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[Chosen] Full Warlord set that bad? (and combinations of sets)

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[Chosen] Full Warlord set that bad? (and combinations of sets)

Post#1 » Wed Mar 08, 2023 2:57 pm

Hi everyone!

I have a few questions about the Warlord set for Chosen. And combinations between the warlord set, off-sov set and victorious set.

(I am a RR 75 Chosen but i dont have that many crests since i bought 4 pieces of the victorious armor set (gloves, belt, cloak, boots) one saturday night quite long ago when i was a bit drunk :lol: )

I like to play both 2H and SnB.

Sometimes i switch between them 2 times a day and sometimes i play 2 handed for a few weeks and then SnB for a few weeks.

When playing 2 handed i currently use the full Bloodlord set and the Fortress axe. That works really well.

And when im playing SnB i'm either using the Bloodlord set (for the +5% parry, +68 wounds and the "Reactionary" proc that gives 25% chance to increase parry, evade and disrupt by 10% for 10 seconds). And the Fortress shield and Breat of Bubebulos 1h axe. Im survive quite well but im a bit too offensive since i have all the +str and + crit etc.

Or when playing SnB i use 4 pieces of Warlord (Chest, Boots, Cloak and Shoulders, all slotted with toughness talis, and for the health regen, the +% parry, disrupt and more armor than the Bloodlord set etc.). And since i dont have the full warlord set i use the Bloodlord gloves and helmet for the + 66 wounds (and +75 strength).

When playing SnB i with 4 warlord and 2 bloodlord i have higher armor but quite low parry.

And when i play SnB with the full bloodlord i get more parry but less armor etc.

I still havent figured out if full Bloodlord or 4 Warlord+ 2 Bloodlord is the least bad or whoch one is best (with the gear i have) for tanking.

But now to my main question. When i look at this page ( ... arlord_Set) the difference in stats (str, wounds, resists etc) between the Warlord se att the off-sov set doesn't seem that big.

My main goal for 2h CHosen is 3 piece warlord and 5 piece off-sov.

But i wonder if the full Warlord set is that bad?

Maybe i can use it for 2H somewhat well and for SnB somewhat well?

Or perhaps i can combine the Warlord set with the Victorious set (if i maybe buy the Victorious helmet so i get +5% crit) and the rest of the pieces from warlord? That would be like 5 piece Victorious and like 3-4 pieces warlord). Or maybe buy the full warlord instead?

I would off course like to have the full defensive sov set and the full offensive sov set. But right now i could use some opinions on what do do with the things i have.

I regret not buying the Invader set for tanking and i regret buying the 4 pieces of Victorious.

But does anyone have any thoughts about what i should buy and do if i wish to continue playing both 2h and SnB?

(Sorry for all the text and the english, swedish is my main language).

Im thankful for any thoughts or answers about what do do and buy next.

Best regards, // Slarvsylta

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Re: [Chosen] Full Warlord set that bad? (and combinations of sets)

Post#2 » Wed Mar 08, 2023 3:46 pm

Ah thats why my squig dies so fast :) (greenlion here),
But seriously play what you got right now, but if you want to be decent geared for warband snb + invader is very optimal and worth every crests and cost only 4500 crests. Then you can start gathering crests for 2h build. Unlike Ktbs extra skill points from full SOV make better spec, its not needed for chosen and stat difference is minimal.
I highly recomend ClosetGoblin addon for swaping sets.

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Re: [Chosen] Full Warlord set that bad? (and combinations of sets)

Post#3 » Wed Mar 08, 2023 4:04 pm

A couple general things about the endgame tank gear that might help you decide on a setup:

- Warlord auto-detaunt is a good passive to have, but only if your main damage income is from direct damage towards you. It doesn't reduce guard damage, which is where you take much more damage in most content / situations

- You probably know this, but to reduce guard damage you need parry (2h + SnB) and block (only SnB). These two stats are worth a lot, except when your group or warband fights a Slayer stack (Rampage), where toughness and wounds are more important to take less damage from a synchronized channeldrop.

- to survive oil damage, the general consensus is 10k wounds, so it takes 4 hits of 3k to kill you, and healers should be able to keep you up. More than 10k is not really needed in any content, but it doesn't hurt to have more.

- unpopular opinion, but imho there is a limit to the usefulness of a tank's tankiness. Even if you are in godmode, your teammates can still be killed, and when it takes forever for you to die after them, it can actually be a disadvantage in certain content (scenarios/city). For my own reference on my tanks, I try to be tanky enough that I am not an easy kill-target by first taking guard damage and then the enemies switching to me.

- Because of the limited tankiness, imo there is nothing better than full def sov if you play SnB because the speed boost skill can be used in many ways that shift the tide of a fight. Because the setup itself should be tanky enough and you don't necessarily need a lot of toughness, you can have variations in your talisman setup. Strength can be useful to slightly reduce the parry of targets. On SM, I went full initiative stack just to troll Witch Elves and spot almost all of them, that's pretty fun.

- for 2h you usually want to get a lot of raw stats unless you need +2 skillpoints for something specific (or you want the detaunt), so you want a lot of +strength and +wounds set bonus, and mixing sets is much more common than on SnB. Since Chosen is not pure physical damage, Warlord is a little less worth than for other tanks with the Weapon Skill stacking not adding anything to non-physical attacks, but it's still a lot better than for a Swordmaster which is pretty much 100% non-physical except for auto attacks.

IMO, a tank is usually fine if the gear is suboptimal, so you can just buy the pieces you want for your end-gear and wear something that makes just some sense but doesn't need to be the best choice until you are BiS.

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