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[Sorc] How to play the class properly? And maybe directions guide for newbie

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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[Sorc] How to play the class properly? And maybe directions guide for newbie

Post#1 » Mon Apr 05, 2021 9:58 pm

I'm kinda new to the whole MMORPG genre and this game is the first one MMORPG I got really invested in, so I'm sorry if I get wrong something obvious.

I really would love to get into the RvR more but so far it's just been a painful struggle for me. So, I would love if you guys could help me understand the class playstyle a bit better - should I use some particular skills in proper order to stack damage or something? I've already seen some videos about sorceress class on YT but to be honest it's hard to track what in those videos is still valid (I want to go for single target build).

My problem is that I don't really see any of my contribution to fights (throwing damage pointlessly that is going to be sunk in the endless insane heals and ressistances) and playing Sorceress feels like being made of paper - I know that I'm not supposed to be tanky as DPS class but my point is that it feels like any tank, other DPS or sometimes even healer can kill me without any effort (can't even count how many times someone just run through all of my teammates getting healed to infinity to kill me with an instant or how many times I was cursing on Witch Hunters or Bright Wizards). On the other hand I read some posts saying that playing Sorceress can be really fun, so now I want to understand if I'm playing wrong ,or is it because of my character's lvl (currently 20) ,or items ,or maybe something else.

In terms of levelling I just finished all of them in Tier 1 locations - should I focus on PvE more before diving in RvR at Tier 2?

In terms of items I'm trying to keep my equipment as close to my current lvl as possible but at the same time PvE got me bored so I stick with buying equipment from vendors in Inevitable city for Scout's currency.

From what I understood so far is that Sorceress is pretty stationary bcoz of the long casts and that I should get as much Intelligence stat as possible - I mostly play with my friend who's running the Blackguard class but even with tank protecting me I feel like an easy target for anyone. I'm trying to mostly use the pointed out skills as the "core abilities" in single target build.

Maybe you guys could also recommend some addons that modify UI coz I gotta admit sometimes in teamfights I'm getting confused which target I'm focusing at the moment.

In the end... maybe as the last solution - you guys recommend a different class for MMORPG newbie? (Not intersted in joining Order :p )

Thx in advancement for any help :)

Posts: 235

Re: [Sorc] How to play the class properly? And maybe directions guide for newbie

Post#2 » Mon Apr 05, 2021 11:05 pm

A BW / Sorc are one of the highly group intensive classes out there. With that said, do try to get more into small scale fights(6v6 or 12v12), BW Sorc are godlike at those. If you can't do that, try to focus fire and burst enemies, time it around WoP tick. This will require coordination, so beware.

As for RvR, it's RvR and it's mass bullshit, welcome to the realization of how inherently(badass, yet) imbalanced it is. Best you can do is either coordinate to burst priorities or people out of place or provide a large amount of pressure via AoE.

And for PvE, you can at least use your BG buddy, but if you couldn''s easily the worst PvE class out there. And it's true:

A BW / Sorc feels like it is entirely built around 6v6 or 12v12(small scale). If going into a large fight, Healers can and will counter you, melee trains are gonna ruin your day etc. If doing PvE, you're either useless(solo) or you have to heavily pace yourself so as to not cause Aggro issues. Magus and Squiggy are different playstyles, so I can't really recommend them, but you can at least play them without a heavy amount of coordination(SH especially).

I mean, it could be me(I find BW / Sorc pointless outside their broken mechanic), but they really do require a heavy amount of coordination, something that is NOT readily available.

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Re: [Sorc] How to play the class properly? And maybe directions guide for newbie

Post#3 » Tue Apr 06, 2021 5:13 am

Afaik and going by facts there has never been any sorcs or bws in 6v6 outside of CCM.

So no it isn’t a 6v6 class or 1v1 class and you will ok-ish in aoe 24v24 organised setups, group roaming killing soloers and zerg sufing with a healer sniping pugs.

