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My 2022 server feedback

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Re: My 2022 server feedback

Post#11 » Sat Dec 17, 2022 9:08 pm

Ranked SC broke Lore so wont ever do that again
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Re: My 2022 server feedback

Post#12 » Sat Dec 17, 2022 10:27 pm

RVR - I agree to a certain extent. The rewards on one side are not enough and zerging has become more and more popular, pushing zones is not that important up until you get to fort zones where you can earn more crests.

SCs - I agree, SC's haven't really changed and it doesn't need to. The discordant SC's was a good idea.

City - I disagree, cities are just as tense as they were before. And the reward is there. Obviously if you lose it's pointless, but if you win, especially at 4-5 star. The amount of crests you earn are more than any other method of earning crests in the game by far.

Ranked - I disagree.The effort that went into this was a waste of time. Most people didn't want a competitive scene in RoR, and still don't. The fact that it turned out to be a toxic cesspool of elitists gate guarding and then complaining they have nobody to fight against just adds to the joke that is Ranked.

PvE - I kind of agree, but nobody would play PVE otherwise. PVE needs to be more interesting if it wants to get past a "meh" reaction from me. And by that I mean the dungeon bosses need to be harder, more predictable and less glitchy.. They need more interesting mechanics to make dungeons more fun. The only reason we run dungeons at all is for the soul stones.. And now with the weekly RvR event I don't even need to do that.

LOTD - I agree. Yawn, it's just a zerg fest which I have no interest in playing.

Events - I agree, they were a great idea.

Currency System - I completely disagree. The fact that everything was unified into one currency has no bearing on any other content. You are still rewarded more for harder higher tier content. Cities > Forts > keeps, so the idea that cities are pointless is wrong, I can earn nearly 500 crests in an hour in a good city, on average I get 300 a fort will yield at best 100 ish. The thing that IMO has more resulted in players ignoring keeps and pushing for kills is the killboard. People are too self aware of their K/D and prioritise farming kills rather than having fun and playing the game.

Other - There are several reasons driving people away, one is the time of year. People are taking breaks to see family and friends I am because of that reason. Another reason is Nerf buttons. That caused a LARGE number of people to leave, but honestly it was the right decision IMO. Zergs also contribute to population loss, why will I log in outnumbered 40-60 just to get farmed earning bugger all as a reward? The big one currently which we know is being worked on is balance, balance is good for shaking the meta up and making things feel fresh and interesting. But we've had none of that. And it's the same look again and again. People get tired of it and want something fresh, when they don't get it, they move on.
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Re: My 2022 server feedback

Post#13 » Sat Dec 17, 2022 10:33 pm

ravezaar wrote: Sat Dec 17, 2022 9:08 pm Ranked SC broke Lore so wont ever do that again

Posts: 631

Re: My 2022 server feedback

Post#14 » Sun Dec 18, 2022 3:31 pm

FWIW, I completely disagree with the OP about the currency system. It is far superior to the old system, allows you to pick suits you want, not which are easiest to get. The old system essentially depended on you doing literally hundreds of city scenarios, which popped like once a week.

I like RvR, and orvr sieging is always fun.

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Re: My 2022 server feedback

Post#15 » Sun Dec 18, 2022 4:05 pm

Atropik wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 7:31 pm
Kpi wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 6:37 pm Ranked. Qualification 10/10
The rankeds was a good idea, but the SO TOXIC community that lived in them made a lot of people stop playing them directly, to avoid insults. The fact of having released the jewel and the equipment for the whole world has been a great success.
TOXIC is good, toxic means its alive.
This is a terrible attitude and it's wrong. Toxicity drives off newcomers and will eventually kill game populations

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Re: My 2022 server feedback

Post#16 » Sun Dec 18, 2022 4:20 pm

Just gonna try to give some constructive feedback on the state of affairs right now, in the hopes some devs might read it and find it useful:


Even though I understand where the changes have come from, I think RvR has taken a step back from its previous iterations. The feeling of a "campaign" has been lost and victory feels less meaningful.

My suggestions would be to revert the entire RvR system to how it was. 3 open zones, and a progression from t2 > t3 > t4 > city siege. I would also revert the keep swaps, so that both factions always have their proper keeps. This ensures a feeling of progression, where the attackers have to attack increasingly defensible keeps, eventually accumulating in a fortress siege.

In addition, I would seek to make battlefield resources into a more valuable commodity, to spark competition over scarce resources, perhaps in combination with changes to the battlefield objectives. The point of these changes would be twofold:
1) To give players a reason to populate empty zones, which in turn will attract more players and hopefully will ensure a more healthy mix of playstyles.
2) To give RvR more strategic depth, by making the defending and holding of objectives a more important task.

Currently the most serious players and warbands have no reason to care for either resources and objectives. They just roam around looking for kills. There's nothing wrong with that, but it would be better if these warbands were given a reason to participate in the campaign, instead of mostly doing their own thing.


I really liked the idea of Discordant Scenarios at first, but now I am no longer sure.

Unless players have a 6-man, there's very little reason to queue for anything other than Discordant Scenarios, and regular SCs are much less active outside of the weekend sc.

I think regular SCs should give significantly better rewards than Discordant, to account for the fact that players who queue for regular SCs accept a much harder challenge in going up against premades.


The current rewards for city do not match the time-exclusive nature the event now has. Further, the rewards do nothing to motivate high renown players to participate.

