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Why this gaming is dying imo

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Re: Why this gaming is dying imo

Post#11 » Thu Oct 13, 2022 11:47 am

Did you try out the /ignore function ? If you get hurt that much by words PVP games might not be for you.

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Re: Why this gaming is dying imo

Post#12 » Thu Oct 13, 2022 12:00 pm

DonkOPP wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 4:17 am I'm recently back to the game after a lot of playing years ago. I played quite a few matches today solo on a Blackguard and lost all of them so when my cousin got home and I switched to Zealot and he played a Chosen and we started winning and it was awesome. After checking the server size and having around 96 sub 20 players the games were coming in slow, that's no big deal it's fun. Well it was fun till this player started complaining that I was doing this or that wrong and complained about what my cousin was doing as well. He totally ruined the vibe from a previous win streak and killed my mood to play the game at all. I hate to say it but I'm done, if the small community is going to be rude to returning or new players this game itself is finished.

The hour ban from chat didn't help admin, that's a bit much.

Over zealous players and over zealous admin. Bummer for such a wonderful game.
Look, you had a bad day. I know it sucks but you shouldn't blame the game. The majority of this community is quite helpful.

When I started out I had experienced something similar by a well known toxic player. It bothered me a bit then but then I kept solo killing them. Turned out, they were only good at telling others what to do.

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Re: Why this gaming is dying imo

Post#13 » Thu Oct 13, 2022 12:36 pm

The game does not die, but stagnates. RvR mechanics have hardly changed for years, there are almost no dynamics, people do the same thing every day. I think we need some improvements/changes in RvR mechanics to make the co-op game more interesting.

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Re: Why this gaming is dying imo

Post#14 » Thu Oct 13, 2022 12:46 pm

this game is already dead...
died 18. Dezember 2013

Have fun :)

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Re: Why this gaming is dying imo

Post#15 » Thu Oct 13, 2022 1:28 pm

The problem is the new campaing system with scheduled city, and the new currency system. This killed the main motivation to play well in RVR. Now there is not any motivation to play well organized or small roaming groups... only follow the zerg and get some war crest to gear the toon, reach RR80, start with a a new toon and repeat.
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Re: Why this gaming is dying imo

Post#16 » Thu Oct 13, 2022 1:32 pm

In op's case it sounds like there is more than one side to the story since you got 1h mute and all. Bad experiences do happen but compared to other games I've played in past year or two (Dota2, Smite, WoW), this game has easily the friendliest playerbase. I'm pretty sure this game's downfall (when and if there will be such a thing) will be some other reason than toxic playerbase.

Been playing this game for the longest time and worst I've had was few years ago some player from well known warband guild telling me to uninstall because I couldn't keep his sorc alive with my lowbie healer vs 3-4 tanks plus SW he wanted to facetank. After some back and forth arguing he added me to friends list. ...Very friendly guy after all. (ok it was accident, he wanted to have a last word and then put me on fast ignore instead). Mind you that was long ago and still very mild compared to say mobas.
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Re: Why this gaming is dying imo

Post#17 » Thu Oct 13, 2022 2:19 pm

There was far more positive feedback on this post than I thought. I honestly figured it would be a bunch of people flaming me, so +1 to the community in my eyes.

To the person who said I broke rules and I got the chat ban, this is true I did use a vulgar word I shouldn't have. I take full responsibility but an hour seemed a bit excessive for my first chat ban ever in this game, but again I was in the wrong. I was foolishly overly upset and lashed out.

Many of you mentioned one bad person and it's not the community as a whole, I'm sure you are correct since I've had many great experiences in this game when I previously played but it doesn't take away from the person being a jerk to totally new players (to the class for me and the game for my cousin)on a really low population server, heck we played every game with him/her last night. Helping advice is welcome but the way the person went at us it didn't seem like they cared to help, just blamed us for everything that was going wrong. I should have used the mute feature you guys are right, that would have solved the problem.

I wish you all the best and I thank you for not just flaming me on this thread, it honestly speaks more for the community than the one person last night.

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Re: Why this gaming is dying imo

Post#18 » Thu Oct 13, 2022 4:13 pm

Kpi wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 1:28 pm The problem is the new campaing system with scheduled city, and the new currency system. This killed the main motivation to play well in RVR. Now there is not any motivation to play well organized or small roaming groups... only follow the zerg and get some war crest to gear the toon, reach RR80, start with a a new toon and repeat.
Old city only happened with extreme zerging, or the defending side throwing. Scheduled city actually allows people to form sweaty groups, instead of frantically /5 searching only for someone to dc in the 30 minute que and you lose the pop. New currency allows you to gear with any content you wish, funny people complain about it tbh, not to mention pve gear being so accessible.

Heavy handed GM moderation and a lot of player egoing and toxic bs have always been an issue here, but that’s not exclusive to this game , that’s just people
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Re: Why this gaming is dying imo

Post#19 » Thu Oct 13, 2022 4:44 pm

Tanski wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 4:13 pm
Kpi wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 1:28 pm The problem is the new campaing system with scheduled city, and the new currency system. This killed the main motivation to play well in RVR. Now there is not any motivation to play well organized or small roaming groups... only follow the zerg and get some war crest to gear the toon, reach RR80, start with a a new toon and repeat.
Old city only happened with extreme zerging, or the defending side throwing. Scheduled city actually allows people to form sweaty groups, instead of frantically /5 searching only for someone to dc in the 30 minute que and you lose the pop. New currency allows you to gear with any content you wish, funny people complain about it tbh, not to mention pve gear being so accessible.

Heavy handed GM moderation and a lot of player egoing and toxic bs have always been an issue here, but that’s not exclusive to this game , that’s just people
The 1 hour chat mutes are not something done manually, it's automatic by the server and prevents the message being sent to chat at all. It's actually doing a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to making the server a less toxic place, and prevents a lot of manual work that GM's would otherwise do with more strict enforcement. People can get incredibly salty, dump something toxic into chat, get muted, and reconsider how much further they want to take it. Sure you could still send toxic PM's to other players, but if they report it you would be looking at the heavy enforcement from direct GM intervention that way.

Being muted for an hour with no mark left on your account is far better than getting into sanction escalations with direct GM intervention.
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Re: Why this gaming is dying imo

Post#20 » Thu Oct 13, 2022 5:03 pm

Azhag wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 11:45 am
DonkOPP wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 4:17 am I'm recently back to the game after a lot of playing years ago. I played quite a few matches today solo on a Blackguard and lost all of them so when my cousin got home and I switched to Zealot and he played a Chosen and we started winning and it was awesome. After checking the server size and having around 96 sub 20 players the games were coming in slow, that's no big deal it's fun. Well it was fun till this player started complaining that I was doing this or that wrong and complained about what my cousin was doing as well. He totally ruined the vibe from a previous win streak and killed my mood to play the game at all. I hate to say it but I'm done, if the small community is going to be rude to returning or new players this game itself is finished.

The hour ban from chat didn't help admin, that's a bit much.

Over zealous players and over zealous admin. Bummer for such a wonderful game.
Is there any proof that the game is dying?
Someone has forum level2, who said played years ago have now a opinion why this game is dying since he was playing.... years ago....

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