If you aren’t heavily invested I suggest rerolling SH or shaman
A reasonable RvR system that could make the majority happy

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Re: [Sorc] How to play the class properly? And maybe directions guide for newbie

Post#4 » Tue Apr 06, 2021 6:59 am

justSKiLLeR wrote: Mon Apr 05, 2021 9:58 pm I'm kinda new to the whole MMORPG genre and this game is the first one MMORPG I got really invested in, so I'm sorry if I get wrong something obvious.

I really would love to get into the RvR more but so far it's just been a painful struggle for me. So, I would love if you guys could help me understand the class playstyle a bit better - should I use some particular skills in proper order to stack damage or something? I've already seen some videos about sorceress class on YT but to be honest it's hard to track what in those videos is still valid (I want to go for single target build).

My problem is that I don't really see any of my contribution to fights (throwing damage pointlessly that is going to be sunk in the endless insane heals and ressistances) and playing Sorceress feels like being made of paper - I know that I'm not supposed to be tanky as DPS class but my point is that it feels like any tank, other DPS or sometimes even healer can kill me without any effort (can't even count how many times someone just run through all of my teammates getting healed to infinity to kill me with an instant or how many times I was cursing on Witch Hunters or Bright Wizards). On the other hand I read some posts saying that playing Sorceress can be really fun, so now I want to understand if I'm playing wrong ,or is it because of my character's lvl (currently 20) ,or items ,or maybe something else.

In terms of levelling I just finished all of them in Tier 1 locations - should I focus on PvE more before diving in RvR at Tier 2?

In terms of items I'm trying to keep my equipment as close to my current lvl as possible but at the same time PvE got me bored so I stick with buying equipment from vendors in Inevitable city for Scout's currency.

From what I understood so far is that Sorceress is pretty stationary bcoz of the long casts and that I should get as much Intelligence stat as possible - I mostly play with my friend who's running the Blackguard class but even with tank protecting me I feel like an easy target for anyone. I'm trying to mostly use the pointed out skills as the "core abilities" in single target build.

Maybe you guys could also recommend some addons that modify UI coz I gotta admit sometimes in teamfights I'm getting confused which target I'm focusing at the moment.

In the end... maybe as the last solution - you guys recommend a different class for MMORPG newbie? (Not intersted in joining Order :p )

Thx in advancement for any help :)
In terms of lvling and gearing up Sorc goes same pathway as BW, and if u need basics as I can guess read this amazing guide for BW.

Bombling`s Brightwizard Compendium

Follow the mid spec tree for skills and tactics below and try to get Impeding Doom last: - Sorcerer Basic ST spec

As 4th tactic u can pick Glorius Carnage at r37 and at r39 swap to Frozen Fury. Understanding Sorc/BW timestamp rotation is a must, enjoy and practice AoE bombing later with proper gear and min rr70 - Sorcerer AoE spec

About addons:
Really a must addons for this game would be Enemy, Buffhead and Pure.
But to get best results those addons need to be tweaked to a class you play (like buffhead). Already preped archetypes come with Viny UI packages:

Viny UI

Posts: 235

Re: [Sorc] How to play the class properly? And maybe directions guide for newbie

Post#5 » Tue Apr 06, 2021 8:19 am

Bozzax wrote: Tue Apr 06, 2021 5:13 am Afaik and going by facts there has never been any sorcs or bws in 6v6 outside of CCM.

So no it isn’t a 6v6 class or 1v1 class and you will ok-ish in aoe 24v24 organised setups, group roaming killing soloers and zerg sufing with a healer sniping pugs.

If you aren’t heavily invested I suggest rerolling SH or shaman
Yeah, what I meant is "not RvR zerg". With that said, I fully think it does phenomenal at smaller scales due to how effective its mechanic is.

But yeah, I also suggest rerolling, it's nothing special.