In my opinion, the campaign should be reverted to how it was, with city sieges as the climax. HIgh renown players should be given good reasons to participate and form warbands. Perhaps the city levels should be made more meaningful, giving players motivation to fight for the defense of their capital. I would also be in favor of adding exclusive city rewards that appeal to high renown players, cosmetics and that sort.


Given the fact that a game like RoR takes a lot of time and effort to balance, I question the wisdom of this small team attempting to balance the game in two domains (Ranked and warband level).

It does not seem to me that RoR is a game that lends itself particularly well for Ranked play, and as a result it does not enjoy much popularity. At the same time, a large playerbase is essential for a Ranked game mode to flourish.

Before developing Ranked further, my suggestion would be to aim at creating more interest in the 6v6 format by implementing unranked 6v6 scenarios. Just like my suggestion for regular SCs, 6v6 SCs could be given better rewards to encourage players to try it out and seek out greater challenges. Also players would have a more forgiving environment to practice 6v6 before entering the Ranked crucible.


Pretty good as it is. I just would add some rewards that make it appealing for high renown players to participate.

I would also remove the Diminishing Rations debuff. If the objective system is working properly it should already heavily disincentivize zerging, and the way to punish zerging should be for the other side to take all of their objectives. Arbitrary debuffs are not the way and will push serious players out of the game mode.


Awesome additions. These new events are indistinguishable from the official ones and sometimes even better.


The universal currency change was good, however it did take away the feeling of being rewarded for the harder content like fortress and city sieges.

My suggestion would be to add some form of new reward currency for the endgame content, perhaps usable for unique rewards, to keep some sense of victory in the endgame and to encourage players to participate (even when the odds are looking dire for them).
"I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream; that's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor... and surviving." - Colonel Walter E. Kurtz

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Re: My 2022 server feedback

Post#17 » Sun Dec 18, 2022 8:19 pm

Caduceus wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 4:20 pm Just gonna try to give some constructive feedback on the state of affairs right now, in the hopes some devs might read it and find it useful:Currency:

The universal currency change was good, however it did take away the feeling of being rewarded for the harder content like fortress and city sieges.

My suggestion would be to add some form of new reward currency for the endgame content, perhaps usable for unique rewards, to keep some sense of victory in the endgame and to encourage players to participate (even when the odds are looking dire for them).
Keeps/Forts/Cities/Pqs/Colossus/Pveboss. Bags always have Some form of Gear. Goldbag from keep should be either 1 opp or 1 vanq. Purple would have Subjugator and Blue Genesis Crests. Forts would have Invader/VIct in Goldbags. Purplebag would have new wpns with procs or Belts and Cloaks with procs(WIth talisman slots pls) that would be part new sets, Offensive or Defensive options available. Dok/wp+mdps have Same Set bonuses excluding we/wh. 5 Pieces, Pocket,Jewel,Wpn,Cloak,Belt. 2)- *5% Chance on hit or being hit to absorb 180 dmg* 3) - On hit 8% to steal 444-Armour/200 SpiritResis" for 10 seconds)* 4th) On hit/Being hit 5% Chance to steal 150HP from attacker.")" 5th) 10%+dmg increase on target -10%dmg done to everyone else.

2nd Set bonus is same." *5% Chance on hit or being hit to absorb 180 dmg " 3rd)" 5% Chance on hit or being hit to Pilfer 150 HP from target" "4th-10% Chance on Critical hit to Increase AA dmg by 25% for 9 seconds. 5th)-+12% Critical dmg."

Wpns&Cloaks with procs Drops in Purplebag in Succesfull Fort siege/Defense. Gold Dropped Invader/Triumph/Vict. Only Bluebag from fort def/siege drops Belt for new sets. Rest are from City Sieged/Defended in Stage 1 Goldbags Drop Inva/Victorius. Stage 2 Goldbags drop Warlord/Triumphant. Stage 3 Goldbag =Sov/Sov. All stage1-3 Purple & Bluebags Has Proc Wpns/Cloaks/Universal Sets remaining pieces.
"To clarify, me asking to developers to go test their own changes is not sign of toxicity or anger, but a sign of hope that the people punching in the numbers remain aware of potential consequences and test their own changes"-Teefz

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Re: My 2022 server feedback

Post#18 » Sun Dec 18, 2022 8:50 pm

@ Caduceus. Once they decide to do something it is usually not reversible and so many classes were balanced by a select few with a lot of input from favored players. I think it is good they keep trying to change things. The game design is far from perfect and limited resources will prevent it from ever becoming more than it is.
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Many alts on both sides now ruined by new currency change

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Re: My 2022 server feedback

Post#19 » Sun Dec 18, 2022 9:30 pm

rvr 8.
the current system is the most optimal at the moment. Is it possible to think of something better than this, and even more so to realize it, idk.

sc 2. many scenarios have been reworked and become completely unplayable. in fact, from scenarios now there are 2-3 playable.
currency system 10. the current situation is the most optimal for the progress of the character. of all that have been before this is the best.
Last edited by Alfa1986 on Mon Dec 19, 2022 4:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My 2022 server feedback

Post#20 » Sun Dec 18, 2022 10:35 pm

To me the biggest downfall of the server is GM's and how they interact with playerbase. Banning people discord or in game with no reasons. Dramas that this private server had is another topic. All these are good indications that there is something wrong going on but nobody willing to taking the blame. Not to mention rebuking every comment on low playerbase discussion with this expansion comes out or this game released wont do any good on them aswell. They are high on copium. Even new LazyPeon wave wasnt enough to increase the pop for a long time like before.

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