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First time player - Excited to finally play this MMO

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First time player - Excited to finally play this MMO

Post#1 » Tue Dec 20, 2022 10:55 pm

So, I always wanted to play Warhammer Online, but unfortunately at the time, being younger and having a potato laptop that could barely run WoW on minimum settings I was unable to play. By the time I had the money to purchase my own PC the game had sadly been shut down. I recently built a new PC again, and was told about this by someone in Warhammer 40,000 Darktide, and was absolutely delighted to discover that there is a way to play in 2022.

I've played many MMOs thorough the years, and am very much looking forward to experiencing this one. Unfortunately though, I don't have as much time to spend on games, the way I did back in the day, being 32 and having a family now lol.

I would very much like to find a community of players that would be willing to accept a casual into their ranks lol.

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Re: First time player - Excited to finally play this MMO

Post#2 » Wed Dec 21, 2022 12:26 am

Welcome to Warhammer RoR!
What Realm are you going to play the most? Destruction or Order? Then there's what Race and Class. If you're into the Underdog, go Destruction, if you wanna win more times than not, go Order. We do need more people on Destruction, though. I play both, almost all the Classes on each side I have room for are capped, so I have a lot of experience in both sides, but Destruction is my first and last love. Order for me is something different to play and to better understand all classes. Plus I just love Warhammer and love and adore this game, so I'm playing everything I can!

I hear ya on the age thing. I'm 48. ;p

The best advice I can give is play what YOU want, build how YOU want, trial and error never hurt anyone. Be open to things, realize this isn't WOW, so what happens there, won't remotely be valid here.

Any questions or anything that I can help with, by all means ask away and I'll do my best to steer you in the right direction!

Again, welcome!
Grishnak Blagtoof
<The Blagtoof WarTribe>
Est. 1996

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