends. Public warbands may be lead via addons or may be lead via discord.

Nobody is saying that you need to talk on discord, just listening helps tremendously with organisation. I do get your frustration in part, I've joined a random open warband before and I've gotten immediately kicked due to too many healers being in the warband. I honestly suck it up and move on. But it would be nice if there was a description warband leaders could make stating any requirements for joining, like how the WOW group finder works.
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Re: forcing player to join discord or get kick out of open public warbans

Post#28 » Sat Oct 08, 2022 11:38 pm

Not an unreasonable request.

If you're at work or can't listen for whatever reason, and can't be organized with an organized warband, join an unorganized warband composed of people that are in your spot.

If you want higher quality gameplay, put in the effort to put yourself in situations that allow for it. If you can't put yourself in those situations, don't expect people to adjust for you.

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Re: forcing player to join discord or get kick out of open public warbans

Post#29 » Sun Oct 09, 2022 12:34 am

fact are guy right now you have problem to make 1 warbans on destro side

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Re: forcing player to join discord or get kick out of open public warbans

Post#30 » Sun Oct 09, 2022 5:54 am

And yet it seems those discord warbands can pretty effortlessly fill 24 spots consistently.
RoR doesnt deserve being taken seriously.

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