Posts: 676

Re: [Sorc] How to play the class properly? And maybe directions guide for newbie

Post#6 » Tue Apr 06, 2021 11:04 am

I disagree with that AOE spec, Lengthening Shadows is also a worthless tactic for aoe bombing since you'll be in range always anyhow.
I personally use - Sorcerer
And either go for Infernal gift to buy my party dps or go piercing shadows to buff my own dps and use ID just to fill up on dark magic after using surging pain.

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Re: [Sorc] How to play the class properly? And maybe directions guide for newbie

Post#7 » Tue Apr 06, 2021 12:05 pm

TreefAM wrote: Tue Apr 06, 2021 11:04 am I disagree with that AOE spec, Lengthening Shadows is also a worthless tactic for aoe bombing since you'll be in range always anyhow.
I personally use - Sorcerer
And either go for Infernal gift to buy my party dps or go piercing shadows to buff my own dps and use ID just to fill up on dark magic after using surging pain.
Lengthening Shadows just enhances the range, more targets u hit, more proc u get, more absorbs are getting removed, less challenge stacks on you etc. Total mistake is taking Infernal Gift to a WB comp. DMG bonus on tanks and healers is minimal - they usually snb chosen and BO, buffing other dps slot in party isnt worth a tactic.
Moreover, Impending Doom wastes on build up dark magic, better use it in assist on called target with Gloomburst + Swell of Gloom tactic and use Infernal Wave instead to buildup dark magic- more aoe presure, 5s cd, 80ft range.
Basically you start combat with Impending Doom, few stacks of Ice Spikes, get general idea where your main melee bomb going and get CC immunities on you so when u ready with M2 (Shatter) and immunities unload everything in same spot as melee bomb. There is no time for Shadow Knives, it hits oddly, low dmg and force u to standstill - which you really dont want to.
Example of Sorc WB gameplay:

Click here to watch on YouTube

Of course almost every AoE spec will work to some degree, good for testing etc. But its important to know standard spec which concentrates around balancing on mid range and melee range, procs from own dots or other group procs, and stacking AoE from most group in same area.

Posts: 676

Re: [Sorc] How to play the class properly? And maybe directions guide for newbie

Post#8 » Wed Apr 07, 2021 1:20 am

That's a strange old video though.
I doubt Auran uses (can even remember through different discord convos that he's not using) GoN anymore, and if I'm correct the tactics used are Neverending Agony, Lengthening Shadows, Endless Knowledge and Close Quarters?
Also in that video Shadow Knives is used (like they should for 1-2ticks before you continue moving with the bomb and just a nice filler till you get cascades off cd again.

Posts: 425

Re: [Sorc] How to play the class properly? And maybe directions guide for newbie

Post#9 » Fri Jan 13, 2023 4:12 am

I havent leveled my sorc here since 2016 hes still 35 , however on live I had a 90 sorc, and a 96 BW, and here my bw has been 82 since 2018, Sorc is a fun class, BW just has a few goodies that I like more , like self Cleanse, Crown of Fire, Armor buff, insta cast, snare, ranged knockdown, a m3 cleanse and heal, to name a few.

For sorc Echo of power on live was great as it had no CD, but they nerfed that, to WH, and priest, were whining, so after nerf not many took it, still if you have extra points, and have nothing to get, can pick it up as a extra nuke on a proc. can always drop it later on as you get higher RR for something else. Asorb Vitality on live each tick could crit so it wasn`t bad, I'm not sure here, they have changed most classes,

you want to cover word of pain, so always cast Chillwind, then vison of torment, then word of pain, then you can follow up with either doombolt, or gloombust, and a impending doom, with hand of ruin , ideally you want to have word of pain, vision , gloom/impending doom, and ruin all go off within 1 or 2 sec of each other for high burst. you can also pop Obsessive focus as well before it all lands to increase burst.

extra points are good for Asorb vit, swelling gloom is good , f you have heals, glorious carnage, frozen fury, and infernal gift are good choices as well.

Do not waste points on Shades of Death, it sounds good, but unless they changed it here, it`s not, and it can not crit.

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