Named Map Locations

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Named Map Locations

Post#1 » Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:14 am

Have you ever visited a city where streets don't have names? The streets of Praag don't have names for some reason. Why not add names, on the map, to common locations in the RvR lakes?

It's tedious to have to describe a specific location when relaying information on the enemy or to let allies know where you are. Having to type out "Order WB on the road between MS and KA, north of the road between MS and WC" is a hassle versus if the road had a name such as Sigmar's Strasse. "Order WB, mid SS" gives the same information much more concisely.

Praag isn't the only offender, but it is definitely the worst.

If one were so inclined the locations could even be named after or by players and guilds.

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Re: Named Map Locations

Post#2 » Thu Jan 26, 2023 2:27 pm

Every section of the map has a name, at one point in time someone had maps color coded on live with every section and its name. I have looked for that thread or pictures from time to time for a long time. Look at the death spam and it will give you a name of the section.

I understand what you are looking for, however the death spam will always tell you an approximate location if you just know where that place actually is.
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Re: Named Map Locations

Post#3 » Fri Jan 27, 2023 6:58 pm

What's the name of the road that runs from MS to the south keep, on the east side of the lake?

I'm not looking for a solution that requires players to die. I just want a name to roads like in every city ever.

"Hi. This is On-Star. Could you please die so I can get your approximate location?"

Posts: 139

Re: Named Map Locations

Post#4 » Wed Feb 01, 2023 9:47 am


We are used to find/give locations using map coordinates, which are available when you move the mouse over the map, like GPS spots.

Hope this helps,


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