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Ability System Rework.

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Re: Ability System Rework.

Post#21 » Thu Oct 27, 2022 10:28 pm

Sulorie wrote: Thu Oct 27, 2022 8:45 pm
b00n wrote: Thu Oct 27, 2022 3:23 pm What I can't understand:
You write that only critical things are addressed, as an example I list here that with Sorc it was possible to spam Infernal Wave with Chop Fasta -> 2 days later it was fixed.

But now we have a lot of bugs that are still not fixed and are very critical. Tactic buffs that are still active even if you remove the tactic -> Witch Hunter healing for example.
I guess the first one has bigger effects on general realm balance than WH having more tactics. Eventually it all will get fixed.
Yep, I wouldn't say machine gun Sorcs and Zealots having a chance to proc 4k damage (after mitigation) 12 times every 2-3 seconds are on the same level as WH and other classes getting access to extra tactics which buffs long-duration buffs.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

Posts: 33

Re: Ability System Rework.

Post#22 » Fri Oct 28, 2022 2:27 pm

thank you thank you thank you for the update

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Re: Ability System Rework.

Post#23 » Fri Oct 28, 2022 6:58 pm

Sorry, I don't buy it. Same old ror cycle. Some drama behind the scenes, development stagnates, population drops, and then promises of change. Seen it before, and will most likely see it again. What happened to the realm champs and the changes with each ranked season? Then focus groups? And now the ability system... Where is the vision and long term planning? Ive seen these promises too many times over the years. Impress us with actions and not hollow words.

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Re: Ability System Rework.

Post#24 » Sat Oct 29, 2022 1:19 pm

a nice brief speech,

This level of transparency is welcome and much needed, even outside of the small jail your GM team has once again thrown me into (8th time).
For someone like me, it is now quite clear why it takes so long to fix various ability-related problems because the card house you have constructed is on an uneven basis.

I'm now a little concerned since I still don't understand how, for instance, you managed to completely eliminate some abilties and tactics over night while leaving behind other critical ability-related persistent issues.
I won't list them since doing so would force readers to repeatedly scroll down the page in order to see the next less provocative or critical cheering post, and throw this threat into a realm-patriotic fingerpointing slugfest this bad moderated forum is already.

Going off-topic a little bit and without inviting anyone to join the debate because this is part of my own critique, I believe that many issues have arisen as a result of incomplete or, let me say, hastily thought-out releases on the server with an apparent sledgehammer attitude.
Rarely followed by band-aid solutions that offered no actual improvement.

Releases and changes with a system in place that essentially encouraged the community to settle down into an odd mechanic exploiting pattern of one-realm-zerg vs door to reach endgame gear as quickly as possible, combined with the removal of zerg busting mechanics that actually had more overall balance and tactical gameplay variety.
For years, this has been going on. You might have simply distributed the poorly made endgame equipment for free.

However, I'm happy that the beloved city content is now on a schedule, the currencies have been combined, and everyone who wants to level up a character no longer has to deal with the fact that there is a huge gear gap when enjoying pvp.

I apologize if I busted your balls to much, by expressing my concerns, but if I did, simply ask your friendly local runepriest to heal them by riding up on a manticore while waving and smiling.

Many thanks to the developer team for their tireless efforts and countless volunteer hours.
The team appears to be moving forward positively with "the new player experience". Seems like there is fresh meat in the team, it would also be necessary in a different essential area of this project.

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Re: Ability System Rework.

Post#25 » Sat Oct 29, 2022 9:27 pm

from what i understand about re-worked ability structure going to make things easier to play/fix/create abilities in the long term but sadly it's not going to help players keep playing or breed new players. (dalens website is nice to monitor abilities, tactics, etc btw)

i don't know if it is only me but the current gameplay is extremely boring, grindy, and repetitive. i wish the limited manpower would have been used on fine-tuning actual gameplay (rvr, forts, cities, and proper itemization) instead of massive balancing (meta shake pls ;D) which is concern of %1 of the player base.
Guildmaster of Phalanx

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Posts: 41

Re: Ability System Rework.

Post#26 » Sun Nov 20, 2022 1:57 pm

I look forward to the devs having a solid foundation to build on. I think we forgot sometimes that you’re working with code that others built that may not have been ideal. Speaking the same “language” for how abilities work should help create opportunities to change poor performing /inefficient abilities, and tactics. I hadn’t thought of how it impacts PVE, so I appreciate you including that.

Also, what is Dalens website?

Posts: 139

Re: Ability System Rework.

Post#27 » Thu Jan 05, 2023 7:00 pm


Many thanks for this thread. As we are talking about abilities reworking, I would like to propose to the team, to implement a tool which help players to evaluate correctly the effectiveness and the impact their abilities.
This will give them the ability to work more deeply on their build and this will help the team to have debugging feedbacks and data.
Dummy are a good starting point, but by far not sufficient.
I'm thinking about a combat log system (for dummy fights only) on which will figure a large amount of information for each event (mitigations, by what, what have been triggered, etc). It will be way way way better than a theoretical/useless damage value at the end of the fight.

This also mean multiple dummy type : passive to be able to evaluate your damage, active (cycling all kind of damage) to be able to evaluate your defenses.

Hope this helps.


Posts: 82

Re: Ability System Rework.

Post#28 » Fri Jan 06, 2023 1:49 am

You said don't expect 2 weeks and don't consistently (I think you meant persistently) ask for updates, but it's been 2 months, and as far as I can tell no one has requested an update (and none has been provided). So, can we get an update?

Posts: 101

Re: Ability System Rework.

Post#29 » Fri Jan 06, 2023 4:34 am

bla bla bla bla bla... 2 weeks...!

WAAAGH!!! \o/

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Posts: 272

Re: Ability System Rework.

Post#30 » Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:12 am

If possible, i'd like to hear about if this process with reworking of ability system is moving of is it frozen?
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